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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, March 22, 2011. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Edwards, Joseph Girgasky,  Roger Letso, Joseph Whelan. Absent: Peter Samoskevich, James Juliano.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, Kaestle Boos principal Chuck Boos and representatives Richard Kirby and John Chipko, Ron Bathrick, mechanical engineer from CES (Consulting Engineering Services), Superintendent of Schools Janet Robinson, Board of Ed member David Nanavaty, one member of the press.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Edwards, the minutes of the regular meeting of  February 22,2011 were unanimously accepted as amended.

High School Expansion Project.

Construction Schedule and Status. Mr. Schweitzer reported on the three areas that are not yet complete. Film studio is basically complete. The new art music and ensemble area paint is complete above ceiling light fixtures and trim on the TCO.  The new nurses suite is a week behind.

Punch list corrective action time frame. The clamps will be installed during spring break. The contractor said this is a change order; Mr. Costa questioned this and said that the mock up was never given acceptance. Mr. Schweitzer said that basically the punch list is complete. Mr. Knight said that the ice dam restraints need to be taken care of and may take 3-4 weeks. He said that ongoing leaks are being repaired as we go along. There is a leak above the cafeteria with damage to the soffit. He said that the punch list is getting smaller. Mr. Schweitzer said that we are waiting on the description for the plaque. Mr. Costa said that the Board of Ed has not yet approved the plaque.

Mr. Costa has no outstanding items but the CA extension for Morganti ends this month. Mr. Mitchell is meeting with Mrs. Llodra and Mr. Tait on this. Note: Following the meeting this extension was signed by Ms. Llodra.

Mr. Mitchell said that there is considerable damage from the snow plowing. It must be determined whether this will come from contingency or else who will pay. Mr. Knight has been trying to get an order of magnitude from Earthmovers. Mr. Knight estimates that the damage is $50,000 to $75,000. Is this an insurance claim, should it come out of Public Works budget or Contingency? Mr. Schweitzer said that the level of restoration will determine the cost; the Commission feels that it should be repaired to new if the damage was to a new area. Mr. Costa said that Mr. Blades and Mr. Faiella will visit the site and look at the damage.  Mr. Mitchell asked Mr. Schweitzer for the cost estimate and a timeline for the repairs.

Greenhouse status and recommendations.  Mr. Mitchell reported that there is a net difference of $188,000. Mr. Costa said that the irrigation system was not included and can be installed at a later date if authorized.  
Corrective actions on football field. Mr. Costa said that the corrections will be completed and will be acceptable. Mr. Blades wrote a letter “Turf Correction Procedures” and  he will be asked to make sure that the final product is acceptable. The field is already being used constantly by the school. Mr. Schweitzer said this is probably a two week process. Dr. Robinson said that the last week of June would be the best time to begin.  Mr. Mitchell requested that a representative of the manufacturer review the corrective action plan and be present during the repairs.

The MMBI expenditure of $62,000 can be covered by the town; contingency funds will be moved over to cover the added FFE costs.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Mr. Mitchell presented the following Applications for Payment, invoices and Change Orders;

Morganti Application #21 in the amount of $247,172.67.  Mr. Catalina moved to recommend payment. ~Mr. Edwards seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Morganti Change Orders:
#78 - $124,184.23 for the balance of the greenhouse structure. Mr. Catalina moved to recommend payment. Second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

#79 - $10,859.47 to modify the realigned exit drive; #80 - $12,594.18 for emergency lighting in Lobby B003, soffit lighting and to swap display case fixtures; #81- $10,746.75 for culinary kitchen HVAC, entry mat C115 and beam plate lintel 2/A326; #82 - $32,601.05 for snow removal from roof. Mr. Edwards moved to recommend payment of CO’s 79,80, 81 and 82.  Second by Mr. Letso and unanimously carried.
Middle School Roof. Mr. Boos suggested that the Board of Ed and Public Building and Site Commission have a joint meeting at which Kaestle Boos will plan to present the updated schedule and also the State Board of Ed paper work will be completed at that time. The Fire Marshal will be contacted to determine his requirements and any outstanding items that need to be included as part of the project scope.  

Photovoltaic (PV) grant investigation and pursuit. Mr. Boos distributed the Kaestle Boos report. $900,000 is the projected cost with state reimbursement of $283,000. Mr. Boos reported that the PV project will have to be approved as a separate project and separate funding would have to be approved before the project is begun. The application for funding must be received by the State prior to June 30, 2011 in order to receive funding in the summer of 2012. Mr. Boos reported that putting the PV panels on the new roof would not damage the roof if it is done by a certified rep of the manufacturer of the membrane. Mr. Boos reported that the project costs would have to be added to the $900,000 to complete the application.

The concept of a private vendor providing the units at no cost to the town in exchange for energy credits to the vendor is not recommended by Kaestle Boos.  

Air conditioning. Kaestle Boos recommends that the existing units should be replaced with gas fire heating systems with electric for cooling. The existing units can be kept and put on another building without removing the Freon. The media center has a heating/cooling system from 1992 which is rusted out. Mr. Boos said that it must be determined whether to replace the one large unit serving the three computer labs unit with three individual smaller units. Mr. Edwards moved to replace the one existing unit with three Mitsubishi units for the computer labs. Second by Mr. Mitchell. Motion unanimously carried.

The gas line can be run within the building instead of on the roof as it is now; this can be part of the base bid. This would remove the gas main that is being climbed by students to gain access to the roof.

The budget estimate has increased because of an increase in the cost of the PVC membrane, additional roof drains, the skylights additional reinforcing, ceiling replacements,  demo, new canopy. The new estimate is $2,103,270.00, up from $1.7 million.

Alternates. Synthetic slate $29,000.00, cafeteria $37,000.00, auditorium, principal/guidance $74,000.00, nurse $98,900, Library $40,000, computer lab figure needs to be readjusted at + $18,000.00.   

Mr. Mitchell noted that this re-roofing project is becoming a project with an air handler replacement component.  The replacements are being considered due to the limited life span of the existing units and the need to probably replace them in the next 3 to 5 years.  This would require additional work on the roof which could be potentially significant.

Canopy. The Fire Marshal put the school on notice that it cannot use one of the current entrances if they are closed due to snow and ice build up on the roof, so that a canopy will wrap around two sets of doors at a cost of $38,000.00. Mr. Whelan asked if a snow guard could be put on the roof instead of a canopy. Mr. Mitchell said that the problem was icicles that may have dropped on the doorway. Mr. Catalina asked if leaders can be tied into the gutters instead of a canopy. These will be examined by KB.

Kaestle Boos will present Mr. Edwards with figures for the above items.

Mr. Boos presented Mr. Mitchell with Contract Amendment #2 which Mr. Mitchell will discuss tomorrow with the First Selectman and Finance Director along with Contract Amendment #1.  Note: This was presented to Ms. Llodra and signed.  Mr. Edwards will deliver it to KB.

Mr. Bathrick said that the roof exhaust fans are less than ten feet from the edge of the roof which would require an OSHA guard rail at the roof edge. He said that about 25% of the fans are not running and someone needs to determine which ones no longer have any value. Mr. Catalina and Mr. Edwards will contact Mr. Faiella, the supervisor of grounds and maintenance to determine the extent of the fans that can be removed to minimize any roof penetrations.

Mr. Edwards said that the custodians want to store computers, etc., in a safe place during the re-roofing. He advised Mr. Hart, Chairman of the Board of Ed, that the Board of Ed is responsible for this. Mr. Hart agreed to look into this.  

Applications for payment.

Kaestle Boos invoice #1 in the amount of $4,125.00 and invoice #2 in the amount of $36,000.00. Mr. Edwards moved to recommend payment of the above invoices.  Second by Mr. Girgasky and unanimously carried.
Animal Control Facility. There is a meeting tomorrow night with the First Selectman and the Public Works Director to review the contract and scope of work.

Application for payment. Baybutt Construction Managers invoice #2 in the amount of $4,702.50. Tabled.

Unfinished Business

General review of Charter requirements for the Public Building & Site Commission – this item is tabled and will be addressed at a special meeting.

New Business

Election of officers for 2011.

Mr. Mitchell was elected Chairman.
Mr. Edwards was elected Vice-Chairman.
Mr. D’Angelo was elected Secretary.

The next meeting will be on April 26, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting will begin at this time in order for the Commission to hold a workshop to discuss the general review of Charter requirements for the Public Building & Site Commission.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk