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March 9, 2016 Board of Selectmen Minutes
           Office of the Board of Selectmen
   2 Town Hall Road, Newton, NH 03858
   Tel: 382-4405 ext. 10 * Fax 382-9140

TIME: 5:45PM


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Doggett called the meeting to order at 5:46pm.  In attendance were Selectman James L. Doggett, Chair, Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Lawrence B. Foote, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was audiotaped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Selectman Matthew Burrill joined the meeting via speakerphone at 5:50pm.

  • Review of the 2016 Budget
Chairman Doggett stated that this emergency meeting is due to a failure to pass the 2016 proposed budget.  The default budget has a reduction of approximately $72,000 from the proposed budget.  Doggett recommends that all major purchases are put on hold until we have a chance to go through the budget to determine where the reductions are to come from.  

A discussion was held on placing a cap on all purchases that do not fall under normal business operations; all purchases over $500 will require the approval of the Board of Selectmen until further notice.  The Board explained that regular business does not include buying a new computer, cruiser or new gear but items such as gas and include contractual obligations.

Selectman Lisa L. Gonyer arrived at 5:57pm.

Selectman Burrill added that he is in favor of asking the Department Heads to come back to the Board of Selectmen with a reduction of 3% from the 2016 proposed budget as a place to start.  A discussion took place that some departments have small budgets and would be difficult where others may be able to offer more than 3%.  

Selectman Matt Burrill arrived at 6pm.

Selectman Gonyer stated that this 3% reduction will help with overall budget costs but what about the needs at the Central Fire Station.  Chairman Doggett recommends that the Board of Selectmen hold an additional meeting on Tuesday, March 29th to review budget reductions and contemplating the Central Fire Station.  Selectman Burrill added that we have one other item in nonpublic under PD Matters.  The Board concurred that nothing else will be added to the agenda and to type up the agenda tomorrow.

Selectman Foote motioned to place a freeze on the budget with no spending over $500 without the Board of Selectmen approval and allowing the departments to run normal day to day operations until further notice.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Burrill moved to direct all Department Heads to prepare a new version of the proposed budget with a 3% budget challenge (decrease), off the proposed budget not the default budget to submit them by March 22nd.  Every department must submit to the Board of Selectmen a budget by the 22nd, if needed discussion will be held on the 29th while reviewing budgets.  Donovan added if the department head does not attend the meeting on the 29th the Board of Selectmen will make their own adjustments.  Please call the office to let us know if you plan on attending the meeting on the 29th.  Second by Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.  Town Administrator added that the Bookkeeper will need to know the individual line items that are adjusted, not a reduction to the bottom line.

Road Agent Mike Pivero added that he has no problem finding the 3% in the budget for he will make adjustments to the scheduled work but that only addresses the budget deficit, what happens when the Board starts looking at the Central Fire Station.  If we take another hit due to repairs will be an issue.  Last year due to the snow removal exceeding the budget the road improvements took a back seat.  The roads in town need to stick to a timed improvement schedule for they only last for so long.  

Selectman Burrill moved that all raises are suspended until further notice.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

A discussion took place that we cannot have a Department Head order something such as a cruiser without first coming to the Board of Selectmen.

Chairman Doggett moved that as of Monday, March 14, 2016, all titles, or the like for all vehicles owned by the Town of Newton shall be in the Selectmen’s Office held in the safe.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Bookkeeper Kim Hughes asked how to address bills that may come across her desk labeled “emergency”.

Selectman Burrill moved to empower Chairman James Doggett to determine whether bills are indeed emergencies and can be approved as such.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

The Board asked to have a cable operator to tape the meeting on March 29th.

  • Adjourn
Gonyer moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:46pm.  Second by Donovan with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager