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Town of Newtown______________________________________________________
PBSC Meeting Minutes March 24, 2009 7:00 p.m.
Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission held Tuesday March 24, 2009 in the Library of the Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470.  Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

PRESENT:  Chairman Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Peter Samoskevich, Joseph Whelan.

ABSENT: Thomas Catalina, Craig Ansman and John Cunningham.

ALSO PRESENT:  Clerk of the Works-William Knight, O&G Project Manager-John Cross, First Selectman Joseph Borst.

1. Voter Participation

2. Approval of February 24, 2009 Minutes.
Minutes of the regular meeting held Tuesday February 24, 2009 were accepted as presented.  Mr. Juliano moved to approve the minutes. M. D’Angelo seconded motion.  All were in favor.

3. High School Expansion Project.
The Commission discussed the High School Expansion project stating that there are no RFI’s to delay the project, the bids are opening at the Kendro Building with up to 120 bidders expected.

Applications for Payment
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for Payment Invoice #0014514 (received earlier this day) in the amount of $20,625.15.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve Application for payment Invoice #0014514 in the amount of $20,625.15 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Whelan seconded motion. All were in favor.

4. Public Works
Mr. Knight updated the Commission stating that the water lines at Fairfield Hills are being installed and worked on.

5. Town Hall
(See Attachment A to original minutes – Weekly Progress Reports as submitted by Clerk of the Works William Knight).
Mr. Knight stated the crews are well into the work progress all trades are now in the building, stud framing on the first floor except for meeting area, sidewalks and storm

drains are being installed.  The condition of the cupola is being evaluated, the flat roofs and rubber roofs are being worked on. Window restoration continues in progress.
Project is still on target for completion date of September 2009.

Regarding the Fire Pump, the Fire Marshall stated that a different system is required at Fairfield Hills Town Hall Building than from that at the Newtown Youth Academy.   The pump required for the Town Hall needs to handle 1000 galloons per minute and have it’s own fuel tank.  This pump would only be run in the event of an emergency.
A change order has been submitted for the proposed Jockey Pump in the amount of $225,000.  Mr. Cross of O&G stated that they have set aside contingency funds for different aspects of the project because unexpected costs arise. Mr. Cross stated that some of the contingency funds may be available for use towards the Jockey Pump thus costing the Town less that the proposed change order (see Attachment B to original minutes).  

The Commission encouraged Mr. Borst to get applications submitted on reimbursement from the State for Education as soon as possible .
The state will allow a certain percentage of the project as reimbursement if real and document able use of building for educational purposes.
Mr. Cross addressed the Commission on placement of the Jockey Pump, either indoors or outdoors.
If it is housed inside the building, while it would cost $30,000 less it would take up space possibly needed for storage, maintenance would be required, noise and vibration as well as extended maintenance over time.
The Commission was in agreement that the exterior placement of the Jockey Pump would be the best option.  The Jockey Pump would have it’s own heater block and be entirely enclosed.

Mt. Mitchell is to contact Newtown Schools Superintendent Janet Robinson and Joe Costa regarding the State reimbursement for educational expenses.  PBSC member Joseph Whelan will be monitoring the state reimbursement aspect of the project.

Mr. Cross addressed the Commission on phone systems & furniture purchasing process. Mr. Borst stated that contracts are through the State.  
The Commission was in agreement that a purchase order must be drawn up as soon as possible.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend that the Board of Education and the purchasing authority decide on furniture, IT systems and phone systems to be purchased.  Mr. Juliano seconded motion.  All were in favor.

Applications for Payment
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for Payment Invoice #D00012 in the amount of $566,416.60.  (See Attachment C to original minutes).


Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve Application for Payment Invoice #D00012 in the amount $566,416.60 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Juliano seconded motion. All were in favor.  

Change Order #5
Mr. Mitchell presented Change Order #5 in the amount of $17,847.64 for Drain System with recommendation to approve only on a not to exceed basis.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve Change Order #5 in the amount of $17,847.64 only on a not to exceed basis and the project will be closely monitored.   All were in favor.

Change Order #6
Mr. Mitchell presented Change Order #6 in the amount of $225,540.00 for Fire Protection System with the same recommendation.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to approve Change Order #6 in the amount of $225,540.00 only on a not to exceed basis and the project will be closely monitored.  All were in favor.

6. Community Center
No Schedule to date and O&G representatives to bring up to date at next meeting, April 28, 2009.

7. Unfinished Business
Mr. Mitchell has written up a process by which change orders must follow, process has been reviewed by Moganti and all members will be mailed a copy.

8. New Business
Possible new members; John Findley (R) and Wes Thompson

9. Adjournment
Having no further business, the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk