Please note the statement that was sent out yesterday (below) is relative to the distribution process of donated items at the warehouse.
Our Town and School District have received an overwhelming amount of donated goods and services to the Sandy Hook/Newtown community since the tragic events of December 14th. Most of these items have been accepted, catalogued and stored in a warehouse on Simm Lane. Early on we recognized the obligation and challenge to organize and ultimately distribute the donations in a way that would honor the intentions of the donors. Donations that were addressed by name to any Sandy Hook family, teacher or resident were separated out and distributed, as were boxes and boxes of school supplies. Our 26 Sandy Hook families have also had a chance to review what has come in and request distributions to any organizations they choose to donate to in the name of their loved one.
A Donation Coordination Team has been formed to administer the assignment of the remaining donations and offers using the Aidmatrix software system (used by FEMA) to evaluate and expedite the fulfillment of requests for items. Once all requests are reviewed the Team will allocated donations, giving priority to our local families and children in need and the organizations that serve them, Sandy Hook School and district elementary schools, ~other district and non-public schools, the broader community and other requesting organizations. Once all local needs have been met the team will begin the distribution of the surplus goods. All requests can be made to donationrequests@newtownvolunteers.org~or by calling 855-364-6600.
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