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December 5, 2007 Stewardship Committee Minutes
Newton Stewardship Committee
December 5th, 2007

The meeting was called to order at 8:12 AM.

Attendance:  Nancy Slombo, Tricia McCarthy, Mike Seekamp, Mary Marshall, and Christina Hoffman (new member replacing Pat Wonson).

Acceptance of Minutes: Nancy Slombo motioned, seconded by Mary Marshall, to accept the minutes of May 2nd, 2007.      Motion carried with one abstention by Tricia McCarthy.

Bylaw review and revision: Tricia McCarthy motioned, seconded by Mike Seekamp, to add the words ‘and two alternates’ to the end of item 2.   A new item 3 will be inserted to define e a quorum as a majority of seated members.   Motion carried unanimously.

Brochure/map: Christina Hoffman presented a draft of a brochure showing a map of the area on one side and information on the other side.     Mary will create a map for Christine showing the trails, area open for passive recreation and parking area.    Tricia will explore Express Copy for a price on color printing.  A copy of the tree decal and LCHIP will be added.   Mike Seekamp will be on the contact list with an e-mail address.   Mary Marshall will be one the list with a home phone number as well as the town hall office.   

Tricia suggested using the Conservation Commission line item for Stewardship amounting to $200.00 for the creation of the brochure.   The brochure will credit the Conservation Commission for the printing.   

Tree decals: Nancy presented a design for decals to delineate the boundaries of the easement.  Nancy will contact Forrest for approval of the decal design.   Tricia motioned, seconded by Christina, to approve the decal design.   Motion carried unanimously.

Annual report: The report was reviewed and the date of the November walk corrected.   Mary will send copies to Darrell DeTour at LCHIP and to the selectmen.   Mike motioned seconded by Christina to approve the annual report as corrected.   Motion carried unanimously.

Other:   It was suggested that Ed Batcheldor and Barbara DiBartolomeo be approached to be alternates on the Committee.    Mary will talk to Barbara and Nancy will talk to Ed.

Tricia shared a new plan for four houses to be built on the site between the Quaker Grove cemetery and Hidden Acres.   Aside from the house lots the developer is hoping to give to the town the remaining land.    Mike motioned, seconded by Nancy, that the Stewardship expresses the desirability of having additional trails connected to the Reynolds property.    The motion carried with four in favor and Mary opposed.    Mike will draft the letter and circulate by e-mail for revisions.   He will send it to the appropriate board.   Nancy suggested that no matter what happens with the development we should follow up on seeing that a trail is maintained.

Adjournment:   Tricia motion to adjourn seconded by Mike Seekamp.

Respectfully submitted,

Mary Marshall, secretary