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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, April 27, 2010. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Edwards, Joseph Girgasky, James Juliano, Roger Letso, Absent: Peter Samoskevich , Joseph Whelan.

Also Present: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa, Morganti representative Mark Schweitzer, O&G representatives John Cross and Larry Schilling, Gino Faiella, Board of Ed Director of Grounds and Maintenance..

Public Participation. None noted.

Minutes. Upon motion of Mr. Juliano, the minutes of the regular meeting of March 23, 2010 were unanimously accepted as presented.

Community Center.  
Mr. Schilling said that the estimate should be available soon. The target is $12 million based on today’s dollars. Design in 2014, construction in 2015. Ames and Whitaker will do their rendering. The project is in the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) in 2014. The Commission requested Mr. Schilling to contact Ed Marks to determine if the rendering is still necessary, given the extended project construction time frame.

Town Hall Close Out Process.
Mr. Cross addressed the Commission regarding the Town Hall Close Out process. O&G is working on the front sidewalk to mitigate the moisture problem by installing drainage on both sides of the sidewalk. Points have been set to switch from winter to summer temperatures. Temperature control computer has been relocated and can be adjusted remotely. Leaks have been addressed except the north cupola leaks occasionally. This will be taken care of as part of the Parks & Rec roofing project coming up. Mr. Knight reported that there are no outstanding punch list items. The basement is dry.

The Commission unanimously voted to accept the Town Hall project for the Town.

Review of Applications for Payment – Community Center.
Mr. Mitchell presented the following Application for Payment:

O&G Invoice #46738 in the amount of $34,265.00 for Ames & Whitaker schematic design services for February, 2010. The only item left for Ames & Whitaker to do is the rendering and estimate for pre-con work. Mr. Mitchell asked that O&G determine if the rendering is necessary, is it going to be used proactively?

Mr. Juliano moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Letso seconded motion. All were in favor

Review of Applications for Payment – Town Hall.
Mr. Mitchell presented the following Application for Payment:

O&G Industries invoice #D0023 in the amount of $56,124.64. This represents the close out document. Mr. Juliano moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to accept the Town Hall project as complete and turn the building over to the Town of Newtown. Second by Mr. Juliano. All were in favor.

High School Expansion Project.
Mr. Schweitzer of the Morganti Group updated the Commission on the progress with the High School project. Waterproofing this week which will include abatement. Gym structure demo in mid May. Floor tile has been completed in the gym. West wall being left for crane access, other walls are being completed. In the addition, masonry complete, curb walls going up. Interior masonry 95% complete. Kitchen hood installed. Curtain wall complete except for the lobby. Duct work in A building will be completed soon and B first floor by end of month. Stair 2 masonry up, working on two parking lots. Drilled for tennis court nets. Half the chiller is set. The chiller came in on two trucks, second truck broke down on the way and there was damage to part of the chiller which was sent back and should be back in two weeks. There would be a backcharge to Action Air if there is an additional cost. Should still be in the critical path and not behind schedule. Tennis courts will have to cure for 30 days. There will be a shut down on May 8 to supply permanent power to the addition. Finishes will begin next month.

Review of masonry corrective actions.
There will be a meeting on Thursday with an International Masonry Institute rep to discuss the in place masonry and review the masonry problems on the job. Members of the Commission will attend as well as Mr. Knight. Mr. Mitchell is concerned with the problems with quality of the work and the coursing; there was chipped block; he felt that it should have been recommended to PB&S that work should have been stopped. He wants the corrective action to be as aesthetically perfect as possible. The work is structurally stable. The Commission had flagged the work as poor. Mr. Costa noted that Fletcher Thompson had sent a letter addressing the masonry issues (Attachment A to original minutes). Mr. Costa said that he has been reporting this in every meeting out in the field and Mr. Mitchell noted that it has been discussed at PB&S meetings. Mr. knight is holding back money from the mason contractor’s application for payment in respect to the unsatisfactory work.

Mr. Schweitzer reported that the greenhouse final pricing has been received but it is significantly higher than expected.  A significant portion of the bid was for additional concrete. Also for running a gas line to the greenhouse. Mr. Mitchell said that it was estimated that the cost would be $100,000. Cisco’s price is $334,000, total credit of $26,000 coming back. Mr. Schweitzer recommends competitive bidding. Mr. Costa will confirm with Mr. Tait if this must be a public bid through the Town. Mr. Edwards moved that the greenhouse project go out to competitive bidding. Second by Mr. Juliano. All were in favor. Mr. Mitchell wants to insure that this will not affect the schedule.

Potential Electrical Contractor Claims

Mr. Schweitzer reported that the electrical contractor ECI has submitted two claims. One is for conduits in the slab ($77,000 claim). ECI said that there was nothing in the specs to limit or prevent him from running conduits in the slab. Fletcher Thompson had him rip the conduits out of the slab because the slab integrity could be compromised and ECI then ran them overhead. Accent exterior lights ($18,000 claim) were shown on the architectural drawings but were not on the electricals; so ECI did not have all the lights on the exterior of the building. ECI has another claim for kitchen equipment revisions for $27,000 and one for $20,000 for primary conductor changes. Mr. Mitchell would like to lump his change orders together, except the kitchen change order, and negotiate with him for the total amount of the others and try to reach a compromise at this point in the project.    

Potential Additional Costs

Mr. Schweitzer presented the following Morganti Change Orders:

#PCO063 for adding an overflow drain when changing deck drains to roof drains.
#PCO037 for cold water pipe revisions.
#PCO018 for acid neutralization tank fiberglass wrap direct bury. Mr. Mitchell would like more information on why this was necessary and if this is the specified manufacturer.
#PCO053 for revisions to door B132 art room due to the existing conduit bank at the new door location.

Potential large change orders: retaining wall for the gym will be about $75,000. Coating for block facing $37,000. Lightning protection for old building $90,000.

Mr. Costa of Fletcher Thompson addressed the Commission regarding the High School project. Soccer posts can impact the football goal posts so the goal posts will be revised to  pivot 180 degrees out of the way rather than relining the field. This cost was submitted to Morganti.

FF&E Bids

Thirteen FF&E bids were received April 20. Fletcher Thompson submitted a letter describing the bid results (Attachment B to original minutes). Original budget was $1,530,000.  Phase I expenditures were $240,000 leaving $1,290,000 for Phase 2. Technology bids were $496,985 and $620,000 for architectural bids for $172,000 remaining for FF&E.  Delivery will be in August. Mr. Mitchell wants Voice Over IP for the existing building to be broken out separately to be sure that we are not over budget because we will not get that money back from the State. This cost may need to come out of the Town budget, not the project budget.

(See Attachment C to the original minutes – Mr. Knight’s Progress reports on the High School Expansion progress March 29 through April 17, 2010.)

Review of Applications for Payment – High School Expansion Project
Mr. Mitchell presented the following Applications for Payment, invoices and Change Orders;

Morganti Application #000010 in the amount $1,964,873.76 (as reviewed by Bob Tait and Bill Knight).  Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment, pending the availability of funds ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. ~All were in favor.

Applications for payment from Fletcher Thompson:

Invoice #16002 in the amount of $24,430.00 for contract administration.

Invoice #16003 in the amount of $173.13 for reimbursable expenses.

Invoice #16004 in the amount of $11,191.95 for FF&E.

Invoice #16005 in the amount of $88.34 for reimbursables.

These invoices represent 74% completion. Mr. Letso moved to recommend payment of the above invoices, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.

Brooks Environmental Invoices #4692 in the amount of $2.910.00 and #4643 in the amount of $1,060.00. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment of the above invoices, pending the availability of funds. ~Mr. Girgasky seconded motion. All were in favor.

There is an owner’s meeting on the High School at  1:00 on Thursday, April 29.
Unfinished Business None noted.

New Business Mr. Mitchell will be out of the country on two projects and will advise the Commission when he is not available. He stressed the importance of attendance at meetings.
Adjournment. Having no further business, Mr. Edwards moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission at 9:20  p.m.. ~Mr. Juliano seconded. Motion unanimously carried.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk