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June 15, 2009 Technical Review Committee Minutes
Newton Planning Board
Technical Review Committee
Meeting Notes
June 15, 2009

1. In Attendance: Ann Miles, Planning Board Chairperson; and David West, Circuit Rider Planner. Minutes were transcribed and typed by Administrative Assistant, Lisa Babcock.

Also in attendance: Cecelia Hart, owner 9A West Main Street (Tax Map 6, Block 5, Lot 9).

The meeting came to order at 3:30 pm.

2. Cecelia Hart: request to discuss subdivision of land at 9A West Main Street. Ms. Hart explained that she is trying to sell the property but is having difficulty due to a number of issues.  One concern is that the property does not have frontage and is accessed by a right of way.  Ms. Hart said the right of way was formerly known as Railroad Ave.  Ms. Hart said she wants to subdivide the property and split the lot between the existing 1 family home and 2 apartment barn so they can be sold separately.

Trisha McCarthy arrived at 3:44 pm.

West suggested converting the units to condos. Ms. Hart felt that condos would be difficult to sell. Miles stated that the property adds value to the town because the apartments add to the number of available affordable housing units.  She also said the property could be used to provide a community well and septic system to the surrounding area. There are many potential uses for the property.  

The Committee determined that variances would be required to subdivide the lot since there is no frontage and the lot is not large enough.  Other variances may also be required.  A denial was issued by West so that Ms. Hart could approach the BOA if she decides to go forward with the subdivision.  The Committee did not feel that subdivision would be detrimental to the area since most of the lots in the area do not meet current dimensional requirements.  

3. Plan NH: The committee discussed Plan NH.  McCarthy said she has a Powerpoint presentation that she could update for the July 7th meeting.

4. Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board