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PBSC 6-24-08
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, June 24, 2008 in the Conference Room, Reed Intermediate School, 3 Trades Lane, Newtown. CT. Vice-Chairman James Juliano called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Present: James Juliano, Robert Mulholland. ABSENT: William Furrier, Craig Asnman, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Peter Samoskevich, John Cunningham, Robert Mitchell.

Also Present: First Selectman Joe Borst, Selectman Herb Rosenthal (6:50), Schools Director of Business Ron Bienkowski, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Janet Robinson, Board of Ed member Kathy Fetchick, High School principal Chip Dumais, Parks and Recreation Commission representatives P.J. Yoakum and Barbara Kasbarian, Commission on Aging Chairman Ed Rees and members LeReine Frampton and Karin Aurelia, Schools Director of Grounds and Maintenance Gino Faiella,  O&G representatives Dave Cravanzola, Jeff Cugno and Brian Holmes, Fletcher-Thompson representative Joe Costa,  Morganti representatives Ed Barrett and Arthur Linley, Tai Soo Kim representative Gerry Waters, three members of public, one member of press.

Note: There was not a quorum present thus no action was taken.


TOWN HALL PROJECT AT FAIRFIELD HILLS. Mr. Cugno said that the following items were addressed after the joint meeting of the Board of the Selectmen and the Public Building and Site Commission held on June 9: 1) Tai Soo Kim added acoustic panels; 2) the technical issues that were raised will be addressed and a meeting with the Board of Ed staff will be held on June 25; 3) the radon system is being designed as required by BSF; 4) Russell Bartley is updating the Phase I environmental report for the entire campus as required by BSF. Mr. Cugno noted that the STC gave approval for the project. He said that we would like to go out to bid by July 1 but will wait for the sign-off from BSF.

Tonight Mr. Cugno was looking for PBSC approval subject to BSF approval. Mr. Mulholland noted that there is not a quorum of the PBSC present to vote. He also said that Mr. Mitchell had concerns and recommended an independent review of the plans and specs. Mr. Mulholland said that the High School project is also having an independent review. Mr. Cugno recommended not pushing the project back any further as time is money. Mr. Mulholland said that the Building Official and the Fire Marshal need to approve the specs. Mr. Cugno said that the budget could be affected by the time line. Mr. Mulholland noted that there is no contingency money in this project. Mr. Juliano noted that Mr. Mitchell’s issues are not meaty and have been or could be addressed, such as the flashing.

Mr. Mulholland and Mr. Juliano agree that there is no reason to hold up giving the specs to the Building Official and Fire Marshal and that there is no reason to hold up going out to bid while waiting for their reviews. Mr. Mulholland said that it will be up to the Building Official and the Fire Marshal to determine if they want an independent party review.

A special meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission will be planned so that the project is not held up.

Mr. Rosenthal joined the meeting at 6:50.

It was noted that the roof is a bid alternate.

Mr. Rosenthal noted that the Board of Selectmen want to move this project forward as quickly as possible. He was advised that the Public and Building and Site Commission recommended that the plans be submitted to the Building Official and the Fire Marshal for review and that the bid process should continue while they review the plans.


Mr. Barrett distributed “Proposed Bid Schedule” (Attachment A to original minutes). He noted that we would plan to go out to bid July 1 with the bids to be returned July 22. There is a pre-bid conference on July 9 and on July 10 contractors can return to the site for more information if they wish. We would like a start date of August 18 for the site contractors. Dr. Robinson will coordinate a ground breaking ceremony.

Mr. Costa noted that the electrical and plumbing trades are now up to speed.

Mr. Barrett noted that the bid for abatement of asbestos and lead and the bid for testing will go out next Wednesday so that all of the bids can be returned at the same time for review.

Mr. Barrett will complete a comparison of the costs of the original proposal for an access at Wasserman Way vs. the planned access. Mr. Juliano asked why the cost per square foot of other Morganti jobs at Bethel and Brookfield were much less than the Newtown High School project. Mr. Barrett said that it is difficult to compare jobs. He said that the Bethel project is small and is only a gym replacement and the Brookfield is a small addition and fields. Also he said that these two projects were bid two years ago.

Mr. Mulholland asked if the 800 items had been addressed; Mr. Barrett said that just about all have been. Mr. Mulholland asked if the week’s delay will affect anything operational. Mr. Barrett said that a lot of these things have been taken care of and a lot have to be coordinated with the school’s schedule. Mr. Dumais said that the High School staff is comfortable with the limited access that they will have. Mr. Barrett said that we have access from the parking lot where we are doing the addition. He said we may consider using one of the empty parking lots at Fairfield Hills. He said there will be security but not at night.

Mr. Juliano asked about the gym time frame and said that he has concerns about the steel removal and placement that he will address with the full Commission.

Mr. Barrett said that the Building Official and Fire Marshal are reviewing the plans and are willing to issue a foundation permit to allow the project to get started if they have not finished their reviews. Mr. Linley said that the Building Official and Fire Marshal must complete their reviews within thirty days of receipt of the plans.

Mr. Rosenthal noted that the Board of Selectmen are to be involved in this project and asked if it has been determined logistically how they will be involved in the process. Mr. Juliano said that Public Building has not discussed this. Mr. Rosenthal said that in the past Change Orders went from Public Building to the Board of Education and he suggested that Mr. Borst ask the Town Attorney for his opinion on what the process should be. He said that change orders involving ed specs could probably be approved by the Board of Education but asked what the process would be for change orders for pure money? He said that this process should be worked out in advance. Dr. Robinson noted that in municipalities where she has worked, every change order was signed off by all parties, Public Building, Board of Education, Board of Selectmen and Purchasing Authority. She will provide the Public Building Commission with documentation of the process that has been used in other municipalities.

RECREATION CENTER/SENIOR ~CENTER. Mr. Cugno said that an RFQ for a design team has to be put together including the specs for Parks and Recreation and the Commission on Aging. Next would be interviews of a short list of candidates, then a recommendation by the Public Building and Site Commission. Mrs. Kasbarian noted that Parks and Recreation spatial needs were not included in the attachments to the draft of the RFQ that O&G prepared. Mr. Cugno said that the RFQ will include all requirements of the Commission on Aging and Parks and Recreation.

Mrs. Kasbarian said that Parks & Recreation and the Commission on Aging are ready to issue the RFQ and that O&G has their requirements. Mr. Rosenthal noted that in May the Board of Selectmen approved requesting the RFQ and demolition of Litchfield Hall. Mr. Cugno said that O&G was not aware that the Board of Selectmen had approved these items and will get this out immediately. Mr. Rosenthal noted that the demolition of Litchfield Hall was approved first in order to get the parking done. Mr. Rees said that there is overlap in the approvals and asked about parking for the Community Center building. Mr. Rosenthal noted that there was always shared parking in the plan. He noted that Planning and Zoning does not want several temporary parking areas.



Mr. Juliano moved to recommend that the Purchasing Authority pay Baybutt Construction invoice #7 in the amount of $22,154.14 when funds are available, pending ratification by the full Public Building and Site Commission. Second by Mr. Mulholland.

Mrs. Frampton asked when the sunroom will be started. Mr. Rosenthal said that Public Works Director Fred Hurley said that this would be done when the open porch on the Childrens Adventure Center is enclosed and that the Commission on Aging should verify this with Mr. Hurley.

CLERK OF THE WORKS. Mr. Borst noted that the Board of Selectmen approved the draft of the job description with minor changes at its meeting of June 18, 2008. He said that the individual will not be a town employee and that we may need to hire two clerks of the works. He said that the individual will work for the extent of a particular project. His office will advertise the position.


Mr. Juliano and Mr. Mulholland agreed that attendance is an issue as this is the second meeting in a row at which there was not a quorum.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Mr. Juliano, the minutes of May 27, 2008 and June 9, 2008  were unanimously accepted as presented.

ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk