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PBSC 10-28-08
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 in the Library of the Reed Intermediate School, 3 Trades Lane, Newtown. CT. Vice-Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Present: James Juliano, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Mulholland,  Peter Samoskevich. ABSENT: Craig Ansman,  John Cunningham.

Also Present: Superintendent of Schools Dr. Janet Robinson, Board of Education members Kathy Fetchick and David Nanavaty, O&G representative Jeff Cugno, Fletcher-Thompson representative Joe Costa, one member of public, one member of press.


HIGH SCHOOL EXPANSION PROJECT. Mr. Costa reported that the Town has requested a waiver from the State to defer improvements to the main driveway entrance. He said that the State seems to  be willing to defer the improvements for a period of time but that the actual timeline is not known. He said that the State is requiring revised drawings. He noted that the cost will be about $7,500.00 and that someone has to authorize the expenditure. Mr. Juliano reminded that Public Building and Site Commission is a recommending body and feels that this up to the Board of Selectmen or the Board of Education to determine. Dr. Robinson, in response to a query from Mr. Mitchell, said that we would not receive reimbursement from the State for this if it is done after the project is completed. Mr. Mulholland feels that we would not lose the reimbursement if it is deferred. Mr. Mitchell said that once the Certificate of Occupancy is issued, the project is done. Mr. Mitchell noted that this package would have to be rebid. Mr. Costa noted that the cost of the driveway, parking lot and associated improvements would be approximately $1.5 million. Mr. Mitchell would like to have this amount also reflect escalation costs. He said that the ball field remains as is for replacement.
Mr. D’Angelo moved pending availability of funds that the Public Building and Site Commission recommends to the Board of Education to approve the amount of $7,500 to allow Fletcher-Thompson and their associates to construct the additional drawings as necessary to design a modification of the main entry realignment and ultimately the Board of Education will send to the State for a possible waiver and approval with the understanding that this will be deferred back to the original design at some time in the future. Second by Mr. Mitchell and unanimously carried.

Mr. Costa said that Ed Barrett  feels that probably the bids will not go down enough to satisfy the $6 million.

TOWN HALL PROJECT AT FAIRFIELD HILLS. Mr. Cugno reported that all contracts with the trades have been approved by the Purchasing Authority and totaled less than $7 million. He said that O&G has mobilized on the site and that there will be a full-time project manager and supervisor from O&G on the site starting next week. He will have a new construction schedule for the November 25 meeting. He anticipates a Certificate of Occupancy in July, 2009. In response to a question from Mr. Mitchell, he said that the utility decided that power will be brought in right from the street rather than pulling it from Canaan House.

Mr. Cugno said that the Town must make a decision within the next month on all of the alternates.

He said that the reimbursement from the State for the Board of Education offices will be $647,000, which was more than we had discussed. He said that the window package was approved. He said that the spec for the roof was for a forty year roof and that O&G still recommends repairing the existing roof.

Mr. Mulholland questioned the expenditure of an additional $80,000. Mr. Cugno said that the roof bidder included the gutters and leaders in his alternate rather than base bid which took money out of the contingency. Mr. Mulholland said that Public Building was never consulted about this change order, which Mr. Cugno said was not a change order. Mr. Mulholland said that Public Building should have approved this change. Mr. Mitchell said that is not true of a design build project, which this is. He said that in a design build project the Board of Selectmen can move money around as long as it is within the original budget. He feels that this should be taken up with the Board of Selectmen, not with O&G.

RECREATION CENTER/SENIOR ~CENTER. Mr. Cugno said that the design team of Ames and Whitaker has submitted a proposal including scope, cost and schedule which O&G will review. He said that the estimate for the schematic design proposal will be presented to the Board of Selectmen in about three weeks. He said that it will take about twenty-five weeks to prepare the schematic design to be presented to the Town for approval.


CLERK OF THE WORKS. Bill Knight and a representative from Savin Engineers will be interviewed later in executive session.

CHANGE ORDER PROCESS. Mr. Mitchell reported that the First Selectman had consulted Town Attorney David Grogins concerning the process and that Mr. Grogins had asked for recommendations from Mr. Mitchell. Mr. Mitchell tabled his draft until the High School project goes forward. He said that there is no written procedure for the change order process for a design build project.

Bills for Payment.

High School.

Mr. Mulholland moved to recommend that the Purchasing Authority pay Fletcher-Thompson Invoice #13816 in the amount of $12,215.00 when funds are available. Second by Mr. D’Angelo and unanimously carried.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend that the Purchasing Authority pay Fletcher-Thompson Invoice #13817 in the amount of $495.01 when funds are available. Second by Mr. Samoskevich and unanimously carried.


Selection of Chairman. Mr. Catalina nominated Mr. Mitchell for the position as Chairman to fill the vacancy as a result of Mr. Furrier’s resignation. Seconded by Mr. Mulholland. There were no other nominations. Mr. Mitchell was unanimously elected chairman.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Mr. D’Angelo, the minutes of the regular meeting of  September 23, 2008 were unanimously accepted as presented.

EXECUTIVE SESSION. Mr. Catalina moved to enter executive session at 8:00 p.m. to interview candidates for the Clerk of the Works position. At this time the clerk left the meeting.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk