With the recent rash of larcenies from motor vehicles, the Newtown Police Department is reminding all residents within the town to take the following safeguards to protect themselves and their property from being a victim of these types of crimes.
• Lock Your Vehicle… This is as simple as it sounds, but you would be surprised at how much is stolen from cars with unlocked doors. Of course, locked doors don't do much good if you leave the windows down, so
roll up all windows.
• Remove ALL Valuables from Your Vehicle… If you have to leave items in the car, put them out of sight and in the trunk. Always take personal items into your home when you park for the evening. Never leave anything visible in your car especially electronic items such as a GPS units, music players or laptop computers.
• Park in a well-lit area… Light removes the cover of darkness which is important to thieves. When parking your vehicle at night, always take steps to park your vehicle where there is plenty of light. Motion activated lights are a great deterrent to thief’s and should be installed in your driveway.
• Avoid parking on the street if possible… This will help to reduce the opportunity for thieves to access your vehicle.
• Report ALL Suspicious Activity… If you see a crime in progress or something suspicious, call the Newtown Police Departmentimmediately at 203-426-5841. Try and take notes such as clothing descriptions, vehicle make/color/license plate and direction of travel. Give all this information to the police officer answering the call. In the case of an emergency please call 911.
By following these tips you can greatly reduce the likelihood that you and your vehicle will be a victim of this type of theft.