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PBSC 5-27-08
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Public Building and Site Commission held on Tuesday, May 27, 2008 in the Conference Room, Reed Intermediate School, 3 Trades Lane, Newtown. CT. Chairman William Furrier called the meeting to order at 6:50 p.m.

Present: William Furrier, James Juliano, Thomas Catalina, Anthony D’Angelo, Robert Mulholland, Peter Samoskevich. ABSENT: Craig Asnman, John Cunningham, Robert Mitchell.

Also Present: First Selectman Joe Borst, Schools Director of Business Ron Bienkowski, Superintendent of Schools Dr. Janet Robinson (7:05 p.m.), O&G representatives Dave Cravanzola and Jeff Cugno, Fletcher-Thompson representatives Joe Costa and Matt Holst, Morganti representative Ed Barrett, Tai Soo Kim representative Gerry Waters, one member of public.


TOWN HALL PROJECT AT FAIRFIELD HILLS. The roof was discussed. Mr. Juliano said that he could see no evidence of leaks in the fall. Mr. Furrier would like to know whether the nails and the bonding to the shingles will last. He asked how long the copper nails will last in this environment, to which Mr. Juliano noted that the copper nails should last because there is no electrolysis with unlike metals present. Mr. Cravanzola said that construction of the campus was from 1929 – 1931, so it was noted that the roof is 60 plus years old.

The Roof Inspection Report completed by H. B. Fishman & Company dated May 2, 2006  was discussed. Mr. Cravanzola said that Fishman did an analysis of various roofs. Fishman recommended “replacement of existing composition shingles, flashings, gutters, built up roof system and repairs to the cupola” with an option being replacement of composition shingles with 40 or 50 year faux shingles with new flashings and gutters. Also Fishman recommends “that the existing built up roofing system be replaced with a minimum of two layers of 1.5” rigid insulation and a modified roof membrane.” Fishman revised this report with a letter dated 19 May 2008 (Attachment A to original minutes). The company said that “based on your design considerations to maintain the existing composition shingles, our option is that this is possible.” Fishman also noted in this letter that “roof maintenance with existing shingles may result in higher repair costs and environmental issues.” Also noted is that it may be necessary to reuse shingles from the other buildings.

Mr. Furrier said that this report is an executive summary and asked to see the backup information; Mr. Cravanzola said that this was the only information received.

Mr. Cravanzola said that nothing is leaking inside the building. He said that the gutters are leaking and will be replaced. Also rotting decking and trim boards will be replaced as noted in the documents. He also stated that O&G feels that the copper flashing should last another 20-25 years and the roof has not worn at all. Ice damming occurred where the flat roof came into the barrel roof and will be addressed. Scaffolding will be set up for the cupola restoration. Mr. Cravanzola said that O&G feels that we can keep the roof. O&G does not know how long the roof may last. It was noted that connections to the leader box are a problem with expansion to the valleys.

Mr. Waters said that Tai Soo Kim feels that the roof can stay. He said that with a cold attic which is being proposed rather than a heated attic a ridge vent is not needed. The roof is an alternate. Mr. Mulholland suggested looking at solar vents.

There is no time frame for the roof in Fishman’s report. Mr. Cravanzola noted that if the roof is replaced, it should be done late in Phase II as well as restoration of the cupola. Mr. Furrier asked about waiting until later vs. replacing the roof now. Mr. Cravanzola said that it would be easier now with no occupants and would require a coordination effort later. Mr. Cugno said that many roofs have been replaced with occupancy. He noted that if the roof leaks in five years the insulation would be affected but not ruined.

Mr. D’Angelo asked about the reimbursement rate for the roof. Mr. Cravanzola said that it would 18 cents on a dollar for 33% of the building. The reimbursement budgeted legislatively is $597,000. Dr. Robinson noted that it is 16 cents on a dollar, which Mr. Cravanzola said would be 31.45% of the building. Mr. Furrier noted that the reimbursement for the roof would then be 5-6% of the cost of the roof.

No warranty will be given for the roof. Fishman concluded that it is possible to keep the roof with some remedial work. Mr. Cugno said that O&G feels that it is a reasonable recommendation to keep the roof. Mr. Mulholland said that when O&G made its presentation it said that the roof had to be replaced and this was included in the $10.5 million. Now this is not included but it is a bid alternate. He said that Public Building was not informed of this change. Mr. Cugno said that he does not specifically recall something different in the report as in the proposal.

Mr. Furrier asked if there are concerns because this is an asbestos roof. Mr. Cravanzola said not if work is monitored correctly. Mr. Waters said that the roof monitor would be hired under a separate contract. Mr. Mulholland noted that  shingles, downspouts and other items from Greenwich and Bridgewater Halls were taken away because there was no one to represent the Town. Mr. Cugno noted that O&G is under contract with the Town on a task by task basis. He said that the Town had a lease with Peter D’Amico that gave Mr. D’Amico the authority to demolish the buildings and do construction and take the soil. Mr. Mulholland said that we need a plan if we are going to keep the roof, such as to save shingles from other buildings.

Mr. Mulholland is concerned that there will be too much noise in the building for employees and the public. Mr. Waters said that there will be new acoustic spray on the ceiling, the walls will be drywall and there will be some carpets. Also the departments will be semi-divided by conference and copy rooms. There will be some partitions. Mr. Mulholland asked if there is a back up plan in case the building is still too noisy; Mr. Waters said that we could look at a back up plan, such as acoustic baffles or baffles for the open filing system. Mr. Mulholland said that the Town side will not be as quiet as the Board of Education side.


Change Orders #1 through #6 that were approved last month are being processed for payment.

Mr. Cravanzola said that O&G is reducing the retaining of the demo contractor by 2.5%.

Mr. Mulholland moved to recommend that the Purchasing authority pay O&G Invoice #D0006 in the amount of $227,015.29 when funds are available. Second by Mr. Samoskevich and unanimously carried.

Mr. Cravanzola asked that Public Building Committee review the bid documents and approve them at the June meeting so that we can go out to bid. He said that the Bureau of School Facilities (BSF) needs notification from the State Traffic Commission (STC) that the Town is doing all that it is supposed to do on the project.

BSF also now has notified O&G that they need the Phase I environmental report for all of Fairfield Hills that was done years ago in a ASTM 1527 format which Russell Bartley will provide. This will take 2-3 weeks.

BSF also must approve a radon system before we can go out to bid. Since the radon system will not be completed until the building is done, O&G will design a radon system now. Mr. Cravanzola said that based on the additional requirements from BSF, we will probably not go out to bid until July 1 because we have to redo the documents, design a radon system and provide the Phase I environmental report. Move in is anticipated for April.

O&G will schedule a meeting with Public Building to review the bid documents.

Mr. Borst asked if dual fuels are being considered using natural gas with oil back up. Mr. Waters said that energy requirements would not be met with a dual fuel system and that a dual fuel boiler is not as effective.

RECREATION CENTER/SENIOR ~CENTER. Mr. Furrier distributed “Fairfield Hills Development Project Draft for Review.” (Attachment A to original minutes. He noted that a meeting held on May 1 concerning the proposed building  was attended by Mr. Borst, Public Building, O&G, the Commission on Aging and Parks and Recreation. O&G is handling the conceptual design phase. RFQ’s will be requested for architect selection.

HIGH SCHOOL EXPANSION PROJECT. Mr. Costa noted that the plumbing and electrical disciplines are behind and Fletcher-Thompson is working to get them in line with the other trades. A third party review by a structural engineer was done as required by the State. This engineer disagreed with Fletcher-Thompson’s engineer concerning snow drifting and recommends adding a piece of steel which will be done.

Mr. Juliano asked for a timeframe for when the roof will be off; Mr. Barrett said in the summer. He said that outside blasting will be done in February and in April the locker and gym area will be taken over. The building will be without a roof for six weeks but the spaces will be protected by a membrane and drainage on the slabs.

Mr. Costa said that the Town Zoning Board of Appeals granted a variance to remove topsoil from the ball fields. Topsoil will be stockpiled on Oakview and the Town will retain ownership. He said that using underlayment rather than asphalt for the parking lots will save the Town money. He said that Culinary does not have asbestos.

Mr. Barrett said that the bid date will be June 9 or June 10 with start of the project by August 13 or closer to August 1 if possible. Mr. Juliano would like to see figures concerning the cost of the access road and emergency access to Oakview compared to the original proposal to have an access road onto Wasserman Way which will be provided.

Mr. Bienkowski asked if O&G pre-qualifies the bidders as required. Mr. Barrett said that Morganti does this; they are State certified. He said that contractors who are not State certified may bid on the contract. He said we try to qualify the capabilities of the contractors.

SUBCOMMITTEE OF PUBLIC BUILDING TO WORK ON THE HIGH SCHOOL PROJECT. Mr. Furrier moved to create a subcommittee to work on the High School project, preferably with two or three members. Second by Mr. Samoskevich and unanimously carried. Mr. Furrier asked for volunteers. Mr. Mulholland, Mr. Catalina and Mr. Furrier will serve on the subcommittee. Mr. Barrett said that a function of the subcommittee could be for a member to attend subcontractors’ and owner’s meetings one day a week and to be available during the rest of the week for sign offs. The Commission noted that when a Clerk of the Works is hired, that person will also attend the meetings. Mr. Barrett suggested that the subcommittee member have some authority to make financial decisions; the Board agreed and will set a dollar limit on these approvals.


Mr. Samoskevich moved to authorize the purchasing authority to pay invoice #6550 from Christopher Marseglia in the amount of $12,000.00 for the third party review. Second by Mr. Furrier and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mulholland moved to authorize the purchasing authority to pay invoice #13311 from Fletcher-Thompson in the amount of $654.00 for traffic consultant Frederick P. Clarke. Second by Mr. Samoskevich and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mulholland moved to authorize the purchasing authority to pay invoice #13310 from Fletcher-Thompson in the amount of $85,505.00 for final contract documents. Second by Mr. Juliano and unanimously carried.

Mr. Samoskevich moved to authorize the purchasing authority to pay invoice #13312 from Fletcher-Thompson in the amount of $16,566.41 for reimbursables (printing). Second by Mr. Furrier and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mulholland moved to authorize the purchasing authority to pay invoice #07-191-02 from Recon in the amount of $500.00 for reports on parking underlayments and asphalt. Second by Mr. Samoskevich and unanimously carried.

Mr. Mulholland moved to authorize the purchasing authority to pay invoice #PCA-06 from Morganti in the amount of $15,500.00. Second by Mr. Samoskevich and unanimously carried.


CLERK OF THE WORKS. Mr. Borst presented a revised draft for the Committee to review which he plans to present to the Board of Selectmen at their next meeting. Mr. Juliano moved to approve the changes to the Clerk of the Works draft document. Second by Mr. Samoskevich and unanimously carried.

SENIOR CENTER ADDITION PROJECT. The project has been completed and all bills have been paid. Mr. Mulholland moved to close the Senior Center Addition Project and turn it over to the Town of Newtown. Second by Mr. Juliano and unanimously carried. Mr. Mulholland said that everyone is happy with the job that was done.


ARTIFICIAL TURF. Mr. Samoskevich presented a newspaper article stating that three fields in New Jersey with artificial turf were closed down because of lead dust. (Attachment B to original minutes). Mr. Samoskevich is concerned with the health and safety of the children using the fields. The Committee discussed these concerns.

FAIRFIELD HILLS PARKING AND UTILITY WORK. Mr. Furrier noted that  parking is being developed for Newtown Hall and the Newtown Youth Academy. He asked if the Town is still considering Mr. D’Amico’s offer to demolish buildings and construct parking; Mr. Borst said this is still being reviewed. Mr. Furrier asked will Public Building manage construction of the parking lots and utilities; Mr. Borst replied yes. Mr. Furrier asked why Public Works is involved and not Public Building. Mr. Borst said that Public Works is documenting what they will do. He said that Public Building should have a copy of each RFP. Mr. Borst said that the Town must review taking down Greenwich and Litchfield Halls and doing permanent parking vs. the cost of temporary parking. Mr. Catalina asked who is paying for the work that Public Works is doing at Fairfield Hills? Mr. Borst said that the Town employees are being used during the window before summer work. He said their work will be documented by Public Works and will be  charged back to the project.

MINUTES. Upon motion of Mr. Juliano, the minutes of April 22, 2008 and the addendum were unanimously accepted as presented.

ADJOURNMENT. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk