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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, December 21, 2010. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Edwards, Joseph Girgasky, Roger Letso, Joseph Whelan. Absent: Peter Samoskevich, James Juliano.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative Matt Holst, Morganti representative Jeff Niland, Board of Ed member David Nanavaty,  Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Commission Dan Holmes (7:30), three members of the press.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Edwards, the minutes of the regular meeting of  November  23, 2010  and the special meeting of December 14, 2010 were unanimously accepted as amended. Page 5 in the November 23 minutes will note under the O&G contract, Mr. Letso noted that he felt that we were within our rights to terminate the contract but that the Town Attorney should review this. Mr. Mitchell said that this has been referred to the Town Attorney.

High School Expansion Project. Mr. Niland noted that last week Morganti did a walk through of the building with others including Fletcher Thompson. Sixteen items were identified that were key to the school taking possession (Attachment A to original minutes).  Mr. Niland discussed each item. Mr. Nanavaty noted that there will be a walk through tomorrow and that it is desired that the students move in by January 10. A date has not yet been determined for the Fire Marshal and Building Official to again review the site for the Certificate of Occupancy.

Mr. Mitchell noted that the punch list must be completed by January 8 and must be certified by Mr. Knight. Mr. Knight noted that there is tile work that still needs to be fixed. Mr. Mitchell noted that Morganti has not submitted an invoice for this meeting but it is expected that Morganti will continue working on the project. Mr. Mitchell said that he noted tile work that had to be corrected two months ago. Mr. Niland said that the plan was to complete the tile work over the Christmas break.

Mr. Knight does not feel that the punch list will be completed by January 8. Mr. Mitchell asked Mr. Niland to ask Mr. Gunn to call him tomorrow.

Greenhouse. Mr. Holst noted that a continuous foundation is planned. Mr. Costa sent comments to Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell asked that Mr. Costa get back to the Commission as soon as possible, including which options are critical and which can be deferred.  

Corrective actions on the football field. Mr. Knight feels that Mr. Blades of Blades & Govern should  discuss with Parks & Recreation whether the corrective action will make the swale worse than it is. Mr. Holst will report back to the Commission.

New England Yankee has filed a complaint against Oscar’s Abatement for lack of payment. Mr. Mitchell reported that all of Oscar’s invoices have been paid according to Finance Director Bob Tait. Mr. Niland said that the Connecticut Dept  of Labor is conducting an audit of whether Oscar’s Abatement properly paid prevailing wage rates (Attachment B to original minutes).

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Mr. Mitchell received the following invoices today:

Fletcher Thompson invoices: #16962 in the amount of $4,000.00, #16950 in the amount of $10,250.00, #16949 in the amount of $14,658.00, and #16961 in the amount of $6,583.00.

Mr. Mitchell will review them with Mr. Tait. Mr. Mitchell will call a special meeting for Morganti’s invoices when he receives them if necessary.

Middle School Roof.  Mr. Edwards reported that the interviewing committee interviewed the short list of five architects. Kaestle Boos was almost the unanimous decision. The Sustainable Energy Commission will interface with Kaestle Boos and provide input on how penetrations for the roof would be laid out if this course of action is pursued. Mr. Edwards noted that the project is planned to begin in June and end before school is in session. Mr. Mitchell noted that our charge is to put a water tight roof on the school. Mr. Mitchell moved that the Public Building and Site Commission recommend to the Board of Selectmen that  Kaestle Boos be hired as the architect for the Middle School Roof Project and that the Town Attorney review the three options. Second by Mr. Catalina and unanimously carried.  

Animal Control Facility. The Board of Selectmen voted last night to refer the project to the Public Building and Site Commission. Mr. Girgasky will be the point person with Mr. Whelan’s assistance. The Commission has not yet received plans for the project. Mr. Mitchell noted that a site has been selected.

Unfinished Business

General review of Charter requirements for the Public Building & Site Commission. A special work session will be planned to discuss this.

O&G Contract. Mr. Letso reviewed the contract and feels that the Town is within its rights to conclude it. Mr. Mitchell noted that the Town attorney is reviewing the matter.

New Business None noted.

The next regular meeting will be on  January 25 ,2011.
Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 8:50  p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk