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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, July 27, 2010. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Edwards, Joseph Girgasky, James Juliano, Absent: Roger Letso, Peter Samoskevich, Joseph Whelan.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, Board of Education Superintendent Janet Robinson, Board of Education member Katherine Fetchick and Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Gino Faiella.

Mr. Juliano moved to add to the agenda “Executive session to discuss the possible mediation with ECI, the electrical sub-contractor”. Second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Juliano, the minutes of the regular meeting of  June 22, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

High School Expansion Project.  Mr. Schweitzer reported that the majority of the classroom ceiling and tiles are completed. Final clean and wax are scheduled for next week. FF&E delivery will be on August 9. Science rooms are being completed. Stair 7 is nearly complete. Stair 1 will be poured tomorrow. Cafetorium is ongoing with the flooring delivery on Aug 16 including tables and chairs. Tiles for the servery were delayed in Europe and transitional tiles were ordered from an American company. Mr. Mitchell is concerned that there might be an elevated transition strip; Mr. Costa will check on this. Mr. Schweitzer reported that a PCO will be coming for additional stainless for the fire rating on the ceiling because of the hood. Mr. Mitchell said that the Fire Marshal considered that the chip board was combustible and had to be switched out to stainless. Mr. Costa said that we are not ready for a rolling punch list yet. Mr. Schweitzer said that the last truss was set in the gym today. Roofers should start on the gym next week. There has been leakage in the locker room that will be repaired. Trench drains are being installed in the field. Field install will start second week next month. Entrance and exit ramps will have to be signed off by the DOT. The project is a little more than two weeks behind schedule. Anticipated occupancy date should be by the opening of school. The Building Official will be asked to issue a temporary CO. Elevator will be completed by the end of this week. Chillers are running.

Mr. Mitchell asked Mr. Schweitzer, Mr. Costa and Mr. Knight to complete by the end of this week a list of the critical items that are required for occupancy and if they will be completed by the opening of school. Dr. Robinson said that the portables will be retained longer than was planned in case they are needed. She said that schedules have been sent out for the rooms and that there is not a break in the schedule of a few weeks if occupancy is delayed so she appreciates the fact that the PB&S is requesting the list of items needed for occupancy. Ms. Fetchick wanted to insure that the necessary inspections are scheduled so that a temporary CO can be obtained.

The Garrity memorial tree will be cleaned by an arborist. The drive will be relocated slightly to provide clearance at the tree.  The Columbine tree will be moved to a location to be determined by the High School principal.

The bid opening on the greenhouse is tomorrow.

Masonry correction work will be completed as soon as possible.

Mr. Costa distributed a letter concerning the  Fletcher-Thompson’s recommendations for bid award recommendations for FF&E items that pricing was not received for when bids went out (Attachment A to original minutes). The bid for the supplemental items is about $13,000 more than was estimated so that contingency funds are needed to be added to the FF&E budget. Mr. Mitchell said that 10 computer stations are listed in one area of the bid and 25 in another; Mr. Costa will verify the figures.

Mr. Edwards moved that Miscellaneous Items be approved for $12,222 and Ride on Burnishers be approved for $13,500. MIDI stations are approved up to the amount of the budget until the figures can be verified. Second by Mr. Juliano and unanimously carried.

The plaque will list all three First Selectmen and whoever the Board of Education wants to list. The Commission will discuss who to list from its membership.

Mr. Knight said that some areas of the parking lot are not scheduled to be paved. A price is being obtained to mill the area when the driveway is done. As long as the scope of $50,000 does not change, Mr. Knight will present the invoice to Bob Tait. Mr. Knight said that the front part of the bleachers need to be repaired also.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Mr. Mitchell presented the following Applications for Payment, invoices and Change Orders:

Brooks Laboratories invoice #4978 in the amount of $2,990.00. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Brooks Laboratories invoice #5115 in the amount of $970.00. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Morganti Application #13 in the amount of $2,094.192.94. This represents 70% completion.  Mr. Edwards moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds ~Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #16333 in the amount of $19,544.00 and invoice #16334 in the amount of $2,633.20.  These invoices represent 87% completion . Mr. Edwards moved to recommend payment of the above invoices, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.

Morganti Change Orders:

#35 in the amount of $59,852.02 for greenhouse foundation work and revisions in Area B. Mr. Costa said that the final design may be modified depending on the final greenhouse manufacturer’s requirements . Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve payment, second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.   

#36 in the amount of $13,582.40 for relocating fume hoods in science prep rooms as required by the local building official. Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve payment, second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

#37 in the amount of $10,810.33 for football field equipment and relocating the Columbine weeping cherry. Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve payment, second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

#38 in the amount of $724.63 for AVB at curtain wall. Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve payment, second by Mr. Edwards. Mr. Mitchell voted no; others approved.

#39 in the amount of $1,343.75 for lintel for door B107. Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve payment, second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

#40 in the amount of  $9,168.46 for wall types, shades and soffit work. Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve payment, second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

#41 in the amount of $18,943.21 for light switches, elevator electric, electrical demo E learning and change cafetorium speaker color. Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve payment, second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

#42 in the amount of $89,451.59 for lightning protection for the existing building. (This will probably not be reimbursed for according to Mr. Costa). Mr. Faiella said that it is recommended that the whole building be protected. Mr. Edwards said this provides a common ground for the entire building. Mr. Mitchell said that this was a bid alternate and asked why it is now a change order; Mr. Costa will check on this.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve payment with the pending verification that this was not an Alternate, Second by Mr. Edwards and unanimously carried.

Community Center. This item will be tabled until next month.

Middle School Roof.  Mr. Mitchell is meeting with First Selectman Llodra to discuss how PB&S should be involved in projects.

Mr. Edwards and Mr. Catalina are the ad hoc committee for this project. Mr. Edwards had distributed a tentative schedule for review. He recommends beginning staging in June. Three architects were chosen by the Board of Education by public bid. Mr. Edwards recommends a walk through of the building. He would like all parties involved to sit down and discuss what is wanted and what is needed. Could we get energy credits? Mr. Edwards and Mr. Catalina will set up a meeting with the architects, the Board of Ed and PB&S members.  
Animal Control Facility. Mr. Girgasky is the point person.

Hook and Ladder building. No report.

Unfinished Business

General review of Charter requirements for the Public Building & Site Commission. No report.  Tabled until the next meeting.

New Business None noted.

The next meeting will be on  August 24, 2010.
Executive Session.  Mr. Edwards moved to enter into executive session at 8:50  p.m. to discuss the possible mediation with ECI, the electrical sub-contractor and to invite Dr. Robinson and Attorney Monte Frank representing the Town attorney firm of Cohen and Wolf  to attend. Second by Mr. Juliano and unanimously carried.~~At this time the clerk left the meeting.~~~~

Executive session was exited at 9:30.

Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. with no further action taken.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk