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October 6, 2008 Technical Review Committee Minutes
Newton Planning Board
technical review committee
meeting notes
October 6, 2008

October 6, 2008 Technical Review Committee Meeting Notes
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In Attendance:
Ann Miles, Planning Board Chairperson; David West, Circuit Rider Planner; Mike Vignale, Town Engineer; and Nancy Wrigley, Town Administrator. Minutes were transcribed and typed by Administrative Assistant, Lisa Babcock.

Also in attendance, Joseph Coronati of Jones & Beach Engineers and Michael DeBitetto representing Mr. Foy.

The meeting came to order at 3:35 pm.

1. James Foy: Lot Line Adjustment and Voluntary Lot Merger at 63 Peaslee Crossing and Thornell Road.  Tax Map 7, Block 6, Lot 9-1 and Tax Map 6, Block 8, Lot 6.

Mr. DeBitetto explained that he is involved with conservation land design development and is the friend and representative of Mr. Foy. Mr. Foy is in the process of acquiring land currently owned by Scott Boches. The plan is to move the lot line between an adjacent parcel (already owned by Mr. Foy) and Mr. Boches' land in order to subdivide a 60,000 sf house lot with frontage on Peaslee Crossing.  The remaining area would still be owned by Mr. Foy. A conservation easement would be granted for $75,000.  Access to the conservation area would be via the ROW adjacent to the Quaker Grove Cemetery.

Mr. DeBitetto said there is access to the proposed conservation area from both the Quaker Grove Cemetery and Thornell Road.  

Miles asked about the well – on the plans it is located outside the house lot in the conservation easement area.  Vignale said an easement will be needed giving access to the well from one lot to the other.

Mr. Coronati discussed moving the well into the house lot and asking for a waiver for the well radius to encroach on adjacent properties (approx. 10 feet into each property).  A "hold harmless" agreement would be necessary so that abutters will not be liable for the well.

Miles asked about lot 7-6-6 which is owned by the Rines Family and the adjacent ROW.  There has been disagreement in the past over the ownership of these parcels.  Mr. Coronati produced a court document transferring ownership of the ROW to Northland Property Development which is owned by Scott Boches. Mr. DeBitetto said the Rines family's ownership claims are based on the taxes that have been paid on the property.

Miles asked Mr. DeBitetto to describe the allowed uses for the conservation area.  Mr. DeBitetto said the area would serve as a wildlife corridor and an area for walking trails.  He also said that Mr. Foy wanted the use to be whatever is best for the Town.

Miles asked if motorized vehicles would be excluded – allowing only passive use.  She suggested that Mr. DeBitetto determine what the uses will be prior to the public hearing.

Miles asked how the abutting Forrest Reynolds property is set up.  Wrigley said it is a preservation easement under an LCHIP Grant.

Mr. DeBitetto said that the Conservation Commission has approved and set aside the funds for the easement.  He said there are conditions – Mr. Foy must be paid up front to offset his costs and be able to subdivide the front lot off.

Mr. DeBitetto said that a subdivision plan will be submitted to the Planning Board for the conservation area.  He stressed that the plan will be submitted for appraisal purposes only and may require the town planner to review the plan for feasibility. The appraisal would be for tax purposes and the land would not actually be developed. Building would be prohibited by the conservation easement.

Wrigley asked if the conservation easement would hold forever.  Mr. DeBitetto said yes, it is perpetual.

West suggested adding the building envelop to the house lot. Mr. Coronati said he would try to get revised plans ready for the public hearing.

Wrigley asked if Mr. Foy would be paying current use tax on the conservation area.  Mr. DeBitetto said that that was what they expected – to pay a reduced tax rate on the area.

Ms. Wrigley, Mr. DeBitetto and Mr. Coronati departed at this time.

2. CBI mylars: Miles asked West about the snow storage area shown on the CBI plans. She was concerned about the location within the aquifer.  Miles and West reviewed the minutes from the meeting at which the plan was approved.  West said that the Board may wish to review the aquifer ordinance regarding snow storage but that CBI's plans are not in violation of the ordinance.

3. Miles elderly housing: Miles informed West and Vignale that she is interested in the 3 available elderly housing units for Jacob's Village.  She would incorporate the units within the existing foot print by reducing the size of some of the units. West and Vignale reviewed septic and well calculations provided by Dennis Quintal.  Vignale said the request seems straight forward, but he hasn't seen the new regulations (which reduce waste disposal system requirements to 125 gallons per day for 2 bedroom units) yet.

4. Site Plans: Miles asked West to explain when a site plan is required for commercial uses.  West said development outside existing buildings would trigger a site plan as well as a change of use.  He said that changes within the buildings would not fall under Planning Board jurisdiction – unless there was a change of use.

5. Digital Mapping: Miles asked Vignale and West to write letters asking the Conservation Commission to consider funding digital mapping for the town.  She asked the secretary to ask the Commission if they currently have a management plan for conservation lands.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board.