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December 2, 2006 Technical Review Committee Minutes
of the CityplaceNewton Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
December 2, 2006

In attendance:
Kim Pettit - NPB
Eric Weinrieb - CityAltus placecountry-regionEng.

Bob Doherty, Cornerstone Development (land on placeSouth Main. St.)
Rob Woodhouse (Walnut Farm subdivision)
Ron Pica (Whispering Pines)
Dennis Quintal (Marden subdivision)
1) addressStreetSouth Main St.
Mr. Doherty & Bill _________ (owner) are interested in developing the ~14 acre parcel adjacent to the Post Office; no engineer is involved at this point. They’re thinking about a strip mall. Pettit suggested that they put some ideas and questions together and then come before the Board for a conceptual consultation or design review when they’re ready. They are also considering acquiring the Sargent Woods project.

2) Woodhouse
Rob Woodhouse stopped in to pick up his notice of decision.

3) Whispering Pines – JA111206
Mr. Pica walked us through the plan set. 79 approved sites exist, plus another 6 which were constructed but are not approved nor are they in use. 32 more sites are requested at the rear corner of the property adjacent to the RR tracks and more than 500’ from nearest abutter. Site walk conducted last summer, incl. 2 members of the BOS and the Building Inspector – no compliance issues. Project received a variance last spring for expansion of a non-conforming use within aquifer. Site specific was filed September 5, 2006. All sites would have sewer & electric, no tents, only a few motor homes, the rest are non-motorized trailers. Note on plans that no motor homes allowed in new sites b/c of aquifer protection. Trailer traffic is directed down addressStreetHeath St., not down Pond/over bridge. Most visitors come for the summer, some are weekend-ers (Friday –Sunday). Weinrieb questioned community well, Pica explained that state does not require it b/c of seasonal occupancy. Pica agreed to send a complete copy of submittal including all exhibits, to placeCityAltus for engineering review – review will not be complete in time for December public hearing but will be available for January meeting. Pica will attend Dec. meeting to answer any additional questions of the Board but next major discussion will be in January. Weinrieb will schedule a site visit directly with Pica.

4) Marden Subdivision – JA                 
Discussion centered around Altus’ comment letter of 11/20/06, specifically the request that the applicant grant the Town a 10’ right-of-way, and widen the paved part of the road to 24’, along the front length of the combined properties, as Heath St. is 20’ wide and the ROW 40’ wide at that location, where the standard subdivision requirement is 24’ width of pavement and 50’ ROW. Quintal  mentioned the scenic road and keeping the 20’ width, and brought up Kensington’s model for 20’ roads but with wider ROW. Quintal thought that increasing the width of the ROW was doable with an easement. Also discussed the culverts/headwalls and that the Road Agent would like to see them rebuilt; TRC recommends that the developer’s engineer submit design drawings on the colvert extensions, headwalls and velocity reduction treatment for review by Altus and the road agent. Work to be completed by developer. All agreed that coordinating this work with the widened ROW in such a way that the culvert/headwall construction can be incorporated into future roadwork makes sense.

Other TRC business:

Pettit is working on establishing the PB calendar for 2007 according to the new schedule provided by the planner and approved by the Board. Next TRC meeting will be in early January & will include new application from SEC for re-subdivision of the cul-de-sac end of George’s Way.


Minutes recorded by Kim Pettit, NPB.