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PBSC 7-22-08
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 in the Library of the Reed Intermediate School, 3 Trades Lane, Newtown. CT. Vice-Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Present: James Juliano, Robert Mulholland, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Mitchell, Peter Samoskevich,. ABSENT: William Furrier, Craig Ansman, John Cunningham.

Also Present: Superintendent of Schools Dr. Janet Robinson, Board of Ed member Kathy Fetchick, High School principal Chip Dumais, Commission on Aging Chairman Ed Rees and member Karin Aurelia, Schools Director of Grounds and Maintenance Gino Faiella,  O&G representatives Jeff Cugno and Brian Holmes, Fletcher-Thompson representative Joe Costa,  Morganti representatives Ed Barrett and Arthur Linley, Tai Soo Kim representative Gerry Waters, six members of public, one member of press.

VOTER PARTICIPATION. Ruby Johnson, 16 Chestnut Hill Road, asked that when the bids are received for Bridgeport Hall, the Commission explain to the public such items as how much open area there will be for the offices. Also be sure that all buildings comply with the ADA.

Karin Aurelia, 18 Castle Hill Road, asked what would be discussed under the items Town Hall and Senior Center expansion; would the sunroom for the Senior Center be discussed? Mr. Juliano and Mr. Mulholland explained that it is not under the purview of this Commission to decide if and when the sunroom will be built. Mr. Mulholland said that Public Works Director Fred Hurley is trying to obtain funding for the sunroom. Mrs. Aurelia asked why two members of the Independent Party of Newtown (IPN) joined the Public Building and Site Commission on a tour of Bridgeport Hall but no one else was advised of the tour. She said that the IPN members were there to see if the roof leaked; she said that tours should be open to the general public. The members present stated that they did not invite anyone on the tour and Mr. Juliano noted that if there are tours they will be sure that the public is aware.

John Aurelia, 18 Castle Hill Road, asked if the roof to Bridgeport Hall was found to have leaked. Mr. Juliano said there were no leaks in the area of the roof that was a concern. Mr. Mulholland said that O&G said the flat roofs should be replaced and that Public Building concurred. He said that replacing the existing roof is a bid alternate. Mr. Juliano said that flashings and valleys could be a problem rather than the roof itself. Dormers will be replaced to install air handlers and tiles will be removed and replaced on the cupola for this work.

Fred Moran, 59 Queen Street, said that his research indicated that the roof could last for 100 years but removing the cupola will disturb the roof. How will the warranties for the work under the roof be affected by the roof? He suggests saving tiles from Greenwich Hall and using them. Mr. Mulholland said that O&G plans to stockpile tiles from the roofs that are removed. He said that tiles are strong but the copper nails are a question. Mr. Moran said that Ernest Peterson & Co. in Hartford placed the original roof and they should be contacted for tiles and nails if needed. Mr. Samoskevich suggested that Mr. Moran talk to the Fairfield Hills Authority; Mr. Moran said that they told him that they have nothing to do with this. Mr. Moran asked why the parking for the Newtown Youth Academy was not put out to bid rather than having a private developer do the work when the town owns this? Mr. D’Angelo suggested that Mr. Moran talk to the First Selectman.

Mr. Cugno of O&G said that O&G is still developing specs for the Town Hall. He said that parking was approved by P&Z for the field, Newtown Youth Academy and the Community/Senior Center. Mr. Mulholland said that the intent of the Master Plan is for common parking for the three areas.

Bob Sharpe, 5 Timbermill Lane asked the status of the Community/Senior Center Building and was advised that there will be an update this evening.

HIGH SCHOOL EXPANSION PROJECT. Mr. Barrett distributed “Proposed Bid Schedule” (attachment A to original minutes).  He said that the bid date was moved back one week from July 22 to July 29. Contractors requested an extension. Two addenda have been mailed to the bidders and a third will be sent out also. He said that the one week delay should have no significant impact on the schedule. The gym roof is still on schedule.

A letter was received from Schools Director of Business Ron Bienkowski asking that Public Building approve  the Board of Education accelerating the schedule to install a gas service line and metering for the High School. (attachment B to original minutes). Mr. Faiella said that we would like the option to use gas or oil. He would like the gas equipment installed before heating season. Mr. Barrett said that the charge for bringing the gas line up to the school should be an operational cost not a construction cost.

Mr. Barrett reminded that Morganti had done a comparison study of an access onto Wasserman Way and the realignment of the main entrance and had reported the results to the Public Building and Site Commission. Both would cost about $1.5 million. The Wasserman Way access would have meant moving much material around on the site as the Town would not allow any to be removed, but the State would not approve that access. The decision was thus made to realign the main entrance.

TOWN HALL PROJECT AT FAIRFIELD HILLS. Mr. Cugno said that the State Bureau of School Facilities (BSU) approved going out to bid and the bids will be out  next week. All but the phone system will be bid now because the Town asked O&G to look at the type of phone system again in order to coordinate the phones with the Tech Department needs. Bids should be awarded by the end of August. Construction is scheduled to begin by September 15. Construction should take 8-9 months with July occupancy. Mr. Cugno feels that the condition of the roof will not affect the warranties for work done under the roof.

Mr. Cugno said that for safety reasons O&G is not anticipating any public tours as the building will be a construction site.

New plans were submitted to the Building and Fire Departments who gave comments and signed the plans. Mr. Catalina asked if there are emergency showers as Health Department may handle hazardous materials. Mr. Cugno will check on this.

RECREATION CENTER/SENIOR ~CENTER. Mr. Cugno reported that O&G has a task order to get specs and plans for the demolition and abatement of Litchfield Hall in order to go out to bid. The survey on abatement should be done in 2-3 weeks. O&G will save roof shingles. Mr. Mulholland noted that these can be used for repairs but not on any new construction. Mr. Cugno is not aware whether the parking is in the lease with Claris Construction but said that O&G will evaluate the parking if it is not. The Request for Qualifications for the design team are due Thursday.



Mr. Juliano moved to recommend that the Purchasing Authority pay  amended Baybutt Construction invoice #7 in the amount of $23,361.64 when funds are available. Second by Mr. Mulholland and unanimously carried. This closes out the project.

CLERK OF THE WORKS. Mr. Mitchell noted that in the latest version of the job description that he saw, the Clerk of the Works had some of the responsibilities of the Construction Manager and that there are other items in that version that are incorrect or illegal. The Commission feels that one Clerk of the Works will be needed for the Town Hall offices and one for Fairfield Hills projects.

CHANGE ORDER PROCESS. Mr. Mitchell distributed a draft “Proposed Change Order Process Construction Management Projects.” This is a flow chart for the High School project. After discussion, Mr. Mitchell stated that he will revise the draft and will prepare a flow chart for the Town Hall project.


The Commission noted that it needs to be informed when there are items on the Board of Selectmen’s agendas that are of interest and/or concern to Public Building and Site Commission.

GAS SERVICE LINE AND METERING INSTALLATION AT NEWTOWN HIGH SCHOOL. Mr. Faiella explained that he wants to put in the valve for the gas and extend the line to the High School as well as put the meters in place when the Town paves Oakview Road. Yankee Gas is requiring a payment of $67,000 before it begins the project. It will then determine the real cost. Mr. Faiella reported that the only option to not paying the $67,000 was to sign up for a five year plan but he said that  Mr. Bienkowski did not want to sign up for a five year plan. Mr. Mitchell asked Mr. Faiella to see if the Town can get a rebate on the $67,000 payment if it decides to sign up for the five year plan. Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend to the Board of Education that the gas service line and meter be installed at a cost of $67,000 with the actual cost to be determined when Yankee Gas receives the payment. Second by Mr. Mulholland and unanimously carried.

Bills for Payment.

High School.

Mr. Mulholland moved to recommend that the Purchasing Authority pay Morganti Invoice #7 in the amount of $15,500 when funds are available. Second by Mr. D’Angelo and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mulholland moved to recommend that the Purchasing Authority pay Morganti Invoice #8 in the amount of $15,500 when funds are available and upon certification by the Schools Director of Business. Second by Mr. D’Angelo and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mulholland moved to recommend that the Purchasing Authority pay Fletcher-Thompson Invoice #13486 in the amount of $12,215.00 when funds are available. Second by Mr. D’Angelo and unanimously carried.

Mr. D’Angelo moved to recommend that the Purchasing Authority pay Fletcher-Thompson Invoice #13463 in the amount of $3,719.87 when funds are available. Second by Mr. Mitchell and unanimously carried.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Mr. Juliano, the minutes of June 24, 2008  were unanimously accepted as presented.

If a member is unable to attend a meeting, it is requested that the clerk be notified forty-eight hours prior to the meeting.

ADJOURNMENT. Having no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk