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Minutes of the workshop and the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, April 26, 2011. Chairman Robert Mitchell opened the workshop at 6:30 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Joseph Girgasky, James Juliano, Roger Letso, Peter Samoskevich, Robert Edwards. Absent: Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Joseph Whelan. Also present: Clerk of the Works William Knight.

6:30 p.m.
Workshop to discuss the general review of Charter requirements for the Public Building & Site Commission.  Mr. Mitchell asked the Commission to review and comment on his draft “Public Building and Site Commission Recommendations for Procedures” dated August 23, 2010.

7:00 p.m. (regular meeting).

Also Present: Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, Kaestle Boos principal Chuck Boos and representative Richard Kirby.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Samoskevich, the minutes of the regular meeting of   March 22, 2011 were unanimously accepted as presented.

High School Expansion Project. Mr. Mitchell noted that the O&G trailer will be shut down. The Commission was not notified that the trailer for Mr. Knight will also have the electricity and data shut down at the same time.  Mr. Knight will see if there is space available for a temporary office at the high school until the completion of construction.

Mr. Schweitzer noted that the film studio case work is installed, the room will be painted. Mr. Knight noted that the studio needs a minimal amount of work. Music equipment will be delivered Thursday or Friday. Fire alarm testing is completed. Mr. Mitchell asked why the bill from Precision Alarm is part of this project. Mr. Knight explained that though this is part of the existing building, the existing horn strobes must be upgraded in order to be in sync with the new addition as a requirement of the Fire Marshal. Signage is installed. New nurse’s area should be completed next week.

Greenhouse. Mr. Knight noted that the calculations of the greenhouse sprinkler heads and whether a sprinkler main must be run, or if the service can come off the domestic system, will need to be reviewed by the Fire Marshal. Mr. Mitchell asked Mr. Costa to provide a final number for the irrigation system.

Curb and sidewalk repair from snow damage. Mr. Knight noted that the Town’s insurance deductible is $25,000 per incident so that it will not be likely that an insurance claim is feasible. It is not yet known who will do the repairs. Mr. Knight will obtain the total numbers for the repairs for review as a change order.

Mr. Knight noted that the exterior punch list has not yet been done.

Mrs. Benedetto on Oakview Road had her driveway and some of her lawn washed out during the recent very heavy rain storm and she is looking for this to be repaired. Mr. Knight reported that the Town Engineer recommends that the two catch basins from the parking lot be replaced with ones having a larger capacity and prices will be obtained from Earthmovers. Mr. Schweitzer said that a third catch basin will be added.  This will help with run off from the school parking lot.  The Town will need to address the catch basins which are on the road and their outflow locations independently.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Morganti Application #22 in the amount of $374,549.85.  Mr. Edwards moved to recommend payment. ~Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #17361 in the amount of $10,250.00 and invoice #17459 in the amount of $10,250.00 for contract administration – extension of services.  Mr. Edwards moved to recommend payment of the above invoice. ~Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.

Morganti Change Orders:

#83 in the amount of $9,062.08 for heat tracer and ice machine; #84 in the mount of $22,605.83 for signs, data drops for cash registers, autodialer; #85 in the amount of $9,439.83 for doors and door alarms; #86 in the amount of $1,798.38 for side basketball hoops and pad masonry columns. Also Alarms by Precision estimate #611 not to exceed $49,800.00.

Mr. Knight had reviewed all of the above change orders and recommends approval. Mr. Samoskevich moved to recommend payment of the above change orders. Mr. Letso seconded. All were in favor.

Mr. Costa is waiting for the final sign off on the plaque from the various commissions so that it can be manufactured.  He will forward the latest design for approval by the commissions.
Middle School Roof. Mr. Edwards reported that the project is on schedule. Mr. Boos reported that the documents are being reviewed by the State Bureau of School Facilities (BSF). The cost estimate and list of ineligibles had to be revised at the request of BSF. The project is still under budget and within the bonding limits. Bids will go out when BSF approves the documents. This is anticipated within a week.  A pre-construction walk through will be scheduled for a Friday so that Mr. Edwards can attend. Handicapped parking spaces are being replaced as part of the canopy construction and will be noted on the drawings. The surveyor under contract with the Town will provide spot elevations for code compliance.

Mr. Boos listed the nine alternates that were previously discussed with the Commission.

The Fire Marshal wants all of the emergency lights within the building to be working correctly, whether or not they are within the area of work. Mr. Boos said that all of  the emergency lights within the scope of the contract will be working correctly. Areas that are not part of the project will be an increased scope of work if the Fire Marshal requests these areas be upgraded. It was recommended that the Town provide a separate project to review all Life Safety items in the school and determine if a separate contract should be awarded for any required upgrades.

Application for payment.

Kaestle Boos invoice #2 in the amount of $1,875.00 and invoice #3 in the amount of $152,400.00.  Mr. Edwards moved to recommend payment of the above invoices.  Second by Mr. Samoskevich and unanimously carried.  Mr. Boos will have the second sheet of invoice #3 corrected for the record.  It currently notes Invoice #4.
Animal Control Facility. Mr. Edwards moved that Mr. Mitchell  meet with First Selectman Llodra to discuss the project and that the contract and invoices not be approved by Public Building and Site Commission until after this meeting. Second by Mr. Girgasky and unanimously carried.

Unfinished Business.  None noted.

New Business None noted.

The next meeting will be on May 24, 2011.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk