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Town of Newtown______________________________________
PBSC Meeting Minutes April 28, 2009 7:00p.m.
Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470

Minutes of the regular meeting for the Public Building & Site Commission held Tuesday April 28, 2009 in the library classroom of the Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane, Newtown CT. 06470.  Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.  

PRESENT: Chairman Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, Joseph Whelan, James Juliano, Thomas Catalina, Peter Samoskevich.

ALSO PRESENT: First Selectman Joseph Borst, Board of Education members – Superintendent Janet Robinson, Kathy Fetchick and David Nanavaty, Clerk of the Works – William Knight, three representatives from Morganti, two representatives from Fletcher & Thompson and one member of the press.

ABSENT: Craig Ansman

1. Public Participation
None noted.

2. Approval of Minutes from the March 24, 2009 meeting.
A correction to those present and absent.  Among those present at the March 24, 2009 meeting included Thomas Catalina who was listed as absent while Peter Samoskevich was listed as present however, was absent.
The minutes of the regular meeting held Tuesday March 24, 2009 were accepted as amended.  All were in favor.

3. High School Expansion Project
Chairman Robert Mitchell discussed with Morganti representatives the High School expansion project, the project is within the bonding issue to continue and to start construction immediately.  The project is expected to cost $33,729,052.00 while the total project cost the Town has approved is $41,576,000.00.
The Commission expressed concern over the large spread of bidders naming their costs and contingency funds the Town has available, the example was given, if a company (who is handling an aspect of the project) folds in the midst of the project of which they quoted at $1 million dollars.  The next company to come in to do the job is at $1.5 million, the difference would come from the Town’s contingency funds.  The Morganti representatives added that it seemed prudent for them to increase contingency given the economic conditions.

Mr. D’Angelo moved for the Public Building & Site Commission to advise the Board of Selectman on the High School bidding process as follows –


The Public Building & Site Commission advise the Newtown Board of Selectman that the bids received by the Morganti Group for the Newtown High School Additions and Alterations and detailed on the attached documents dated  April 28, 2009 prepared by the Morganti Group, are within the total authorized amount defined in the “Resolution Amending A Resolution Providing For A Special Appropriation In The Amount Of $38,826,000 For The Planning And Construction Of Additions And Renovations At Newtown High School And Authorizing The Issuance of $38,826,000 Bonds Of The Town To Meet Said Appropriation And Pending The Issuance Thereof The Making Of Temporary Borrowings For Such Purpose.”     

The bid totals as presented by the Morganti Group include a Guaranteed Maximum Price as noted in Attachment #1 of $33,729,052. and construction associated costs of $6,730,349.00 bringing the total anticipated project cost to $40,459,401.00.  This is within the Town approved budget of $41,576,000.00 and the associated Bonding Resolution.  

Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve the subcontractor awards as follows,
The Public Building & Site Commission advise the Board of Selectman to authorize the Chair to sign and approve the Subcontractor Award Recommendation Letters as presented by the Morganti Group and dated April 24, 2009 reflecting the costs defined in Attachment #1.

Mr. Samoskevich seconded motion.  All were in favor.

The Morganti Group representatives stated that the project should start May 11, 2009 and there will be direct interaction with the High School regarding temporary closings of parking lots and to keep students directly notified as well.
The Morganti Group will be expected to submit a schedule of values to Finance Director Bob Tait to expect costs and payment as they come due.  

4. Fairfield Hills Public Works
Clerk of the Works, William Knight had nothing to report on behalf of Public Works Director Fred Hurley.  He did state that the power is being worked on.

5. Town Hall
The Commission reviewed and discussed O&G Project Manager John Cross’s progress report (Attachment A – O&G Monthly progress report #4).

Mr. Knight reported the Town Hall Project as going well.
The Education wing is completely framed and ready for paint, the Town offices are almost completely finished, Land Use and Zoning had some changes regarding door


frames and windows, the air handling units are on site and the units in the attic will not be maintenance friendly.
The Commission and Mr. Knight went on to discuss the Jockey pump costs at $114,000.00 for the pump itself and an additional $30 - $40,000.00 for the installation.  
The Commission was in agreement that at this time in the progress of the project there is no time to speculate why the jockey pump wasn’t considered from the beginning, it was poor planning and the building infrastructure evaluations have been done building by building and a master plan for the campus was never devised.

Review of Applications for Payment
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for Payment #D0013 from O&G in the amount of $994,962.10 for site work, masons, steel, roofing, drywall, sprinklers, general trades and plumbing / HVAC.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve Application for Payment #D0013 contingent upon architects signature on invoice and subject to the availability of funds. All were in favor.

Mr. Mitchell is to contact Jeff Cugno of O&G regarding cover sheet and summary sheet being received two weeks prior to meetings to ensure proper review.

Change Order #4 for $14,724.09
Construction (duct work changed, framing, door, window and electrical changes) on the AV System Room to house cameras and control equipment (the cost of the change order not including software costs).

Mr. Juliano moved to approve Change Order #4 in the amount of $14,724.09 subject to the availability of funds. Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.

Change Order #5 for $17,847.64
Roof Drains

Mr. Juliano moved to approve Change Order #5 in the amount of $17,847.64 subject to the availability of funds. Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.

Change Order #6 for $225,540.00 *(Not to exceed)

Mr. Juliano moved to approve Change Order #6 in the amount of $225,540.00 and not to exceed this amount, subject to the availability of funds.  Mr. Samoskevich seconded. All were in favor.

6. Community Center
No reports from Ames & Whitaker and Parks & Recreation Commission Chairman Ed Marks not present to discuss progress.


7. Unfinished Business
The Commission discussed the Change Order process. Also,  if a Special Meeting might be in order as the State requires Towns to have a School Building Committee independent form the Board of Education who are in compliance with State Statutes, as the Public Building & Site Commission are the only ones who can authorize changes to the contract.

8. New Business
The PBSC has three vacancies, one full member and two alternates, the vacancy must be filled by a Democrat.  People interested in filling the vacancies must be in attendance at the next meeting (to be held Tuesday May 26, 2009) there has to be an election of officers.

Additionally, the Commission discussed the issue of Mr. Knight not having an office to work out of.  An on-site trailer generally costs about $140-$150 monthly and this is not in Morganti’s contract.  Mr. Knight should have some space available to him in the new building.  The Commission questioned where Morganti’s staging area is set up.
Mr. Knight is to check with Arthur Lindley of the Morganti Group on the issue.

9. Adjournment
Having no further business, Mr. Whelan moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission at 8:35 p.m.

                                        Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk