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TOWN OF NEWTOWN___________________________________________________
PBSC meeting minutes of August 25, 2009 7:00p.m.
Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470

Minutes of the regular Public Building & Site Commission held Tuesday August 25, 2009 in the Library meeting room of the Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470.  Chairman Bob Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

PRESENT:  Chairman Bob Mitchell, Pete Samoskevich, Tony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Joseph Girgasky, Tom Catalina.
ALSO PRESENT: Clerk of the Works – William Knight, Fletcher Thompson representative - Joseph Costa, O&G representative – Larry Schilling, First Selectman -Joseph Borst, Parks & Recreation Commission Chairman – Ed Marks, Public Works Director – Fred Hurley, Morganti representative – Arthur Lindley. One member of the public – Mr. Tom Dwyer (representing the Commission on Aging).
ABSENT: Joseph Whelan

1. Public Participation:
None Noted

2. Approval of Minutes of July 28, 2009:
The minutes of the July 28, 2009 meeting were approved by consensus.

3. High School Expansion Project:
Mr. Lindley updated the Commission on the status of the High School Expansion project.
The concrete work is 60% complete, the organic material uncovered is being removed (large rotting tree stumps and buried debris), currently there is about a 2 week delay in where the project should be but not off schedule from the final completion date. The Emergency road access is in place for the most part – the road will prevent construction traffic when school starts.
Mr. Lindley stated that the oil and gas lines are complete and the foundation work is in progress.
The submittals and RFI’s are moving along and the steel work is scheduled for the end of September which will dramatically change the site.

3d. Review of Applications for payment:
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for Payment #2 in the amount of $620,246.58
and recommended approval pending the availability of funds.
Mr. Samoskevich seconded recommendation. All were in favor.

Additional Applications for Payment
Mr. Mitchell presented an application in the amount of $2320.05 for fire watch overtime.
Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend payment contingent upon Morganti verification that this work was not covered as part of the Base Bid.
Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.

Application for Payment from AT&T in the amount $446.00 for rebooting the phone systems following a power shut down.  This work was outside the normal scope of work and was budgeted.  Mr. Mitchell stated that the funds for this should come from Contingency.
Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend payment contingent upon Morganti verification that this work was not covered as part of the Base Bid.
Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.

Application for Payment from Brooks Environmental in the amount of $840.00 for Asbestos remediation.  Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend approval the Brooks Environmental invoice for hourly rates.
Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.    

Application for payment from Recon Engineers in the amount of $4660.00 for work done relating to unsuitable materials.
Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend approval of the Recon Engineers invoice for hours worked.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell addressed the Board regarding correspondence received back from Superintendent of Schools regarding the preferred vendor for the fire alarm system as Silent Knight.  In order to connect with the existing building systems, is recommended that the Silent Knight system be added to the approved vendor list and a cost received for the addition and the extension of the current building systems.

Update from Fletcher Thompson.
The greenhouse which was scheduled to be removed and re-installed was damaged to the point where it could not be salvaged. The Commission had previously requested a cost to provide a new greenhouse, matching the size and operation of the existing.

Mr. Catalina stated that Fletcher Thompson should investigate what chemicals can mix with natural gas (heating element) so as not to create a reaction or hazardous condition.  Mr. Costa of Fletcher Thompson stated that the needs of the groups occupying the building need to be determined.

In other updates, Mr. Costa stated that the furniture in the portables is in and everything is great except for the height of the Science tables are too high.  The legs of the tables will be swapped for the correct length.

Additionally, regarding the synthetic turf selection, Mr. Mitchell requested that Fletcher Thompson verify that the product being considered is not one of those that is being considered as hazardous.  Action by the Commission is not required.

Regarding the Security station in front of the High School, the building (8 feet wide) will fit on the island which is 10 feet wide. The only accommodation needing to be made is that a light post will have to be relocated due to the placement of the security station.  The station will require power and potentially stanchions to protect the station from traffic.  There are no DOT implications.

Mr. Costa wanted the Commission to consider a central computer system to handle a voice over IP system that going into the future can handle upgrades thus costing the Town less over time and would keep all of the schools connected.  W description of the system and potential cost will need to be submitted.  This may be considered part of the school maintenance budget and not part of the high school construction cost.

Mr. Costa also discussed with the Commission the Gymnasium flooring.  Mr. Costa stated that the quality of the white oak (grade #2) generally used is deteriorating in visual quality (becoming darker) and has requested samples of a Grade #1 hardwood floor.
Mr. Costa stated that the Town may want to consider purchasing the Grade #1 to begin with as opposed to having to purchase extra planks to replace as needed.  Mr. Costa will provide information to Morganti for the cost impact.

Fletcher Thompson Invoices
Mr. Mitchell requested that all invoices to be paid go to Financial Director Bob Tait first to verify fund(s) availability.
Fletcher Thompson submitted an invoice for payment in the amount of $19,544.00.
Mr. Mitchell recommended invoice for approval.
Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.

Fletcher Thompson submitted an invoice for payment in the amount of $13,500.00 for additional services in taking down the Greenhouse (material costs only).
Mr. Mitchell recommended approval for the request for additional services.
Mt. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.

5. Town Hall:
Mr. Hurley addressed the Commission regarding the removal of tunnels at the Fairfield Hills campus.  Mr. Hurley presented an aerial map of the site indicating where each of the tunnels was removed and the curtain drain installed to divert water flow. Mr. Hurley stated that the tunnels were removed to prepare for under ground utilities (current installation and future).

The gas line installations to Woodbury Hall, Newtown Hall and the Engineers House will be a separate project in an effort to try and connect each building.

Mr. Hurley continued to say that As Builts have been or will be prepared indicating where all utilities are located under ground.

Mr. Mitchell stated that O&G will be in contact with the Public Works Department in regards to maintaining the future Pool site.  This needs to be coordinated with the existing subsurface utilities and proposed future ones.  The area needs to remain clear.

In other updates, Mr. Hurley stated that the Radial Lines of Electrical is currently on poles but the goal is to eventually run an underground loop.

Additionally, the High School project and the Town Hall projects are helping one another.  Soil taken from the High School site has been used at the Town Hall project site thus saving the Town an additional expenditure.

The Public Building & Site Commission and Mr. Hurley discussed the issue of determining what money has been spent thus far.  Mr. Hurley stated that everything is documented however, not all funds can be calculated toward the same project.  Some funding has come from STEAP Grants and other funds were those previously allocated.  Some items designated as “The Campus” were not necessarily work done strictly for the Town Hall as the same work went to benefit other buildings on the Fairfield Hills Campus.  Mr. Hurley stated that it is much too early to determine how much money has been spent on the Fairfield Hills project.  Only until project is complete can the numbers be looked at and determined once and for all.

Clerk of the Works  - William Knight
Mr. Knight updated the Commission regarding the Town Hall project.
Mr. Knight stated that the move-in date is going to be phased over time between departments.   The Kendro building will not be renewing their lease agreement so they will be the first departments to move the third week of September (aside from the IT departments to finalize the building to get it into move-in condition for the remaining Town Departments).

Mr. Borst added that he recently met with move coordinator Maria DeMarco who has the move very organized and each Department has a “Captain” designated.

The only foreseeable delay may be the Fire Pump, only because it hasn’t been delivered yet.  O&G is to get back to Mr. Mitchell regarding the Fire Pump Delivery as well as the DOE inspection in regards to getting grants.

Mr. Knight went on to say that the framing is done, the AC unit is in, roof drains and gutters have had no problems and the attic is being insulated.  The ceiling is finished.

Mr. Hurley added that there has been an issue with some Town Departments not being entirely pleased with their departments’ design and have requested changes be made.  Mr. Hurley stated that at this time no changes can be made and time is of the essence for the project to be completed.  After the project is done and all departments are moved in, then each Department on an individual basis can assess any changes.

Mr. Mitchell stated that he has not yet received the reconciliation on O&G’s outstanding change orders.  Mr. Schilling stated that he would have to get back to Mr. Mitchell on that issue as John Cross was in charge of that.

Applications for Payment
Mr. Mitchell presented Application #D00017 in the amount of $546,385.77 for work done to bring project to 77% complete.
Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend approval of payment contingent upon his meeting with Financial Director Bob Tait to verify fund(s) availability.
Mr. Catalina seconded. All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell presented Change Order for the IT Department in the amount of $92,000.00 and not to exceed this amount.
Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend approval of the IT Change Order contingent upon the Board of Finance making funds available.
Mr. D’Angelo seconded. All were in favor.
6. Community Center:
Mr. Ed Marks, Chairman of the Parks & Recreation Department addressed the Commission regarding the Community Center issue as discussed at the prior Board of Selectmen meeting.
Mr. Marks stated that the Board of Selectmen were “stunned” by the estimated costs of the proposed Community Center.   Additionally, the representatives present at the meeting indicated (as always) they would prefer their own building and at this point they’d rather wait than to settle on a “Community Center” they are not happy with.
Mr. Marks stated that the estimated costs should not be a surprise to the Board of Selectmen as the costs are in line with what has always been discussed (a cost between $13-$15 million).
Mr. Marks asked the Commission for their support in hopes of moving forward with the project.

Mr. D’Angelo made the suggestion that the current Senior Center remain where it is while Parks & Recreation use Edmond Town Hall for office space, kitchen and gymnasium.

Mr. Marks stated that the current Senior Center is only serving those Seniors 75 years and older while there are varying degrees to which Senior Citizens are active in their Community and the current center is not accommodating the entire community.
Additionally, the only concessions to be made are that of Park & Recreation, which have made all concessions in an attempt to have Seniors meet them in the middle.

Mr. Mitchell added that this is supposed to be a Community Center Building.  There should be a meeting between Town Authorities to make executive decisions regarding the future of the proposed Community Center.

Mr. Marks stated that he is asking the Public Building & Site Commission for help and direction with the project as the Parks & Recreation Commission does not have the leverage to tell those in charge that a decision has to be made.

Mr. Mitchell posed the question that if the decision were to be made that the building was going to be shared, how would Parks & Recreation feel about that?

Mr. Marks stated that he can not answer for sure however; Parks & Recreation is prepared to consider it.

Commission on Aging representative, Mr. Tom Dwyer stated that he is in attendance only on a fact finding basis.  From prior meetings, Mr. Dwyer stated that it has been
made clear that the Seniors want a stand alone building because they have never had their own place in the community and they are not really sure why it can’t be done.

Mr. Marks stated that he is looking for some direction by the PBSC and to possibly get in writing from the Commission on Aging their position on the matter it is that they prefer
to wait and have their own building so that Ames & Whitaker can move forward on planning a building for Parks & Recreation and additionally at the next Board of Selectmen meeting there might be more organization and formalization on the matter.

Mr. Borst requested that the Commission on Aging send a letter to him formally recommending that they be removed as part of the Community Center project.  Mr. Mitchell stated that as soon as a letter is received, O&G should move forward for Parks & Recreation.

Mr. Mitchell addressed the Commission on Task Order #4, Contract for Demolition on Litchfield Hall.
Mr. Mitchell recommended that the Commission should approve Task Order #4 so that bids may be solicited and that the Yale Building be added as an add alternate.  This will be less expensive for the Town.

Mr. Mitchell stated that the managed costs are not to exceed $110,149.00.
Mr. Knight will monitor progress. Mr. Schilling stated that the demolition project should be completed by the end of December and be ready for work to continue the following Spring.

Applications for Payment
Mr. Mitchell presented invoice #21689 in the amount of $16.000 for Architectural services to date, Ames & Whitaker invoice totaling $73,000.00 and an invoice for Bartlett (already approved) to do the work totaling $21,632.00.
Mr. Mitchell moved to recommend approval of invoices pending the receipt of adequate back-up information.
Mr. D’Angelo seconded. All were in favor.

7. Unfinished business:
Mr. Mitchell stated that he may require the help of Commission members as he is very busy at work and there is just not time to pay enough attention to Public Building & Site Commission matters as it demands.  This is primarily related to the need to attend other Town meetings and organize the monthly requisitions for payment and other requested paperwork.

8. New Business:
None noted

9. Adjournment:
Having no further business, Mr. Catalina moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission at 9:50p.m.

                                                                Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk