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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, May 22, 2012. Secretary Anthony D’Angelo called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present:  Anthony D’Angelo, Joseph Borst, Rick Matschke, Roger Letso. Absent: Robert Mitchell, James Juliano, Thomas Catalina, Robert Edwards, Peter Samoskevich.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Public Works Director Fred Hurley, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Board of Ed Supervisor of Grounds and Maintenance Gino Faiella, Kaestle Boos principal Chuck Boos, and  Brian Wetzel, P.E.  of CES.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Borst, the minutes of the special meeting of May 1, 2012  were unanimously accepted as presented.

Town of Newtown Projects. Mr. Hurley noted that there is a bequest for the Animal Control Facility of $2 million which will pay for the completion of the construction of the project. For the Energy Service Company (ESCO) project, Honeywell and Ameresco have submitted RFQ’s and there will be a meeting of the selection committee on June 1 to make a recommendation as to which company should be selected to go forward.  This recommendation will then go to the Boards of Selectmen and Finance and Legislative Council for their approvals. Solar project for the Middle School – we are still waiting for a proposal from CL&P. We are pushing for a direct savings for the Town on the energy costs. Bids are due June 12. CL&P and UI have provided a fund to be turned over to the vendors over a fifteen year period to pay for the project. Virtual net metering has a cap of a maximum dollar amount of exposure to CL&P and UI which limits the number of projects that can go forward in the State. As the subcommittee representing Public Building and Site Commission on this project, Mr. Letso and Mr. Matschke agree that these two companies are qualified to do the project.

High School Expansion Project. Mr. Schweitzer noted that there are three open items (Attachment A to original minutes). The plaque never received the final sign off from the Town. Mr. D’Angelo said that Mr. Mitchell requested that Morganti should ensure that the spelling has been finalized. Mr. Knight will check on the status. RTU – 3 – ductwork –  Greenwood is scheduled to begin on May 30 and should take three days. RTU report – on May 11  the Kohler Ronan report was reviewed by all concerned; there is a minor leak in the chiller. On RTU 2 the access door is broken and replacement was ordered and should be completed on Friday. Concerning the area of refuge fire alarm – Mr. Costa said that the Deputy Fire Marshal (Mr. Frampton) has not responded to a letter to him dated Mary 16 from Fletcher-Thompson stating that we are in compliance of code. Mr. Costa said that the system is in code compliance to the best of Fletcher-Thompson’s knowledge. Mr. Knight said that this should be resolved at the job meeting this Thursday. Mr. Costa said that the documents for reimbursement were submitted to the State in March.  

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Mastri Builders Invoice  #5512 in the amount of $4,700.00 for two trellises next to the greenhouse.  Mr. Borst  moved to recommend payment. ~Mr. Matschke seconded motion. Mr. Borst questioned who approved this expenditure. Mr. Costa said that this was part of the original design. Mr. Schweitzer said that this was an alternate that was not originally accepted by Morganti. Mr. Costa said that the package was broken up into smaller pieces and this was not included in the bid award. Mr. Knight authorized this purchase noting that the footings were already in place. Mr. Costa said that the greenhouse including the trellises were approved by the Board of Ed and by State School Facilities Unit. All were in favor of the motion.   
Hawley School HVAC Project. Mr. Wetzel distributed “Hawley Elementary School HVAC Options Draft May 22, 2012” (Attachment B to original minutes). CES recommends that the two boiler plants be consolidated into one boiler plant in the 1948 boiler room, with two hot water boilers; also that the entire building be heated with hot water rather than combination of steam and hot water as at present. CES also recommends that the new HVAC systems servicing the 1921, 1948 and 1997 areas be packaged gas fired, electric cooling rooftop units. High efficiency condensing boilers are recommended by CES with an estimated payback to be over ten years. A diesel or natural gas fired generator is recommended as a base bid or alternate for emergency power.  Mr. Faiella noted that this system is similar to the system in the High School. Carbon dioxide sensors in each room will help monitor energy needs.

CES reviewed VRV systems as a potential option to packaged rooftop units for the 1921 and 1948 areas but does not recommend this system because the payback will be diminished.  

Mr. Boos noted that new electrical service needs to be brought in and could be installed in the 1921 section at the coal bin and back feed the existing panels from there. He said that in Phase 0 potential rebates will be looked at. He said that the 1921 area has serious code issues, mostly accessibility which the costs can be reimbursed. A HAZMAT proposal of $8,500.00 has been received from TRC entitled “TRC Inspection Costs Associated with the Renovation of the Hawley Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut Proposal Number 192011.9990” dated May 8, 2012 (Attachment C to original minutes). This will be reviewed at the next PB&S meeting. Mr. Boos said that sprinklers may be required if we go for State money.  Mr. Boos said that we are looking to wrap up Phase 0.  

Mr. D’Angelo noted that Kaestle Boos proposal of $8,100.00 to test and repair brick in the 1948 section has been sent to Finance Director Bob Tait with the recommendation of Public Building and Site Commission that this be approved.

Mr. Boos said that he will compile a review from a design construction point of view for completing this project in one phase which he will present to the Commission when his review is  completed. Mr. Faiella asked if there is still a plan in place for the project to work around the students’ schedule; Mr. Boos and Mr. Wetzel confirmed this.

Review of Applications for Payment.

Kaestle Boos Application #1 in the amount of $1,850.00 and #3 in the amount of $63,525.91.  Mr. Borst  moved to recommend payment. ~Mr. Matschke  seconded motion. All were in favor.

Unfinished Business. Meeting with the Legislative Council will occur after the budget process is finalized. Mr. Borst will coordinate.

New Business. None noted.

The next meeting will be on June 26, 2012.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:29 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk