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TOWN OF NEWTOWN___________________________________________________
PBSC meeting of September 22, 2009 7:00p.m.
Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held Tuesday September 22, 2009 in the Library Meeting Room of the Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470. Chairman Bob Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Bob Mitchell, Pete Samosckevich, Tony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Tom Catalina, Joseph Girgasky and Joseph Whelan.
ALSO PRESENT: Clerk of the Works – Bill Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative – Joseph Costa, O & G Project Manager – John Cross and Larry Schilling, First Selectman Joseph Borst, Parks & Recreation Commission Chairman – Ed Marks, Board of Education member David Nannavaty and Superintendent of Schools Janet Robinson and representative for the Morganti Group, Tim Gunn.
One member of the press – John Voket.

1. Public Participation:
None Noted

2. Approval of Minutes from August 25, 2009.
Mr. Juliano moved to approve the minutes from the regular meeting of August 25, 2009 as submitted. Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion. All were in favor.

3. High School Expansion Project:
The Morganti Group updated the Commission regarding the status of the High School Expansion project.

The organic materials found on the site have been removed; the steel work is to begin next week.  There have been no problems with anyone trying to enter the construction site.

Superintendent Robinson added that all communication between Morganti and the School [principle] has been excellent.  There have been no student related problems at the construction site.

Precision Alarms has been working on installation with Silent Knight.  

Mr. Mitchell questioned if the additional services for the Green House work has been approved.  This is a replacement for the greenhouse that could not be refurbished.  Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa stated that the Outline spec has been prepared with 22 items, this outline has been submitted to Morganti and they will advise on how to move forward.
Additionally, Mr. Costa went on to explain that the Furniture, Fixtures and Equipment (FF&E) for the portables have all been delivered and installed and the requisition for WB Mason will be held back until the Science table legs are installed.

Mr. Juliano questioned Mr. Costa is the cost of the Gymnasium flooring (as discussed during the August 25th meeting) has been established.  Mr. Costa stated that a price had not yet been established.  The subcontractor will submit samples along with the added cost.  This will be ready for the next meeting.

3d. Review of Applications for Payment:
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for payment Invoice #0015130 from Fletcher & Thompson in the amount of $3133.78 for FF&E (Portables and Supplemental Services).
Mr. Juliano moved to approve Invoice #0015130 in the amount of $3133.78 as submitted by Fletcher & Thompson.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell presented Application for payment #00003 in the amount of $1,259,788.00 (for approximately 9% of project complete).

Mr. Costa added that the Town of Newtown has approved the High School Expansion project as though there will be no state/governmental aide and any spending moratoriums are for the next fiscal year and should not affect the status of this project.
Superintendent Robinson added and strongly suggested that Town residents contact the Local State representatives to press the importance of project funding.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve Application for Payment #00003 in the amount of $1,259,788.00.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.

Change Orders
Mr. Mitchell presented the following Change Orders to the Commission for authorization for further signatures.
1.      Organic Fill Removal at $34.00 per yard (as discussed during the August 25th meeting).  Morganti and Bob Tait will confirm the final amount.
2.      Fire Pump Feeder Extension installation $4003.00
3.      RFI 56 – Switch gear charges from electrical and change in transformer $1410.00
Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve Change Order #1 for Organic Fill removal at $34.00 per yard.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.

Mr. Samoskevich moved to approve Change Order #2 for Fire Pump Feeder installation at $4003.00.  Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Juliano moved to approve Change Order #3 for RFI 56 in the amount of $1410.00 Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.

4. Fairfield Hills Public Works (if Applicable)
5. Town Hall  
O & G Project Manager John Cross updated the Commission regarding the progress of the Town Hall project (See Attachment [to original minutes] A - O&G Monthly Progress Report No.9 and Attachments B & C Weekly Progress Reports as submitted by Clerk of the Works Bill Knight).
Mr. Cross stated that the carpeting and flooring is being installed as well as final painting.

The Fire Pump is being installed and the Certificate of Occupancy is expected to be obtained next week.

First Selectman Borst added that the Town Hall offices are not moving until October 22, 2009 while the Kendro Offices are moving October 30, 2009.

Mr. Cross went on to add that the Elevator work is being completed as some of the door openings for the Elevator shaft had to be modified, the basement is dry and the site drainage work is also being completed.  The exterior lights are being installed and the exterior signage is up.  The interior signage is scheduled for next week.
O & G is working with moving coordinator Maria D’Marco on furniture staging.

Mr. Cross recommended to the Commission that rubber treads be applied to the stairs in certain sections of the building (Mr. Cross assured the Commission that this would not come as an additional cost in the form of a change order as he has enough funds available in the O&G contingency to add this item along with painting the basement)
Mr. Cross stated that the project with finish on budget and he worked hard on maintaining the budget for the project.

Additionally, Mr. Cross stated that the ceiling is in good condition and the should not be any concerns regarding the ceiling flaking off over time.  The Fire Marshall and the Building Inspector are scheduled for their final walk through.  

5b. Review of Applications for payment
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for payment Invoice #18 from O & G Industries in the amount of $702,960.04 for the Town Hall project having been completed 85%.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve application for payment Invoice #18 in the amount of $702,960.04.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion.  All were in favor.  

6. Community Center
Mr. Mitchell distributed to the Commission correspondence received from the Commission on Aging (See Attachment D [to original minutes] Re: Community Center at Fairfield Hills) in which the Commission on Aging members expressed their desire to occupy their own building apart from one to be shared with the Parks & Recreation.  The Commission on Aging determined that they require their own building and did not want to share either the building or any of the spaces with other Newtown agencies.

Parks & Recreation Commission Chairman Ed Marks addressed the Commission regarding proposed Community Center and presented the PBSC with the most recent plans for the Community Center thus decreasing the area of the building due to the budget reduction, from a $12 million project to $9 million (See Attachments E & F to
original minutes Ames & Whitaker Newtown Community Center Plans and Newtown Community Center Preliminary Schematic Plan).   

The PBSC and Mr. Marks discussed in length the current out come of the budgetary plans for the Community Center having been cut by $3 million thus reducing the area of the building by 30,900 sq. ft (including elimination of the Leisure/ Therapy Pool, Teen Center and Kitchen).

Mr. Marks expressed the concern that the building is loosing its “Community Center” feel and now that the project has been cut by 25%, a new proposal would be basic at best.

The Commission was in agreement that a $9 million budget for the Community Center Project is arbitrary and is not the correct appropriation of funds.  If the project takes $12 million to do correctly – as a Community Center – then that is what should be done.  

Mr. Marks assured the Commission that he and the Parks & Recreation Commission is in fact thankful for what is being proposed and that there is room for improvement or expansion in the future if this is the way it has to be.

Mr. Catalina stated that without a Teen Center the kids in Town, who do not participate in organized sports, are in a sense being totally excluded.
Mr. Borst added that the Parks & Recreation Commission try not and compete with the Newtown Youth Academy Basketball programs as far as organized sports.
Mr. Marks responded that there is no competition between the two as NYA offers more organized sports than Parks & Rec. where the Community Center would be able to offer informal or recreational basketball.

Mr. Marks went on to say that of the areas eliminated, the Leisure Pool and the Teen Center, are critical aspects to the Community Center which enable to Town to call it a “Community” Center, as these aspects would include everyone.

Mr. Marks added that if the Board of Finance or Board of Selectmen were to say definitively that the [original] plan is good, however, the funds would not be available until the next 5 years or so, Mr. Marks would say it’s worth it to wait.

Mr. Mitchell suggested that the Commission submit a resolution to the Board of Finance that the entire project (without the Senior Center) be presented on the CIP.

Mr. Mitchell requested a consensus from the Commission regarding project.
Mr. Catalina stated that the Town would be better off by stretching to the proposed $12 million plan than to waste $9 million on an inadequate facility.

The Public Building & Site Commission moved to recommend a resolution to the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Finance that a viable Community Center be created at the original scope of $12 million thus meeting the needs of the Town and its residents as a Community.
Mr. Whelan, Mr. D’Angelo, Mr. Juliano, Mr. Catalina, Mr. Girgasky and Mr. Mitchell voted Yes.
Mr. Samoskevich voted No.
O & G representative Larry Schilling updated the Commission regarding the demolition of Litchfield Hall.  Mr. Schilling stated that Litchfield Hall including the Yale House demolition has been out for bid and will be due Monday September 28th. Clerk of the Works Bill Knight will be attending the bidding.

Additional Applications for payment
Mr. Mitchell presented to the Commission Invoice #21689 for O & G time in the amount of $4000.00 and Ames & Whitaker in the amount of $12,000.00.  
Mr. Mitchell recommended approval contingent upon having received Ames & Whitaker back up information.
Mr. Samoskevich moved to approve Application for payment Invoice #21689 in the amount of $16,000.00 considering contingencies.  Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell presented the Commission with Invoice #FM1018 from RF Bartlett in the amount of $21,632.91 with funds to be appropriated from Fairfield Hills Authority.
Mr. D’ Angelo moved to approve Invoice #FM1018 in the amount of $21,632.91 funds to be appropriated from the Fairfield Hills Authority. Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.

7. Unfinished Business
None noted

8. New Business
 None noted

9. Adjournment
Having nor further business, Mr. Samoskevich moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission at 9:00p.m. Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion. All were in favor.

                                                Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk