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PBSC 11-25-08

Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, November 25, 2008 in the Library of the Reed Intermediate School, 3 Trades Lane, Newtown. CT. Chairman Robert Mitchell called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Present: Robert Mitchell, James Juliano, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Mulholland, Joseph Whelan. ABSENT: Craig Ansman,  John Cunningham, Peter Samoskevich.

Also Present: First Selectman Joseph Borst, Clerk of the Works candidate William Knight, Director of Parks and Recreation Amy Mangold, Schools Director of Business Ronald Bienkowski, Board of Education member David Nanavaty, Parks and Recreation Commission Chairman Ed Marks, Commission on Aging Chairman Ed Rees, Morganti Group representative Arthur Lindley, O&G representatives Jeff Cugno and John Cross.

Mr. Mitchell introduced new member Joseph Whelan and Clerk of the Works (Project Representative) candidate William Knight.

High School expansion project. Mr. Bienkowski said that Morganti and Fletcher-Thompson will look at continued value management and thus far have identified items totaling $413,000 to be removed from the project. The tennis courts are now an alternate, the cafeteria’s outside plaza may have the patio and walls removed ($35,000),  the gym basement will be eliminated ($300,000), and adjustments have been made to the cafeteria’s wood ceiling ($75,000). He said that the main entry realignment will be Phase III and FF&E will be Phase II.

Mr. Lindley said that the bid packages have been expanded from 12 to 30 which will get more bidders; however, these small bidders will have to put up their own performance bonds. He distributed “Newtown High School Options Summary October 22, 2008 and PRELIMINARY SCHEDULE FOR REBID ACTIVITIES” (Attachment A to original minutes). Mr. Bienkowski said that the costs to move us forward will be about $250,000. Mr. Lindley distributed “Newtown High School Cost Management updated 11/25/08” (Attachment B to original minutes). Mr. Lindley feels that these figures are still $2.7  million over the $38.8 million.

Mr. Mitchell asked who will decide which items are in and which items are out and who will make the final decisions on what is the rebid package? Mr. Lindley said it must be decided whether to put the owner’s contingency back in. Mr. Lindley distributed “The Morganti Group Newtown High School Expansion DRAFT RE-BID SCHEDULE” (Attachment C to original minutes). He said that if we keep on this schedule construction could begin in May. Mr. Bienkowski said that there is a concern that the project would have to meet LEED certification if we delay.

Mr. Nanavaty said that the Board of Education is concerned that the voters approved certain items and expect them. Mr. Mitchell does not feel that prices are coming down. Mr. Catalina said that commodities such as gypsum and steel are going up not down. Mr. Mitchell said that the Board of Education should look at an alternate plan in the event that the bids come in over budget. Mr. Mitchell said that the litigation matter discussed in open session by the Board of Finance should have been discussed in executive session and could set up adversarial positions between the architect, construction manager and the Town. Mr. Borst reported that after an executive session at Monday’s Board of Finance meeting, the Board voted down any action.

Fairfield Hills public works. The Public Building and Site Commission members feel that the Commission should be involved in the work on gas and sewer lines. Mr. Borst will advise Public Works Director Fred Hurley to keep the Commission informed.

Mr. Borst feels that the Public Building and Site Commission should establish the duties of the Clerk of the Works. Mr. Mitchell noted that last week he sent to Mr. Borst a job description and a draft contract for review by the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Borst noted that this matter is on the Board of Selectmen’s agenda for December 1. Mr. Mitchell noted that matters to be determined include  who the Clerk of the Works (Project Representative) will report to on a day to day basis and who will sign his contract and  pay sheets.

Town Hall project. Mr. Cugno introduced O&G project manager John Cross. Mr. Cross distributed “Newtown Town Offices-Bridgeport Hall O&G Industries, Inc. November 25, 2008 Project Milestone Schedule” (Attachment D to original minutes). He said that O&G is full time on the site. He will provide the Commission with minutes of the job meetings when they are held. Tunnels are being demolished, temporary power has been established, concrete is being poured on the exterior stairs, trenches are being dug for plumbing. He said that abatement is ongoing for residual asbestos.

Mr. Cross said that there is a settling issue with the slab on grade; there is some voiding below the slab that may have resulted from a freezing and thawing cycle. He said that this area is the unexcavated crawl space. If the slab has to be replaced, the cost could be $50,000.

Mr. Mitchell requested that if the Board of Selectmen approves the hiring of Mr. Knight, that they issue a letter of intent to him while the contract is being finalized.

Mr. Cross said that there are continued flow tests for the sprinkler design. He said that static pressure and residual pressure are a bit low and a fire pump may be needed which would cost $18,000 to $20,000. He said that O&G is working with the Town on telecommunications and phone systems. He said that the lines come from the basement to a first floor closet and he suggests that these be put in a rigid type conduit. If the Public Building and Site Commission wants to pursue this, he will obtain prices.

Mr. Cross said that the job meetings will be held every other Tuesday at 9:00 a.m.

Community Center. Mr. Cugno noted that the architect and construction manager have been chosen. He said that O&G will do everything from programming through schematic design and will present a formal proposal to the Board of Selectmen for consideration at their second meeting in December. He said that it will take about 30 weeks to complete the schematic design phase. Discussion followed about whether the Town or O&G should hold the contracts. Mr. Mitchell noted that the Town would like to have direct access to the Ames and Whitaker(the architect) without going through O&G. Mr. Cugno said that O&G would have no problem with Ames and Whitaker having direct contact with the Town. Mr. Cugno said that O&G will present to the Town one contract and one proposal with the ability for the Town to contact the architect directly.

Mr. Marks asked if the demolition if part of this initial process. Mr. Cugno said that O&G is not involved in the demolition of either Greenwich or Litchfield Halls. Mr. Marks also noted that escalation factors should be included. Mr. Borst said that there is no contract yet for the demolition of Litchfield Hall. Mr. Cugno said that the Town sends in its own environmental engineer, Russell Bartley, who contracts to TRC. O&G recommends that TRC put together the demolition specs.

There was discussion about the source of funding for the Clerk of the Works for Bridgeport Hall.

Unfinished business.

Change Order process will be tabled until the High School project commences.

New Business.

Schedule of 2009 meeting dates. The time of the meetings will be changed to 7:00 p.m. beginning in January 2009. Upon motion of Mr. Catalina the meeting schedule for 2009 was unanimously accepted with the change of time.

Bills for Payment.

High School.

Mr. Mulholland moved to recommend that the Purchasing Authority pay The Morganti Group invoice #1 in the amount of $15,232.25 when funds are available. Second by Mr. Juliano and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mitchell is in receipt of several invoices from O&G that he will discuss with Mr. Cugno to reconcile the invoices with the backup material. They will also review communications sent to Public Building concerning accepting alternates for the project.

Mr. Borst will meet with Financial Director Bob Tait to determine a protocol for payment of invoices approved by the Public Building and Site Commission.

Adjournment. Upon motion of Mr. Juliano, the meeting adjourned at 9:04 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk