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March 17, 2008 Technical Review Committee Minutes
Newton Planning Board
technical review committee
meeting notes
March 17, 2008

March 17, 2008 Technical Review Committee Meeting Notes
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In Attendance:
Ann Miles, Planning Board Chairman; Eric Steltzer, Circuit Rider Planner and Administrative Assistant Lisa Babcock. The meeting came to order at 3:30 pm.

1. CBI: Danielle Ahern of CMA Engineers was present to represent CBI.  Steltzer and Miles reviewed plans dated 3/13/08 titled non-residential site plan & lot line adjustment plan application.

The committee reviewed sheet C-2 for the lot-line adjustment. Steltzer recommended highlighting the 3 different parcels and label them parcel A, B and C when presenting to the Board.  Miles suggested adding a comment near the line to be abandoned.

Steltzer also said the frontage that is added to the 6-12-3 lot should be added to the plans.

Ms. Ahern stated that CBI was scheduled to meet with the Conservation Commission since the proposed driveway crosses an existing Conservation easement. They had discussed possibly allocating more easement area to account for the disturbed area. Ms. Ahern said that there were several Conservation easements on CBI's property and they are denoted on the plans.  She also stated that a different firm, Gove Environmental Services would be handling CBI's conservation and wetlands issues.

Both Steltzer and Miles stated that it was difficult to tell from the plans where the buildings are.  Steltzer said there should be clear delineation between the existing buildings and the additions.

Ms. Ahern stated that page C-5 showed the phasing of the project. She noted that the construction sequence was missing on that page and that it would be added.

Miles asked about utilities.  Ms. Ahern said they would be underground and also that a telephone pole would be moved.  Miles then asked about water storage. Ms. Ahern said there were no plans for water storage yet.  Ms. Ahern also confirmed that the well would be located under the pavement.

Selectmen McCarthy contacted the secretary with her concerns as she was unable to attend the meeting. She expressed concern about heavy truck traffic entering the facility from the new driveway across from Chongor Drive. McCarthy was also looking into whether the Conservation Commission had the authority to allow the easement to be crossed or swapped for another piece of property.

Miles suggested adding a landscaping plan for noise abatement.  She also asked that the building heights be denoted on the plans. Steltzer asked that the type of lighting and height of light poles be added to the plans.

Ms. Ahern said she would be making corrections and would re-submit sheets C-2 & C-3 to Steltzer for his approval before supplying new hard copies.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning board.