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February 19, 2008 Technical Review Committee Minutes
Newton Planning Board
technical review committee
meeting notes
FEBRUARY 19, 2008

November 19, 2007 Technical Review Committee Meeting Notes
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In Attendance:
Ann Miles, Planning Board Vice Chairman; Eric Steltzer, Circuit Rider Planner and Administrative Assistant Lisa Babcock. The meeting came to order at 3:30 pm.

1. Mary Coughlin, North Main Street – Home Day Care: Ms. Coughlin was seeking input from the TRC concerning the procedures she would have to follow in opening a home day care.  She said she could have a maximum of 6 full-time children and 3 after-school children, according to state regulations.

Miles asked if she had had her well tested recently and requested a plot plan and information about the septic system.  Babcock was instructed to check the files for a previous day care that had come before the board in 2004 to see what had been required at that time.

2. CBI: Danielle Ahern of CMA Engineers was present to represent CBI.  CBI is preparing to submit a site plan that includes a new driveway and building.  Also present: Fire Chief Bill Ingalls and Officer Mike Jewett of the Police Department.

Chairman Pettit arrived at 4:00 pm.

Ms. Ahern stated that the DOT application had been submitted for the driveway permit.  The road was considered low volume, less than 100 trips at peak traffic.  Steltzer informed everyone that since the zoning ordinances stipulate that only one driveway is permitted, a variance will be needed for CBI to put in a second driveway.

Ms. Ahern explained that the reason for the new driveway was to move normal employee traffic away from some dangerous staging areas. The new driveway would be used for employees; the old driveway would be used for trucks.

Chief Ingalls said he did not have a problem with 2 driveways, but wanted to know if the new access way would be locked like the existing one.  He stated that if the new access way was to be locked, the Fire Department would need the ability to unlock the gate.

Officer Jewett wanted to know whether there had been any previous problems associated with the property.  Miles said there had been some complaints from abutters about noise from machinery.  Miles also said that speeding on the road was common. Officer Jewett said the speed limit is 35 mph.

Chief Ingalls stated that the new building had to be fitted with a sprinkler system.

Both Chief Ingalls and Officer Jewett left due to an emergency call.

Ms. Ahern mentioned that CBI is considering a phased plan involving several improvements and wanted to know if it was preferable to submit all phases of the plan now, how long would CBI have to complete all of the work?  Miles said that a plan showing all future development was a good idea. Steltzer said that according to RSA 674:39, they would have 4 years to complete their plans as long as there was "active and substantial development".  Otherwise, they had 6 months from the time an approval was granted to meet any conditions.

Steltzer recommended that all setbacks be shown.

Ms. Ahern said she was planning to do a drainage plan based on 25 year storm.  Miles and Steltzer both recommended 100 year storm.

Ms. Ahern asked what the Board wanted to see for grading, erosion and sedimentation control.  She said they were considering collecting roof runoff and collecting off pavement areas then infiltrating back into the ground water with a separator upstream. She also said they were considering detention ponds or an underground pipe system.

Miles said that detention ponds were less desirable due to maintenance issues, and mosquito borne diseases. Steltzer recommended that CBI look at biomediation, collect the gray water and use for toilets.

Ms. Ahern asked if the Board wanted architectural elevations included in the plan set, Pettit said, "Yes".

Ms. Ahern asked if the fire pond in the area would be able to serve CBI.  Miles said it would not be adequate. They should consider a dry system for sprinklers.

Ms. Ahern explained the method used for calculating the number of required parking spaces.  She used 7.2.6.E(3) of the site-plan regulations – one space per 750 sq ft of gross floor area. She included the proposed buildings for future phases.

Steltzer recommended decreasing the impervious surface whenever possible.

Miles suggested that CBI send in all state applications as soon as possible.

CBI will go before the Board of Appeals for a variance on the 2 driveways.  Steltzer will draft a denial prior to their hearing before the BOA.  

The Planning Board will look into how to classify the road for the Access Management Ordinance.  

Once the Planning Board hears the outcome of the BOA meeting, the legal ad will be placed and the abutter notices will be sent (if a variance is granted).

Respectfully Submitted,

Lisa Babcock
Administrative Assistant
Newton Planning board.