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December 20, 2016 Board of Selectmen Minutes
DATE: TUESDAY, December 20, 2016
TIME: 6:00PM

Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
I       Chairman Doggett called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm.  In attendance were Selectmen James L. Doggett, Chairman, Matthew A. Burrill, Vice Chairman, Lawrence B. Foote and Lisa L. Gonyer.  The public meeting was recorded and audiotaped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Barbara White.  The non-public meeting minutes were transcribed and typed by Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.
Selectman Donovan was excused this evening.

Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A: 3 II (a) – (c) - HR Matters

Selectman Foote moved to go into Nonpublic Session at 6:05 pm under RSA 91-A: 3 II (a) – (c) HR Matters.  Second by Selectman Burrill with a unanimous roll call vote: Doggett – aye, Burrill – aye, Foote - aye.

Selectman Gonyer moved to come out of non-public at 7:42 pm.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous roll call vote:  Doggett – aye, Burrill - aye,
Foote – aye, Gonyer - aye.

II      Pledge of Allegiance

Selectman Burrill stated the Board just came out of a non-public session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a-c) HR Matters and Code Enforcement and moved that the Board keeps things that were discussed confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the Board the circumstances no longer apply.  Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous roll call vote.  Doggett - aye; Burrill – aye, Foote - aye; Gonyer – aye.

III     Approval of Minutes
Selectman Doggett asked for a motion to approve the Selectmen’s Public and Non-Public Minutes dated December 6, 2016 and December 13, 2016
Selectman Burrill moved a to approve the Selectmen’s Public and Non-Public Minutes dated December 6, 2016 and December 13, 2016 as written; second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.

IV      Scheduled Business
  • Chief Building Inspector Re: Rental Housing Ordinance – Update.  This item
was tabled.
B.          RMON – IT Proposal – Yroark Lindsay and Dave Cohen from RMON were present and explained what their proposal included.  Mr. Lindsay stated it covered a new server, network upgrades, 2 new desktops and a new laptop.  Selectman Gonyer explained originally the intent was to replace ALL equipment at a cost of $65,000 but upon review that was deemed to not be within the budget at the present time.  That option would also make every piece of equipment expire at the same time; this was deemed to not be a good option.   The next option was leasing the equipment, which is much like a rental.  This will allow the server to be up and maintained with all RMON and HP support.  Monthly payments would be $831.94.
Selectman Gonyer moved to accept the RMON quote of $30,262 with a fair market value lease through HP.  Second by Selectman Burrill for discussion.  
Selectman Burrill asked if the current contract covered this.  Selectman Gonyer explained this is to manage the server and the present contract.  Selectman Burrill referred to prior Board discussion regarding 3-year contracts.  Selectman Gonyer explained this is a fair market value true lease which works like a rental versus a loan with intent to own.  The contract can be ended at any time without penalty.  Selectman Doggett suggested adding new tablets for the Board.
Selectman Gonyer noted they opted to only include equipment that was necessary for this contract.  New Tablets could be purchased from the regular budget.  The proposed contract operating lease states:  1) equipment may be returned without penalty; 2) the lease term may be re-negotiated and extended; 3) the equipment may be purchased at the fair market value; or 4) the town can continue leasing beyond the original term of the contract until they are ready to exercise one of the three options.  
Selectman Doggett expressed a concern regarding when it came time to replace the equipment.  He noted, last time the equipment was wiped clean and was unable to be used by another department.  Mrs. Wrigley stated the Board can let RMON know what old equipment they want to keep intact to be reused elsewhere.
Mr. Foote asked if it needed to go out to bid.  Mrs. Wrigley stated it was a renewal service contract and a bid was not necessary.
The vote was unanimous after Board discussion.
C.    2017 Budget Review
Police Department – Police Chief Mike Jewett presented his budget to the Board which reflected a .37 increase.  Selectman Gonyer noted that although this was a $2,354.00 increase over the 2016 revised budget figure, however it is still under the Default budget number.  In part, the increase covers a rise in ammunition costs and the phone bills (both the landline and computers).  Chief has opted to not fill the Assistant Animal Control Officer position at this time.  Chief Jewett’s goal is to reduce the fleet numbers by taking older vehicles out of service.  Selectman Burrill noted that detail monies collected are deposited into the Police Detail Revolving Fund which could be used for the cruisers in the future.  
Selectman Gonyer moved to accept the Police Department proposed budget of $635,021 in the town budget.  Second by Selectman Burrill with a unanimous vote.
Planning Board – Chairman Doggett presented the Planning Board budget.  Selectman Gonyer asked why there was $4,652 in the dues and subscriptions that has not been expended.  Selectman Doggett noted that had been expended so the YTD line item should be $0. Selectman Burrill asked why the Planning Board needed an advertising budget.  Chairman Doggett explained that notices for actions by the Planning Board do not come from applicant accounts on file and need to be paid from the Planning Board budget.   
Selectman Foote moved to accept the proposed 2017 budget for the Planning Board for $48,262 to be included in the town budget. Second by Selectman Burrill with a unanimous vote.
Insurance – Selectman Doggett noted the insurance amount has gone down $12,595.  Selectman Gonyer asked why the amount went down.  Mrs. Wrigley stated the reason was the change in insurance company.
Selectman Burrill moved to accept the proposed Insurance Budget to be included in the town budget for $80,805.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.  
Personnel Administration – Selectman Doggett noted the amount had increased by $4,071.  Mrs. Wrigley noted the increase was a change in personnel coverage.  
Selectman Foote moved to accept the proposed Personnel Administration Budget for 2017 for $359,770.  Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
Legal – Selectman Doggett noted there a decrease of $256.00 from last year's budgeted amount.  
Selectman Foote moved to accept the 2017 proposed Legal Budget for $27,000. Second by Selectman Burrill for discussion.  Selectman Burrill asked if the amount could be decreased further.  Mrs. Wrigley stated it could not be reduced as there were upcoming items.  The vote was unanimous.
Street Lighting – Selectman Doggett noted the amount was the same as last year at $18,000.  
Selectman Burrill moved to include the Street Lighting Budget of $18,000 in the proposed town budget.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
Pest Control – Selectman Doggett noted the budgeted amount was $35,000.
Selectman Foote moved to accept the Pest Control Budget for 2017 in the amount of $35,000.  Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
Care of Trees – Selectman Doggett noted the amount was $4,000.  Selectman Gonyer suggested this be reduced to $3,000.  Board discussion agreed.
Selectman Gonyer moved to accept a $3,000 proposed budget for 2017 for Care of Trees.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
8 Merrimac Road – Selectman Doggett noted the amount was the same as last year at $88,575.  
Selectman Gonyer moved to accept the $88,575 proposed budget for the 2017 town budget for 8 Merrimac Road Budget.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.  Selectman Burrill noted the town was collecting some rental fees from this location to help offset the amount.
Assessing – Selectman Doggett noted the amount of $44,045 was an increase of $125.00 over last year's budgeted amount.
Selectman Burrill moved to accept the proposed Assessing Budget of $44,045 to be added to the proposed town budget.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
Executive – Selectman Doggett noted the amount had decreased by $13,375.  Mrs. Wrigley explained this was in the salary line item.  
Selectman Gonyer moved to accept the proposed Executive Budget of $151,800 to be included in the town budget.  Second by Selectman Burrill with a unanimous vote.
Fire Department – Selectman Doggett noted the Fire Department had submitted a revised budget of $312,820.  Mrs. Wrigley explained $10,000 had been moved from the Vehicle Repair line and $1,000 had been moved from the Vehicle Maintenance line for purchase of the new ambulance.  
Selectman Burrill moved to accept the Revised Proposed Fire Department Budget of $312,820 to be included in the town budget.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
Financial Administration – Selectman Doggett noted the proposed amount was $130,685.  Mrs. Wrigley asked if the board wanted to include the equipment rental cost of the new contract with RMON in this budget.  Upon discussion, the Board added $10,000 to the Equipment Lease line item for an amended budget total of $140,685.
Selectman Foote moved to accept the 2017 Financial Administration Budget of $140,685.  Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
General Government Buildings – Selectman Doggett stated the amount is $177,930, a reduction of $6,070 from last year's budgeted amount.  Mrs. Wrigley noted that the monies under the water testing line item will be expended in 2017 when the Town Engineer complies with the MS4.
Selectman Foote moved to accept the proposed General Government Buildings Budget of $177,930.  Second by Selectman Burrill with a unanimous vote.
ZBA – No figures were submitted from this department.  Discussion is tabled until the January 3rd Selectmen’s meeting.
        D             2017 Town Meeting Timeline
Mrs. Wrigley asked the Board if they approved the Monday, January 16, 2017 - 7:00 pm date for the Bond & Budget Public Hearing, with a snow date of January 17, as the notice needs to go to the newspaper on Wednesday, 12/21/16 for the 12/29/16 issue.  The Board agreed with the dates chosen.
        F       Town Assessor:  Assessing Contract 2017
Selectman Burrill moved to sign the Assessor’s Contract for 2017.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
        E        2016 Encumbered Funds and Carry-Over
Selectman Burrill moved to approve Requisition #2640 in the amount of $1,050 and Requisition #2639 in the amount of $1,400 payable to Chase Sealcoating Company for the Recreation Commission.  Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.  Selectman Gonyer noted these are for repair work to the courts at Greenie Park.
Selectman Burrill moved to approve Requisition #1500 for the Police Department to go to Witmer Public Safety Group in the amount of $4,140 for Kevlar vests and related items.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.        
Encumbered Funds
Selectman Doggett stated the following funds would need to be encumbered:
  • Witmer Public Safety Group (Requisition #1500) in the amount of $4,140.00
  • (Requisition #2111) in the amount of $6755.52
  • Home Depot (Requisition #2112) in the amount of $997.90
  • Chase Sealcoating (Requisition #2640) in the amount of $1,050
  • Chase Sealcoating (Requisition #2639) in the amount of $1,400
Selectman Burrill moved to encumber funds in the amount of $8,343.42 as detailed in the Requisitions.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.  
Funds Carried Forward
Selectman Gonyer moved to carry forward $16,946.00 into 2017 for the 2nd fire truck payment due on May 20, 2017.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
2016 Budget Monies Transfer
Selectman Doggett noted the Fire Department had gone over their proposed budget, so monies would need to be transferred from other lines into the Fire Department Budget.
Selectman Burrill moved to transfer $60,000 from the Solid Waste Disposal budget to the Fire Department Budget.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
Selectman Gonyer moved to transfer $25,000 from the General Government Buildings budget to the Fire Department Budget.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
Selectman Gonyer moved to transfer $5,000 from the Personnel Administration budget to the Fire Department Budget.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
       G            NH Small MS4 General Permit Engineering Assistance – KV Partners
KV Partners has submitted a Scope of Work for the required work for the MS4 in the amount of $13,000.  Mrs. Wrigley noted that Mr. Vignale has been a great help and the money for the MS4 is already in the default budget.  
Selectman Gonyer moved to sign the contract for NH Small MS4 General Permit Engineering Assistance by KV Partners in the amount of $13,000. Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
        H     Planning Board – Country Pond Fish & Game Site Restoration Bond  
Selectman Doggett stated the Planning Board has asked the Selectmen to rescind their recommendation for release of $102,000 to Country Pond Fish & Game for the site restoration bond as the Town was not holding the $102,000.
Selectman Gonyer moved to rescind the Selectmen’s motion to release the $102,000 Site Bond for Country Pond Fish & Game per the recommendation of the Planning Board.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
          I          Road Agent – Use of two bays at 8 Merrimac Road for Town Equipment
                The Road Agent was not in attendance so this item was tabled.
J            Request to Carry Over PTO and Banking of PTO Hours
Chairman Doggett noted there were two requests for carry-over of hours; one from the Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator for 44.25 hours; and one from the Police Chief for 86.0 hours.
The bookkeeper has stated she will use some, but not all, of the PTO hours she has accrued by the end of the year.
Chairman Gonyer moved to authorize the Bookkeeper to carry-over up to 44.25 hours of PTO time for the Bookkeeper.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
Police Chief Jewett stated that with the retirement of Chief Streeter and the Department being understaffed, he has been unable to use his time in 2016 and has requested he be allowed to carry over his hours.
Chairman Burrill moved to allow Chief Jewett to carry-over 86.00 hours of unused PTO.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
Selectman Gonyer encouraged everyone to use their PTO hours as earned going forward.
K      Public Hearing on Bond Article for a new Fire Station on Monday, January 16, 2017 @ 7:00 pm.
Selectman Doggett noted the snow date for this meeting will be on January 17, 2017 at 7:00 pm.
Selectman Gonyer reported she had attended the FSBC meeting on December 19th.  At that meeting they had revised the numbers and the updated number is $1,754,380 to build a new Fire Station.  Mrs. Wrigley has supplied the bond rates.  This is an increase from the amount proposed last year as steel and labor costs have gone up, as well as bond rates.  There will also be an updated brochure.
Selectman Burrill encouraged everyone who is in favor of this to come out and vote, reminding everyone that last year the town got the majority vote but it needs a 3/5 vote to pass.  The article failed by only 65 votes.
L     Public Hearing on the Town Budget & Warrant Articles on Monday, January 16, 2017 @ 7:15 pm
Selectman Doggett noted the snow date for this Public Hearing will be January 17, 2017 at 7:15 pm.  
V.     Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $350 from an anonymous donor; and the donation of $100 in Memory of the Lynn Family to the Newton Food Pantry.
Selectman Gonyer moved to accept and expend the following donations to the Newton Food Pantry in the amount of $350 from an anonymous donor and a donation of $100 in Memory of the Lynn Family, with appreciation.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
VI.     Announcements
VII.    Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Selectman Foote moved to sign the Vendor Manifest dated 12/20/16 in the amount of $88,442.26.  Second by Selectman Burrill with a unanimous vote.
Selectman Foote moved to approve the Veteran's Credit for PID 7-6-15. Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
Selectman Foote moved to accept the Newton Historical Society donation of ten $10 Market Basket Gift Cards to the Newton Food Pantry, with gratitude.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
Selectman Gonyer reported that the Fire Station Building Committee has contacted Kelly Davis from Port One to come up with revisions to the brochure, updating and revising the information and incorporating questions raised previously.  The cost for this scope of work is $700 which can come out of the 2016 budget.
Selectman Gonyer moved to approve pay $700 to Port One for the revised marketing brochure out of this year’s budget.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.
Selectman Burrill asked if it would still be “Vote 5” for the new Fire Department.  It was ascertained the Planning Board only had one warrant article, so it would be number 3 for the Fire Department Warrant Article.  
The FSBC Committee also discussed having two mailings this year, with extra copies printed.  It would be up to $3,000 to move forward with the mass mailing which could come out of the 2017 budget.  The consensus of the Board was one mailing would have more impact, but they will make a final decision in their January meeting.  
Selectman Burrill wished all the residents of Newton a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year.  Selectman Doggett wished the residents a Merry Christmas, a Happy Hanukkah, and a Joyous Kwanza.  
VIII.   Adjourn
Selectman Foote moved to adjourn at 8:30. Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara White