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July 21, 2008 Technical Review Committee Minutes
Newton Planning Board
technical review committee
meeting notes
july 21, 2008

July 21, 2008 Technical Review Committee Meeting Notes
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In Attendance:
Ann Miles, Planning Board Chairperson; David West, Circuit Rider Planner; Newton Fire Chief, Bill Ingalls; Planning Board Member, Frank Gibbs; and Selectmen, Trisha McCarthy. Minutes were transcribed and typed by Administrative Assistant, Lisa Babcock.

Also in attendance: Anders Ragnarsson of CBI and CBI's engineers George Fredette and Aaron Chandler, and Dennis Quintal engineer for Town of Newton for the Sand/Salt Storage Building and others.

The meeting came to order at 3:30 pm.

1. CBI: Mr. Fredette of SFC Engineering addressed the group. He explained that CBI had decided to temporarily put on hold previous plans to build an office building and new access way at 22 Whittier Street.  Instead, CBI wanted to move forward with new plans to construct a structure to house a wood boiler, build an addition to the warehouse and install new bathrooms. A new septic system has already been installed.

Mr. Fredette explained that the proposed 15,400 sf warehouse expansion will free up additional space for their large cranes and enable CBI to move additional equipment inside.

He also stated that they planned to build a 20' x 65' shelter for wood chips and a wood boiler.  CBI also plans to add bathrooms due to the delay in the office building project. A loading dock will also be added.

Mr. Fredette said the new plans include details regarding drainage. He explained that water crosses the site from Mill Brook and also through a pipe parallel to the building. He said there would be re-grading behind the new addition to cause water to run away from the building into a 430' grass swale. Water will drain via storm drains into a CMP which will culminate in a headwall and rip rap.

Miles ask Chief Ingalls if he had any concerns regarding the wood boiler.  Chief Ingalls stated that this would be a new area for the fire department and did not have any comments yet.

Miles also told the engineers to make sure that water does not flow into any of the abutting properties.

McCarthy asked if the wetlands would be protected with oil separators or other means. Mr. Fredette said oil separators will be used.  The plan is to reduce flow velocity with rip rap and oil separators.

Mr. Fredette also mentioned that CBI would be appearing before the ZBA for a variance from installing a sprinkler system in the warehouse. The proposed use of the warehouse is to house non-combustible equipment.  
Gibbs stated that if the use of the warehouse ever changes, sprinklers would have to be installed.

Road Agent, Mike Pivero arrived at 4:01 pm.

2. Sand/Salt Storage Building: Dennis Quintal was in attendance representing the Town of Newton.  The Town plans to build the storage shed at 2 Dugway Road next to the Transfer Station.

Mr. Quintal explained that the building will be a concrete structure with 12' high walls, an open front and a roof. He said the site is currently a gravel surface and near, but not on top of, a former stump dump.

Gibbs asked if test pits had been dug.  Mr. Quintal said no.  Gibbs pointed out that additional costs may be incurred when the foundation is dug if there have been no test pits to determine the quality of the soil.

Mr. Quintal also stated that there will be a concrete pad in front of the structure.  No electricity, water or parking is proposed.  He asked whether a site plan review is required given that this is a municipal project.  West said a site plan review is not required.

Gibbs also noted that the plan does not include specifications on the roof which would also be an open item that could add additional cost.  

Gibbs stated that the structure needed 4' of frost protection so that the concrete wouldn't crack.  Mr. Quintal said it was not needed. He said the back portion of the building would be built into a hill that would provide frost protection.  Gibbs and Mr. Quintal disagreed on this point.  Mr. Quintal said the building department will address questions of this nature and offered to provide an as-built plan for the Town.  

Miles stated that there are concerns because the proposed building will be near an aquifer.  McCarthy said that there are monitoring wells in the area that will be helpful in tracking water quality.  She said the sides of the structure will need to be high enough to prevent run-off.

It was agreed that the plans will be brought before the Planning Board at a duly noticed public hearing for discussion.  A legal ad will be run and abutters will be notified.

Underground v Above Ground Utilities
The group discussed above ground versus underground utilities.  Miles stated that underground utilities can make a development more attractive, but can be expensive to install.

Mr. Quintal said that it's easier to fix above ground utilities since you have to dig up the street to fix underground utilities.

Pivero said that it may be a little more difficult to fix underground utilities, but there are fewer problems with them, they are less likely to be damaged.

Mr. Quintal said that in a wooded subdivision, telephone poles don't look bad, but in an open subdivision with few trees, underground utilities are esthetically preferable.

Pond Street Subdivision/Fitzgerald
Mr. Quintal informed the group that Todd Fitzgerald will be submitting a plan for an 8-lot subdivision on Pond Street at Tax Map 4, Block 5, Lots 12 & 13.

Miles said there have been drainage problems in that area.  Mr. Quintal said a culvert has been installed which has corrected the problems.

Light Industrial/Commercial Setback
Mr. Quintal stated that Coleman McDonough had asked him to inquire about the 200' required setback for light industrial/commercial zones.  He recommended that the Planning Board include a warrant article to change the setback requirement in order to maximize the potential use of commercial property in town.

West added that a 200' setback was not common among towns in NH.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:40 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning board.