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Town of Newtown________________________________________________________
PBSC Meeting Minutes February 24, 2009 7:00 p.m.
Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470

Minutes of the regular meeting for the Public Building & Site Commission held Tuesday February 24, 2009 in the Library Classroom of the Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane, Newtown, CT. 06470. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, Joseph Whelan, James Juliano.

ALSO PRESENT: First Selectman Joseph Borst, Clerk of the Works William Knight, Morganti Group representative Art Lindley, member Board of Education David Nanavaty and Fletcher Thompson representative Joseph Costa.

ABSENT: Thomas Catalina, Craig Ansman and Peter Samoskevich

Commission Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m.

1.      Public Participation
None noted

2.      Approval of Minutes from December 16, 2008 and January 27, 2009.
Mr. Juliano moved to approve the minutes of December 16, 2008 and January 27, 2009 as presented.  Mr. Whelan seconded motion. All were in favor.

3.      High School Expansion Project – Status of Re-bid process
Mr. Lindley updated the Commission on the status of the High School Expansion project.  Mr. Lindley stated that the project is currently out to bid and drawings have been purchased, they are expecting good representation.  The bids will be due by March 25, 2009.  Mr. Lindley stated that there will be a pre-bid walk thru scheduled for Tuesday March 10, 2009 at 3:00 p.m., anyone wishing to attend are to meet in the main lobby of the High School.   Mr. Juliano, Mr. Whelan and Mr. Knight expressed interest in attending.  Mr. Lindley went on to say that if the figures are right, work should start May 2009.  Additionally, the Department of Transportation has not come to a decision regarding the entrance way.
Regarding the HAZMAT abatement and minor lead abatement issues, the specs are clear and are going out to bid.  Everything is going as originally planned.  
(See Attachments to original minutes, A – Procurement and Contracting Requirements, B -  Invitation to Bid and C- Advertisement for Bid).

3d.  Review of Applications for payment.  
  Mr. Mitchell presented Application for payment #0014358 from Fletcher Thompson in the amount of $7649.35 for reimbursable items.  


Mr. D’Angelo moved to accept the Application for payment in the amount of $7649.35 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Juliano seconded motion.  All were in favor.

4.      Fairfield Hills Public Works
Mr. Knight reported that the demolition of the underground tunnels continues.

5.      Town Hall – Status of the project
Mr. Knight reported to the Commission that the Town Hall project is moving along.  
He stated that the additional abatement still needs to be approved so as to move forward.  The plaster work is done and the floors have been prepped for leveling, the concrete filling of voids is complete and the framers have laid out the materials for the walls. Mr. Knight stated that the windows are about 45% complete at this point,
including the restoration of the existing windows being used.
The Commission discussed the process of change orders and requiring a clearer picture of where the availability of funds stands, specifically as in the apparent need for a jockey pump installation on the Fairfield Hills Campus, which was not in the original plan.  The Commission was in agreement in having difficulty in justifying approval of an additional $200,000 that was not foreseen when drafting the project.  The Commission agreed that a change order of that magnitude could potentially slow and/ or cripple a project.  Mr. D’Angelo is to contact Mr. Jeff Cugno of O&G.

The Public Building and Site Commission stated for the record that any change order must be received two weeks in advance of a meeting and must first be given to the Board of Selectman or Board of Finance (an advisory Board) who can identify and verify the fund availability before passing it on the PBSC for approval.  The PBSC will also require a reasonable explanation of change orders requesting additional funding.

5b. Review of Applications for payment.
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for payment #D00011 from O&G in the amount of $587,539.42 (which was received earlier this same day).  Mr. Mitchell clearly stated that if any future Applications for payment, not received two weeks in advance will not be reviewed for approval.  This time it would be passed on but only because Mr. Knight had penciled in his recommendation for payment.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend payment on Application #D00011 in the amount of $587,539.42 pending the availability of funds and contingent upon the approval by the Board of Education, Board of Selectman or Board of Finance.  Mr. Juliano seconded motion.  All were in favor.


The Commission discussed the possibility of requesting an O&G representative being present for future PBSC meetings so they can define and explain their change orders so as not to rely on Mr. Knight to present the change order.
Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend that O&G present their change orders to the Commission directly and to provide back up paperwork two weeks in advance.  Going forward, change orders are only to be accepted from O&G.  Mr. Whelan seconded motion.  All were in favor.  

The Commission questioned Fletcher & Thompson representative, Joseph Costa regarding the Town Hall on having a sprinkler system or a fire detection system.
Mr. Costa explained that the Town Hall building will have a sprinkler system to serve the existing and new construction.  The majority of the new building is separated from the old building by a two hour fire wall thus to aid in evacuating any trapped people in the event of a fire.  Additionally, the structure of the building is fire proof so as to help protect and maintain the structure as a whole.

6.      Community Center – Status of project
The Commission discussed that they have not seen any time lines regarding the Community Center and will request that a member of the Parks & Recreation Commission attend the next meeting to update the PBSC on the progress of the Community Center.  (See Attachment D – O&G correspondence regarding the Community Center).

7.      Unfinished Business – Change Order process
(As discussed in Item #5.)
Mr. Mitchell is to email Commission members regarding the structured process.

8b. New Business – Election of Officers
Mr. Mitchell addressed the Commission regarding the election of members.  Currently the Officers will remain as is, the discussion item will be tabled until additional members are present.

     8c.  Other Items
Mr. Whelan addressed the Commission regarding the contract and the Town Hall building at the Fairfield Hills campus.  Mr. Mitchell stated that no change orders can be reasonably entertained until the PBSC has a clear picture of the fund availability.  




     9.   Adjournment
      Having no further business, Mr. Mitchell moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the         Public Building & Site Commission at 9:00p.m.

                                                        Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk