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September 20, 2016 Board of Selectmen Minutes
           Office of the Board of Selectmen
   2 Town Hall Road, Newton, NH 03858
   Tel: 382-4405 ext. 10 * Fax 382-9140

TIME: 6:00PM


  • Call to Order
Chairman Doggett called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.~ In attendance were Selectmen James L. Doggett, Chairman, Matthew A. Burrill, Vice Chairman, Lawrence B. Foote, Lisa L. Gonyer, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.~ The public meeting was recorded and audiotaped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Selectmen’s Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.~ The nonpublic meeting minutes were transcribed and typed by Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.~~Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr. was excused this evening.

Selectman Burrill moved to go into Nonpublic Session at 6:00 pm under RSA 91-A: 3 II (a) – (c) HR Matters.~ Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous roll call vote: Doggett – aye, Burrill – aye, Foote, - aye, Gonyer – aye.

Chairman Doggett called the public meeting back to order at 7:08pm.

Selectman Burrill moved that the Board just came out of nonpublic under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) HR Matters and to keep all matters discussed confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members, the circumstances no longer apply.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated September 6, 2016
Selectman Burrill moved to accept the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated September 6, 2016 as written.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Scheduled Business
  • Fire Department:  Locks, Apparatus Repairs/Equipment Purchase
Fire Chief John Alcaidinho informed the Board that recently he had a 90-minute meeting with the prior Fire Chief Bill Ingalls in regards to a couple of questions that have been brought up recently.  Everything went excellent and Ingalls is working on a grant for the Fire Department; the sum of the grant is $2,500 for new portable radios.

Apparatus Repairs/Equipment Purchase
Fire Chief Alcaidinho stated that after reviewing the safety gear, heating system and Tank 5, it was the consensus of the department and the prior Chief to make Firefighter safety the top priority after the hose testing failed last week.  Therefore, the recommendation is to table the heating system and Tank 5 until next year but to weather strip the station this year and hope the heater makes it through the winter.

Chief Alcaidinho addressed Tank 5 with a quote for work at $4,000 which was the base price.  The truck is mechanically sound and holds water but does not roll out of the station first and does not go to mutual aid calls.  The recommendation is to table until after January 1st for another fiscal year budget to make sure the funding is appropriated for this purpose.  Last week the town’s existing hoses failed testing and the Chief recommends purchasing replacement hose and 2 nozzles as follows: 350’ of 1.75x50’ hose, 200’ of 2.5x200’ hose, 400’ of 4”x100’ hose plus 2 TFT 1.75 nozzles for a total of $5,152.20 which come under the MA State Bid List.

Chairman Doggett asked if there is a NH State Bid List; Chief Alcaidinho responded that the NH Sales Rep use the MA State Bid List which is much lower than retail price.

A discussion took place on how to fund these items; Town Administrator Wrigley responded that there is funding available in the Fire Department budget.  Chief Alcaidinho stated that there are still some purchases that do not show up in the latest expenditure reports.

Weather stripping will be done in house at a cost a couple hundred dollars yet he has no funding in his budget for this purchase.  Chief Alcaidinho stated that the building line item in the Fire Department budget is in the red therefore anything in the red comes before the Board of Selectmen.  Town Administrator Wrigley discussed the option of requesting emergency funding from the State of NH Department of Revenue Administration (DRA) to cover the emergency life safety expenditures.  Selectman Burrill addressed the remaining balance in the Fire Department budget as of September 12, 2016 is $37,695.68 and we need to cut back on payroll to keep on track with the budget.  Fire Chief Alcaidinho responded that he has already cut back on the training and the office staff during the week days but one storm or fire could change it all.  Call volume has increased since last year and as we all know it is a moving target.

SCBA masks are undergoing testing and may need to be replaced this year.  

Selectman Burrill discussed that we need to keep an eye on this budget as we go through the last quarter; he added that I can’t believe we are talking about picking and choosing between life safety issues and life-saving apparatus.

Fire Chief Alcaidinho recommends that we hold off from the grant application until next year and use the $5,000 to help replace emergency life safety equipment.

Selectmen Burrill moved to approve for the Fire Department the expenditure of $5,152.20 on the equipment as detailed by the Fire Chief.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Burrill added that we need to check every month the Fire Department expenditure reports and keep a close eye the bottom line.

The Fire Chief addressed the need to change the locks at both fire stations at a previous meeting.  The Board asked for the Chief to get a price to make this happen.

Selectman Burrill moved to expend $1,738.00 for Al’s Lock Service for the locks at Station 1 and Station 2.  Codes will be given for each member of the Fire Department; an Access Code Administrator will be responsible for keeping track of the codes.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Resignation from Firefighter Aaron Epstein
Selectman Burrill moved to accept the resignation from Firefighter Aaron Epstein with a thank you for your service to the town.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Highway Department:  Gale Village Road and Maple Avenue Intersection  
Mike Pivero, Road Agent addressed a situation that was brought to his attention by residents four or five times in the last month, the intersection of Gale Village Road as it comes into Maple Avenue.  Pivero researched the intersection with those that have lived in the area for a long time, some think there was a stop sign as you enter Maple Avenue.  Pivero spoke with Police Chief Jewett and both feel that the intersection warrants a stop sign.  Pivero recommends two signs, a stop sign ahead due to the site distance and a stop sign on Gale Village Road at the intersection of Maple Avenue.     

Selectman Burrill questioned if there are any legal proceedings that the town must follow to install a new stop sign.  Pivero responded that he researched it and it only needs to be recorded and filed with the Town Clerk.  

Selectman Burrill moved as recommended by the Highway Commissioner, to add a stop sign on Gale Village Road at the intersection of Maple Ave and add another sign, stop sign ahead on Gale Village Road.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Fire Station Building Committee
Selectman Burrill discussed the option of bringing the committee back together to prepare for the 2017 Town Meeting warrant article for a new Fire Station.  We are six months away and we came close last year but we did not have 3/5 vote; the building committee did a great job and its time to contact them to see who is interested in volunteering to bring this important item back to the table.    

Town Administrator Wrigley discussed that last spring the committee was polled and it was agreed to take a hiatus and come back later in the year to look at any changes.  Fire Chief Alcaidinho asked to invite the previous Fire Chief to participate in the committee as well.  Selectman Burrill talked about marketing and communications would be the main focus of the committee for last year’s proposed plan was very good.

Selectman Gonyer asked to remain the Selectman Liaison on this committee; the Board agreed and Chairman Jim Doggett will make himself available.  

Selectman Burrill asked for the Selectmen’s Office Manager to contact the members to find out who is interested to convene and decide on a plan for the 2017 Town Meeting.

  • Review YTD Budget Expenditures as of September 12th
The Board reviewed the report and had no concerns except to keep an eye on the Fire Department budget.

  • 2017 Budget Review Schedule
Selectmen’s Office Manager prepared a budget review schedule based upon the 2016 schedule which worked very well last year.  Selectman Burrill proposed that the Selectmen Liaisons work with their departments to prepare and present the budget together.  Hopefully this will help to reduce the amount of questions and more efficient.

  • Chairman Doggett will work with the Fire Department and Planning Board
  • Selectman Matthew Burrill will work with the Police Department and the Recreation Commission
  • Selectman Gonyer will work on the Transfer Station and Conservation Commission
  • Selectman Burrill moved to make Selectman Lawrence Foote the General Government Building Liaison.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
Selectman Foote will work on the General Government Buildings and Emergency Management
  • Selectman Donovan will work on the Highway Department
Selectman Foote moved to accept the 2017 Budget Review Schedule.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments the
Chairman Doggett discussed the current drought situation and he has been working on an option to allow residents to go to the Police Department to get potable water for those that have dry wells.  The water at the Fire Department is not drinkable and could only be used to flush toilets.  Chairman Doggett addressed the logistics of having a hose on the back side of the building with hours for use during regular business hours.  With the Board’s approval, Chairman Doggett will continue to work on this option for the drought is predicted to last until December.

Selectman Burrill moved to open the water spigot at 8 Merrimac Road for use by the residents during normal Police Department business hours until further notice.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Chairman Doggett informed the Board that he spoke with a heating company and for those that have a heating system that uses water they need to shut off their heaters and hot water systems if their well has gone dry.  Selectman Burrill stated that he is not interested in forcing residents to limit their water use at this time but ask residents to use their best judgement.

Fire Pond on Thornell Road
Chairman Doggett added that he met with the Fire Chief and others regarding the option of a fire pond on Thornell Road which looks like a viable option but right now it is basically a mud hole and most of the town’s dry hydrants are very low.

Selectman Gonyer questioned the water cisterns and asked how they are managed by the town.  Once the cistern is used by the town, it is the town’s responsibility for filling it for technically they are owned by the town.  Chairman Doggett added that the Fire Department recently made sure that the cisterns were all filled with water.  Doggett continues to work on obtaining the signed and recorded deeds for all cisterns in town.

Resident Wayne Paul Re: Unitil Tree Growth Regulator
Mr. Paul was not in attendance but informed Office Manager Winglass that he has been in contact with Unitil and they will not use the tree growth regulator on his property per his request.  He was informed of this treatment to reduce growth which reduces frequency of tree trimming via a notice that was left at his property from Unitil.  Mr. Paul has concerns with this treatment and the possible effects to the towns drinking water and wetlands.

Meet the Candidates Night
Selectman Burrill proposed a Meet the Candidates Night hosted by the Board of Selectmen with a date to be determined in mid to late October.  The focus would be on the County and District candidates.

Selectman Gonyer moved to have Selectman Burrill coordinate a Meet the Candidates Night in October.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Veteran’s Day, Friday, November 11th
Selectman Burrill proposed holding a town program on Veteran’s Day and to invite Veterans to participate in the ceremony.  Selectman Burrill is willing to coordinate with the help of the Highway Commissioner Mike Pivero and Selectmen’s Office Manager Winglass.

Selectman Gonyer moved to plan a Veteran’s Day observance for 11-11 and have Selectman Matt Burrill coordinate the event.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Selectman Foote moved to sign the Vendor Manifest dated 9/20/2016 in the amount of $1,531,408.97.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.
  • Selectman Foote moved to sign the Payroll Manifest for the pay period of 9/4 – 9/17 with a pay date of 9/22/2016.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
  • Selectman Foote moved to sign the Welfare Manifest in the amount of $825.00.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
  • Selectman Burrill moved to sign a Veteran’s Exemption for Map 13-3-11-15.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
  • Selectman Burrill moved to sign a Current Use Land Use Change Tax Collector’s Warrant for Map 14-1-27-4.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
  • Selectman Gonyer moved to sign a Current Use Land Use Change Tax Collector’s Warrant for Map 9-6-7-1.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.
  • Selectman Gonyer moved to sign requisition #2534 to purchase a laptop computer for the Selectmen’s Office in the amount of $1,067.00.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.
Trick or Treat
Selectman Gonyer moved to celebrate Trick or Treat on October 31st from 5pm to 8pm.  Second by Foote with unanimous vote.

  • Adjourn
Selectman Gonyer moved to adjourn at 8:32pm.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager