Dear Newtown, February 12, 2013
This is a short note to let you all know that Senators Blumenthal and Murphy have invited me to be their guest at the State of the Union Address. I do not know to what extent our community or the events of 12/14 will be referenced, but imagine that it is a good possibility. It is an invitation that I accept at this busy time because of the kindness and support that all of our elected officials, at all levels of government, have shown for our community.
In addition, I will be returning to DC on Friday for an important event at the White House, a reception and ceremony where the President's Citizen's medal will be awarded to our adult heroes of 12/14 or posthumously to a member of their family. I will be joining these heroes and family members as they receive this honor for their brave sacrifices.
Thank you, Newtown. We are Newtown and we choose Love!