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TOWN OF NEWTOWN___________________________________________________
PBSC meeting minutes of July 28, 2009 7:00p.m.
Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470

Minutes of the regular Public Building & Site Commission held Tuesday July 28, 2009 in the Library Classroom of Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470.  Chairman Bob Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:05p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Bob Mitchell, Pete Samoskevich, Tony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Joseph Whelan

ALSO PRESENT: Clerk of the Works William Knight, Arthur Lindley of the Morganti Group, Steve Whitaker of Ames & Whitaker, Larry Schilling of O&G and Gerard Collette of Fletcher & Thompson.

ABSENT: Tom Catalina

1. Public Participation:
None Noted

2. Approval of Minutes of June 23, 2009:
Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve the minutes as submitted. Mr. Samoskevich seconded the motion.  All were in favor.

3. High School Expansion Project:
Mr. Lindley addressed the Commission on the status and progress of the High School Expansion project and presented Monthly Report #2.
Mr. Lindley stated that the project is on schedule and nothing at this point that he can foresee delaying the project.
About 1200 yards of organic debris (such as buried tree stumps) has been found and removed from the site.  The rain has not impacted construction too much at this point.
Mr. Lindley went on to explain that currently the electrical is down as expected in preparation for the new fire main. The Electric should be restored at least by Monday August 3.
Mr. Mitchell questioned what first large milestones to be looking for.
Mr. Lindley stated that the connections to gas and oil, steel and the complete foundation are the first largest milestones to be accomplished.

3d. Review of applications for payment:
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for payment #1 regarding the High School Expansion project work completed to date in the amount of $1,181,291.58.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve Application for Payment in the amount of $1,181,291.59 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion.  All were in favor.


Fletcher & Thompson are to coordinate with Gino regarding the Guard House and Island
Becoming permanent structures at the entrance of the High School.

4. Fairfield Hills Public Works:
In discussion item #5

5. Town Hall
Mr. Knight addressed the Commission regarding the progress at the Town Hall building site.
CL&P are installing the transformer July 29th and work should be complete by Friday July 31, 2009.
Mr. Knight stated that approximately four thousand tons of stone was used for the French Drain installed and the elevator pit has been drained and cleaned out.
The footing for the Fire Pump is being prepped and the gas line is up to the Newtown Youth Academy.
Mr. Knight stated there are no delays in the project at this point.

5b. Review of Applications for Payment:
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for payment #D0016 in the amount of $732,177.27 for 72.6% work completion.

Mr Mitchell noted that the Application for payment and the invoice figures do not correspond to each other. The invoice amount indicates $735,000, Mr. Mitchell recommended the Commission approve the lesser figure.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve the Application for Payment #D0016 in the amount $732,177.27 contingent upon receipt of revised and complete documentation in addition to receiving the Applications for Payment two weeks in advance for proper review.  
Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell presented to the Commission a Change Order # 11 in the amount of $19,522.62 for the work associated with tunnel demolition and installation of the French Drain.
Mr. Knight added that the tunnel at the south end of the building needed to be demolished filled in and water proofed in order for the French Drain to be installed.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve the Change Order #11 in the amount of $19,522.62, funds are to be assigned from the Fairfield Hills Infrastructure upgrading.
Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion. All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell recommended that Public Works Director Fred Hurley address the tunnels that have been blocked off and left untreated for water proofing as the lack of treatment


could lead to an expensive problem in the future as the site seems to be prone to water issues.

O&G representative Larry Schililng stated that he would bring the issue to Mr. Hurley’s attention.

Mr. Whelan questioned who made the final decision to handle blocking off the tunnels in the manner it was.

Mr. Knight responded that O&G made the determination.

Mr. D’Angelo wondered if the Zipex product had been researched for possible use as a waterproofing solution.

Mr. Knight stated that at this point it had been looked at once at which time it was an expensive product for such a small area of need. Mr. Schilling added that he would address John (Cross) about it again.

Mr. Juliano added that there are products available that are a paint and a waterproofing agent.

Mr. Knight stated that once the HVAC units are installed and running the humidity in the basement will have to be evaluated again.

Mr. Mitchell added that on July 16, 2009 he had received an email regarding the registrars requesting some redesign services as they were unhappy with the layout Tai Soo Kim had presented.
Mr. Mitchell stated that Mr. Bob Tait had subsequently responded to the email stating that no changes will be entertained at this time as it is too late in the project schedule

Mr. Mitchell requested that the PBSC come to a consensus that the Commission will also not entertain any change orders that directly change the scope of the project (anything not in the approved scope of work).
The Commission was in agreement.

O&G will revise the documents and reconcile applications for payment and change orders to indicate actual expenditures up to date as soon as possible.

6. Community Center:
Mr. Whitaker of Ames & Whitaker presented to the Commission the Community Center revised plan as to date.


Mr. Whitaker stated that he has met with both groups (Park & Rec. and Seniors) and has had no feed back from the Seniors but has had a response from the Parks & Recreation department who were agreeable to the changes.

The Parks & Recreation felt as though the three thousand square foot building as presented revised would suite their needs.
While the Seniors emphasized the need for a Multi-purpose Room.

The revised plan offered 156 parking spaces, a sixty thousand square foot building (total shared area), a gymnasium, two pools, two kitchens (one a warming kitchen for Meals on Wheels, one for more preparation) and medical area with a private entrance.  

Mr. Mitchell suggested that the pool may have to be a phase-in option.
Additionally, the cost of the proposed building must be determined so that the Public Building & Site Commission can address the next appropriate Board or Commission regarding getting the project off the ground.

Mr. Whitaker is to work on some figures and the possibility of building the Community Center on a different location at Fairfield Hills (such as the Shelton House site) which would offer more feasibility.
O&G is to set up a meeting between Ames & Whitaker and the Fairfield Hills Authority.

7. Unfinished Business:
None Noted

8. New Business:
None Noted

9. Adjournment:
Having no further business the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission adjourned at 9:43p.m.

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk