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September 15, 2008 Technical Review Committee Minutes
Newton Planning Board
technical review committee
meeting notes
september 15, 2008

September 15, 2008 Technical Review Committee Meeting Notes
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In Attendance:
Ann Miles, Planning Board Chairperson; David West, Circuit Rider Planner; and Selectmen, Trisha McCarthy. Minutes were transcribed and typed by Administrative Assistant, Lisa Babcock.

Also in attendance: Resident Robert White.

The meeting came to order at 3:45 pm.

1. Robert White: Discussion regarding the backland property referenced as Tax  Map 11, Block 7, Lot 15-1. Mr. White explained that he is seeking an easement to his property.  Mr. White said he believes he currently has 3 easement accesses to the property.  He would like access through the library property.

Mr. White said he has brought his deed to a surveyor.  Miles asked if there is currently a building on the lot.  Mr. White said no, however there used to be.

Miles asked Mr. White to provide a copy of his deed to the secretary who will have it forwarded to the town attorney for review.

2. Target Block Grant: West provided copies of the Target Block Grant that was awarded to the Planning Board.  Miles asked West to prepare a presentation for the Board for the next meeting to discuss possible courses of action concerning the Grant.
West will also look into digitizing the zoning maps.

Miles asked the secretary to invite the Board of Selectmen to view the presentation and to discuss workforce housing at the next Planning Board meeting (9/23).

The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning Board.