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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, May 25, 2010. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Edwards, Joseph Girgasky,  Roger Letso, Joseph Whelan. Absent: James Juliano, Thomas Catalina, Peter Samoskevich.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, Board of Ed  Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds Gino Faiella.

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. D’Angelo, the minutes of the regular meeting of April 27, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Community Center. Ames & Whitaker asked that this item be tabled until the next meeting.

Referrals to the Public Building and Site Commission.
Mr. Mitchell said that he advised First Selectman Llodra that the Public Building & Site Commission prefers that the Board of Selectmen refer a project to the Commission before construction begins, as early in the process as possible.

High School Expansion Project.

Mr. Schweitzer said that the project is still two weeks behind. Second half of the chiller was installed with no delay. Masonry and fire glass on stair two will be completed this week and the quality of the masonry work is better than previous work. Curtain wall will be completed next month. We are two weeks out from being water tight. Gym structure demo is ongoing. Steel roof framing begins June 7. New steel June 14. Tennis courts, the top course is on. Playing surface will be installed next week; courts should be ready the end of June. Stadium fields work began this week. Some of the stockpiled topsoil will be used on the project, the rest will be used as determined by the Town. Permanent power will be set for the weekend of June 4. Entry drive will begin June 18.

Masonry corrective action. Mr. Schweitzer presented photos of the corrective action. Mr. Knight advised that we will have to wait and see how this will look when the clear coat is put on. Mr. Mitchell said that the photos indicate that there is significant improvement. Mr. Costa advised that there are no structural problems at this point and that the work is acceptable.

Greenhouse. Mr. Costa said that the State is looking to review the greenhouse change in scope from a planned renovation to a new structure. Items that the State will review include the doorways, size of the sink, and how the counter top works so that there is a paper trail if there is an audit. This will be called Phase IV of IV and the PCT date is June 8. We will use a different bid spec with the same drawings. Mr. Costa said that this will affect the time line of the project.  The date of the completion of the entire project is into January according to Mr. Schweitzer.

FF&E.  Mr. Costa distributed Fletcher-Thompson bid analysis and award recommendation dated May 17, 2010  (Attachment A to original minutes). The bids are under budget. The High School existing building portion of the voice over system is not eligible for reimbursement and this item must be kept separate as an additional cost to the Town. Mr. Edwards moved to authorize awarding the FF&E bids $1,139,589.16 as noted in Fletcher-Thompson recommendation of May 17, 2010. Second by Mr. D’Angelo and unanimously carried. Mr. Edwards moved to authorize expenditure of $95,926.00 from the bond issue for the new phone system for the existing High School as noted in the May 5, 2010 letter from Axiom Group (Attachment A to original minutes). Second by Mr. Letso and unanimously carried.  There is a total of $73,130 in FF&E items that have not been bid yet. The voice over IP for the High School can range from $20,000 to $50,000.

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project

Mr. Mitchell presented the following Applications for Payment, Invoices and Change Orders;

Oscar’s Abatement invoice #3 in the amount of $74,812.50.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve the payment pending availability of funds. ~Mr. Letso seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Brooks Environmental Invoice #4765 in the amount of $4,365.00 for asbestos monitoring and air samples.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds ~Mr. Edwards seconded motion. ~All were in favor

Morganti Application #00011 in the amount of $1,808,072.99 for 49% completion.  Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds ~Mr. Edwards seconded motion. ~All were in favor. The masonry money will be held until it is determined that the work is satisfactory.

Fletcher Thompson invoice #16112 in the amount of $19,544.00, invoice #16113 in the amount of $48.49, invoice #16114 in the amount of $1,580.04

These invoices represent 78% completion. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment of the above invoices, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Edwards seconded motion. All were in favor.

The following Morganti Change Orders were approved last month but were not signed:

#CO0020 in the amount of $8,448.79 for adding an overflow drain when changing deck drains to roof drains.
#CO0021 in the amount of $9,696.18 for cold water pipe revisions. #CO0022 in the amount of $2,392.48 for acid neutralization tank fiberglass wrap direct bury. #CO0023 in the amount of $5,238.06 for revisions to door B132 art room due to the existing conduit bank at the new door location.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve payment of CO0020, CO0021, CO0022, and CO0023 pending availability of funds, Second by Mr. Edwards. Motion unanimously carried.

Mr. Schweitzer presented the following change orders.

#CO0024 in the amount of $36,334.89 for paint for ground face block. The Commission feels that the other painter should have had the opportunity to bid on this change. Morganti will ask the other painter to submit a figure for this acceptable substituted material. This change order will be tabled.

#C00025 in the amount of $4,512.38 for additional gas jets in the prep rooms.

Mr. D’Angelo  moved to recommend payment of Change Order #0025, pending the availability of funds. Mr. Letso seconded. All were in favor.

#C00026 in the amount of $6,019.51 for teacher station outlets. The Commission said that the Board of Education is not following the agreed upon change order process. The Commission and Mr. Faiella were not advised of this change order.

Mr. Edwards  moved to recommend tabling of Change Order #0026 pending receipt of further information from the Board of Education. Mr. Mitchell seconded. All were in favor. An explanation of why CAT 6 is requested when the rest of the building is CAT 5 is also requested. Mr. Mitchell noted that a lengthy meeting was held with the Board of Education, Morganti, Fletcher Thompson and the Public Building and Site Commission concerning the acceptable change order process which the Board of Education did not follow with this change order.  
Unfinished Business None noted.

New Business Mr. Faiella asked about the guard station. Mr. Costa noted that it had been determined that the guard station is adequate at eight feet wide.

Executive Session. Mr. Edwards  moved to enter executive session at 8:35 p.m. to review the request for mediation by the electrical sub-contractor and for Mr. Mitchell  to advise the Commission about summer employment with Morganti for Mr. Mitchell’s son. Mr. Knight, Mr. Schweitzer and Mr. Costa were invited to attend for the portion of executive session that pertained to them. Second by Mr. D’Angelo and unanimously carried. Executive session was exited at 9:34 with no action taken.

Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk