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Town of Newtown_____________________________________

PBSC Meeting Minutes January 27, 2009 7:00 p.m.
Reed Intermediate School 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission held Tuesday January 27, 2009 in the Library Classroom of the Reed Intermediate School located at 3 Trades Lane Newtown, CT. 06470.  Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

PRESENT: Chairman Robert Mitchell, Anthony D’Angelo, James Juliano, Thomas Catalina, Joseph Whelan.

ABSENT: Craig Ansman, John Cunningham, Peter Samoskevich.

ALSO PRESENT: Clerk of the Works – William Knight, Morganti Group Representatives – Ed Barrett and Arthur Lindley, Parks & Recreation Commission Chairman – Ed Marks, Fletcher Thompson representative – Joseph Costa, prospective PBSC member – Wes Thompson.

1.      Voter Participation
None noted

2.      Approval of December 16, 2008 minutes
Tabled until February 23, 2009.

     Discussion Items
      3. High School Expansion Project
         A. Status of Re-bid Process
The State of Connecticut has approved the re-bid process (see Attachment A).  Morganti Group representatives, Ed Barrett and Arthur Lindley reviewed and discussed with the Commission their current timeline for the project (see Attachment B).  Mr. Barrett stated that Ron Bienkowski has been updated on progress.  Mr. Barrett went on to say that they are expecting a strong turn out on the bidding process however; drastically different prices are likely given the economic climate.  Bids are set to go out in February.
The main entry realignment, the tennis courts and the basement under the gym addition were all discussed as alternates.  Mr. Barrett stated, if the bids come back slightly over the projected cost, a portion of the project maybe spread out over the course of a few years for completion or other items may be considered as alternates.
Mr. Costa added that the State Traffic Commission (see Attachment C) will not be hearing issues until the March meeting – in the middle of the bidding process.  Mr. Costa is to request a letter indicating what direction the STC will take when the modifications make it to their agenda.


Mr. Barrett and Mr. Lindley discussed and assured the Commission that any and all potential Contractors will be thoroughly reviewed for qualifications, they will be bondable and fully capable, they will understand and fulfill the project schedule.
Mr. Barrett stated that the Morganti Group will update the PBSC as needed as to the bidding process.

       3D. Review of Applications for Payment
Mr. Mitchell presented Application for Payment #0014336 in the amount of $46,125.00 as signed off by Ron Bienkowski on January 22, 2009.

Mr. Juliano moved to accept the Application for Payment #0014336 in the amount of $46,125.00.  Mr. D’Angelo seconded motion.  All were in favor.  

4.      Fairfield Hills Public Works
Mr. Knight reported a lateral line break and repair.

5.      Town Hall
A.      Status of Project
Clerk of the Works project representative William Knight reported to the Commission on the pouring of slabs, asbestos abatement & testing results should be coming back and hopefully will not warrant any further delay of the project.
Mr. Knight reported that the radiant lines have been installed in the North & Southwest wings; additionally the majority of the remaining work is in the old main kitchen area.  Mr. Knight stated that the project is currently anticipated to continue through August 2009 for substantial completion and if the project is not up to date by the end of this week, the completion will be delayed by six weeks.  Mr. Knight confirmed that the water problems with the tunnel on Second Avenue have been resolved.
Greenwich Hall abatements are partially complete at this time and the Mechanical and Electrical subs seem to be working out well.  
Change Orders discussed were; Flat roofs requiring new roof drains, the possible replacement of some or all of cast iron pipes depending on damage, if any, demolition, Board of Education requesting all carpeting as opposed to the original layout of partial vinyl tiles, Board of Selectman requesting a pocket door between the Selectman’s Office and the Secretary, the possible removal of an Elm tree located at the North side of the building and the Fire pump not drawing on the connection to the 10 inch line – now must be a jockey pump which requires an additional room because it has a diesel pump which in turn requires a tank. Mr. Knight suggested that the Fairfield Hills Authority may want to look into adding a main pump station to accommodate these requirements.
Mr. Mitchell stated that no change orders will be entertained by the PBSC unless they have gone through a specific process by which the Selectman, Board of Finance and/or Board of Education have initiated the changes and the funds for the change(s) are determined to be available.


              5B. Review for Application for Payment     
Mr. Mitchell presented two Applications for payment, #D0009 in the amount of $357,381.90.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend approval of application for payment #D0009 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Juliano seconded motion.  All were in favor.

The second application for payment presented by Mr. Mitchell was #D00010 in the amount of $420,049.52.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend the approval of application for payment #D00010 in the amount of $420,049.52 pending the availability of funds.  Mr. Juliano seconded motion.  All were in favor.

              6. Community Center
                A. Status of Project
Parks & Recreation Commission Chairman, Ed Marks stated that the contracts for the Community Center are currently with the Town Attorney’s office.  He will contact the Board of Selectman regarding the status of the contracts.

              7. Unfinished Business
                A. Change order process
Discussion tabled.

              8. New Business
                A. Establish Sub-Committees
Discussion during Executive Session

       B. Election of Officers
Mr. Mitchell addressed the Commission stating that resignation letters will be required from member, Bob Mulholland and Clerk, Ann Mazur.

       C. Other Items
Mr. Mitchell introduced Mr. Wes Thompson to the Commission as a prospective PBSC member.

              9. Adjournment
Having no further business, Mr. Mitchell moved to adjourn the regular meeting of the Public Building & Site Commission at 8:45 p.m.

                                        Cayenne Spremullo, Clerk