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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday,  January 25, 2011. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Edwards, Joseph Girgasky, James Juliano. Absent: Peter Samoskevich, Roger Letso, Joseph Whelan.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representatives Mark Schweitzer and Jeff Niland, Kaestle Boos representatives Chuck Boos, Richard Kirby and John Chipko, two members of the press.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Juliano, the minutes of the regular meeting of   December 14, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

High School Expansion Project.

Mr. Schweitzer noted that the school moved into the addition on January 8 and 9, 2011. The punch list is being worked through with sixteen items of which eight or nine are completed. The culinary kitchen smoke test will be reviewed by the Fire Marshal tomorrow. Mr. Costa said that steady progress is being made on the punch list. Mr. Knight noted that there is damage from the snow plows. Mr. Mitchell asked for a report on the status of the culinary area after tomorrow’s review by the Fire Marshal. Mr. Costa noted that this hood arrangement is unique for a high school setting. Mr. Mitchell noted that this is not a life safety matter. Mr. Catalina said that from his past experience with hood installations that 100% of the smoke cannot be eliminated. Mr. Schweitzer noted that the science lab corrective actions are being worked out with the Fire Marshal. Mr. Mitchell would like a list supplied by Earthmovers to Fletcher-Thompson of how the corrective action will be made to the football field. Mr. Niland said that pricing should be obtained by the end of the week for the greenhouse kneewall and a pressure treated aluminum cap on top instead of stone.

There will be a Change Order for snowguards for about $64,000. Fletcher-Thompson recommends snow guards (bars) on the corridor part of roof to prevent the snow from slipping. Mr. Mitchell said that this should be a contingency item. Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve the Change Order for the snow guards, second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

The remaining areas to be completed will be ready for move in on March 3, May 2, and  April 19. Mr. Mitchell asked for ongoing status reports during this work, including a rolling punch list.

Some of the subs are asking for retainage release. Mr. Knight will review with Mr. Mitchell and determine what can be released.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Mr. Mitchell presented the following Applications for Payment:

Morganti Applications #19 in the amount of $1,252,784.82 and #18 in the amount of $546,694.35.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment. ~Mr. Catalina seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson invoices #12099 in the amount of $10,250.00, invoice #12100 in the amount of $2,633.20 and #12101 in the amount of $6,718.25. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment. Mr. Edwards seconded the motion. All were in favor. Mr. Edwards noted that students reported to him that they have difficulty navigating around the tables; Mr. Costa said that the tables are standard. Mr. Edwards will look into this if the students note this again.
Middle School Roof.  Mr. Edwards noted that the Board of Education will purchase the air conditioning units out of their operating budget since this is not part of the roofing project. Government funding will be sought for photovoltaic panels if they are to be used.

Mr. Boos presented and discussed “Cost Estimate – Newtown Middle School Roof”: “1/2 “ Pitch for Reimbursement (Base Bid)”, “1/4  Pitch for No Reimbursement (Base Bid)” and “Alternate Roof Types.” (Attachment A to original minutes). The roof will have to be tested for asbestos. If asbestos is discovered, its removal will be part of the bid package. Mr. Boos would like the Town  to pay for the asbestos testing, which Kaestle Boos will coordinate. The Town would be reimbursed about $500,000 from the State for the ½ inch pitch for an estimated cost of $1,086,858, but the Town would not be reimbursed for the ¼ inch pitch which would cost $1,422,900. Mr. Boos and Mr. Mitchell recommend skylights with appropriately sized air conditioning for the roof over the cafeteria. Skylights will be high energy efficient units.

Kaestle Boos will provide a study on the feasibility of the air conditioning package.  An imitation slate roof would cost about $30,000 rather than $78,000 for the 50 year shingles.  They will bring samples for review by the Commission to the next meeting.

Mr. Edwards advised Town  officials, including Parks and Recreation, that the Middle School will not be available to them during the summer.
Of the alternates, the rubber roof and multi-layer built-up would not be compatible with photovoltaic panels. Only the metal roof alternate would qualify for state reimbursement. Mr. Boos said that a PVC membrane roof would be very slippery for workers. This is for the sloped sections of the original building.

Mr. Kirby said that Area C and the wing alongside the gym and part of the cafeteria were leaking at some time resulting in rust. He said that these areas have 7 ½ inch roof decks and thus would not support solar panels. Mr. Mitchell noted that there has been mold in those areas. Mr. Boos said that these areas need to be tested for asbestos. Mr. Kirby said that the areas that could support solar panels would have to be reviewed to see if they are in the shade and if they produce enough light for the solar panels. Area C has no spare capacity to carry the panels or AC systems without structural reinforcement.

Mr. Boos plans to present the results of their findings at the next meeting on February 22. He noted that waiting until that time will not impact the schedule.

Mr. Mitchell asked for invoices two weeks prior to the Commission’s monthly meetings which are on each fourth Tuesday.

Kaestle Boos recommends the ½ pitch roof. The Public Building and Site Commission concurs.  

Animal Control Facility. Mr. Girgasky said that Herb Rosenthal will coordinate the volunteers and will let him know about a meeting with the architects on Thursday. Mr. Edwards suggested looking at whether photovoltaic would be appropriate for the building.   
Unfinished Business

General review of Charter requirements for the Public Building & Site Commission. A special meeting will be planned for this  discussion. Mr. Mitchell would like to have the meeting two weeks from today, Tuesday, February 8 and asked the Commissioners to advise him of their availability.

Election of Officers. Mr. Mitchell asked that Commissioners send to the clerk nominations for Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Secretary to be voted on at the next regular meeting.

New Business None noted.

The next meeting will be on  February 22, 2011.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:50  p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk