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Newtown Continues To Heal
Newtown continues to heal.  We hope that Newtowners do what they do best, help each other, make good decisions about what they need and ask for assistance when they don’t know.
Newtown Youth and Family Services, located at 15 Berkshire Road in Sandy Hook, CT continues to be our entry point or referral for anyone looking for counseling assistance or support.  The staff at NYFS will assess the need and take appropriate action or referral – they work to understand the need of the caller or individuals who walk-in and match them with an appropriate response.  NYFS has been working with the CT Dept of Children and Families, the CT Dept of Mental Health and Addiction Services as well as many, many local and regional providers to make this response.  
Newtown Youth and Family Services can be reached at (203) 426-8103 and their website is
We know that folks have sought counseling and support elsewhere and that is fine too.  We know that Connecticut is rich in skilled workforce and resources.  If something is working for you, that is great.  If its not, let us know and we will help.
If you need help getting connected to services or assistance, call the Newtown Health District at (203) 270-4291 or e-mail: They will be able to give you the information or direction you need or help you find the person/agency/entity that can.  
Newtown Public Schools continue to provide exemplary education to all of their students while working hard to be responsive to the needs of their schools’ communities (students, staff and parents).  It’s an evolving process; immediate needs are being identified and addressed and long-term plan is being developed and refined.  We know one thing for sure:  we don’t know exactly what the future holds - it is important that current processes as well as future plans are implemented, reviewed and evaluated so that adjustments can be made as future conditions become more evident. Communication is key – as plans and procedures are put in place they will be communicated to their respective school community.  As always, when there is a concern from a parent, they should communicate with their school.
As I said in the beginning, do what you do best, take care of each other and yourselves.  We want you to be healthy.  We are in this together.
Very sincerely yours, Donna Culbert, Director of Health, Newtown Health District