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The Public Building & Site Commission held a regular meeting Tuesday March 23, 2010 in the library conference room of the Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470.  Chairman Bob Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

PRESENT:   Chairman Bob Mitchell, Jim Juliano, Tony D’Angelo, Bob Edwards, Joseph Whelan, Joseph Girgasky.

ABSENT: Roger Letso, Peter Samoskevich, Tom Catalina

ALSO PRESENT: Clerk of the works – William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative - Joseph Costa, Morganti representative - Mark Schweitzer, Ames & Whitaker representative – Steve Whitaker, Board of Education representative – David Nanavaty, Parks & Recreation Commission representative – Ed Marks and O&G representative – Larry Schilling.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES from March 2, 2010:
The minutes of March 2, 2010 were accepted with the following amendments; O&G representative Larry Schilling was added to those present, under High School Expansion Project discussion item, the stairs stated as being replaced should read as will be placed next month and under Adjournment the time adjourned should indicate 9:30p.m.
Mr. Juliano moved to accept the minutes as amended. Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Mr. Schweitzer of the Morganti Group updated the Commission on the progress with the High School project.
Mr. Schweitzer stated that work is progressing although over all the project is two weeks behind.  The interior masonry is 95% complete and fire proofing is also essentially complete. The Electrician is on schedule and the south elevation brick work is complete. The Greenhouse pricing came in at $130-$150,000 and is due for installation September/October.   Any Change Order for the added greenhouse cost must be reviewed and approved by the Commission.

The Commission questioned what corrective measures have been taken to on the defective masonry work.
Mr. Schweitzer stated that the mason has submitted the ASTM standards and the plan is to self police, Morganti will do own evaluation to be passed on for approval. The Commission requested that Mr. Knight maintain a log of the corrective actions.  A mock up of the corrective patches will be done for the review of the project team.

Mr. Schweitzer asked the Commission (on behalf of his sub-contractors) if it would be at all possible to increase the turn around of Application for Payment approvals.  After much discussion on the process of submitting payment applications, the Commission was in agreement that the sub-contractors should be pleased at a 30 day turn around to get payment from the Town of Newtown.  Mr. Schweitzer will continue to monitor the payment cycle.  The delay related to the postponed last meeting due to the snow.

Mr. Costa of Fletcher Thompson addressed the Commission regarding the High School project.
Mr. Costa stated that they have received approval from the State of Connecticut to bid out FF&E.  The advertisement of the bidding process will be in the Newtown Bee and the Danbury News Times this week sometime.
The drawings and specs will be ready for pick up by March 30th for $70.00 fee (non-refundable).
The bids will be due April 20th at 11:00a.m. at which time Fletcher Thompson will check for basic requirements.
Mr. Costa stated that he hopes to get through the bidding process by the next PBSC meeting, April 27, 2010.

Mr. Costa addressed two issues.  
The placement of the fume hoods in a few of the science rooms required different placement due to possible interference in the case of an emergency evacuation.
Morganti has moved the hoods and case work and basically placed them as far as possible from the egress.
The second issue that needed to be addressed was the side light (window next to each classroom door) must be blocked on the event of an emergency and a group must be sequestered in the room (for security and safety purposes).
Mr. Mitchell suggested that Fletcher Thompson look into 3Form as a reasonable solution (an accordion type shade that pulls down and latches by magnet).
Mr. Costa stated that Fletcher Thompson had considered frosted glass on the bottom portion but nothing has been decided yet.
Fletcher Thompson is to report back to the Commission regarding their solution.

Additionally the Voiceover IP system is a line item, it will be going out for bid.  The expected cost to integrate the system to the Town is estimated at $40-45,000.
Mr. Mitchell stated that (after discussion with Town Attorney David Grogins and Mr. Tait) the cost is not under the High School budget, it is not a legal issue and is a legitimate change.  The item should be a clear line item and not “buried” in the paperwork anywhere so that there is a clear paper trail. The portions within the scope of the original Ed Spec could be from the construction contingency.  The other sections would be assigned to the remainder of the bonding limits.

High School Applications for Payment:
The following Applications for payment and change orders were presented by Mr. Mitchell for approval by the Commission;

Application for Payment #00009 from Morganti in the amount of $1,771,566.52
(as reviewed by Bob Tait and Bill Knight).
Mr. Juliano moved to approve Application for payment #00009 in the amount of $1,771,566.52 pending the availability of funds.   Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion.  All were on favor.

Change Order #18 from Morganti in the amount of $20,386.37 for security system/Silent Knight to integrate between buildings.
Mr. Juliano moved to approve Change Order #18 in the amount of $20,386.37 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. D’Angelo seconded. All were in favor.

Change Order #19 from Morganti in the amount of $4261.93 for gas pressure regulator.
Mr. Juliano moved to approve Change Order #19 in the amount of $4261.93 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Edwards seconded. All were in favor.

Applications for payment from Fletcher Thompson;
#15886 in the amount of $15,800.00
#15887 in the amount of $285.00 for final FF&E invoices

#15889 in the amount of $24,430
#15890 in the amount of $1839.89        for construction services
Mr. Juliano moved to approve invoice # 15886, 15887, 15889 and 15890 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. D’ Angelo seconded. All were in favor.

Mr. Knight addressed the Commission regarding the Town Hall Close Out process.
The final punch list is being worked on, leaks are being fixed and window caulking is complete.
The Commission requested that O&G put into writing a statement of the final close out process and final funds can be disbursed.

(See Attachment A to the original minutes – Mr. Knight’s Progress reports on the High School Expansion progress March 1 – March 12, 2010.)

Mr. Whitaker addressed the Board regarding the Community Center with the most recent design plan.
Mr. Whitaker stated that there are two components to the Community Center as presented, a two pool facility (one being a zero grade entry pool) and the other side of the facility housing a gymnasium with storage space, a teen center, administrative offices and a kitchen area.
Mr. Whitaker stated that a geotechnical study of the site found there to be significant water on the premises, the foundation will be supported by graded rock.
There will also possibly be a geothermal heating system on the easterly side of the building lot.
This building as proposed is 44,600 sq.ft.
Parks & Recreation Commission Chairman Ed Marks added that the zero grade entry pool is an important element to offer to the Seniors for additional programming.  

Mr. Whitaker went on to state that the outer architecture of the building was to combine the look of the existing buildings on the campus with sloped roofs, cupolas and brick work with white trim.

The rooms in the building can be moved, as nothing is currently permanent.

Mr. Mitchell requested that Ames & Whitaker should remain a bit sensitive to the building not looking so much like a school.

Mr. Marks stated that most of the revenue from the Community Center is expected to be generated from the pool passes, the building will not be a self sustaining building.  It will require an operating budget.

None noted.

Per Mr. Mitchell, discussion item - Election of Officers to be removed from subsequent agendas.

Having no further business, the Public Building & Site Commission adjourned their regular meeting at 9:20p.m.

                                        Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk