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May 17, 2016 Board of Selectmen Minutes
TIME: 6:00PM


  • Call to Order
Chairman Doggett opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.  In attendance were Selectmen James L. Doggett, Chairman, Matthew A. Burrill, Vice-Chairman, Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Lawrence B. Foote and Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.  The Public Meeting was video recorded and minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Mary Winglass.  The Nonpublic Minutes were transcribed and typed by Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Winglass.

Selectman Burrill moved to go into Nonpublic Session at 6:00 pm under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) – Fire Department; (c) - Deeding;(d) – Lease Agreements; (a) – Performance Evaluations.  Selectman Foote second with a unanimous roll call vote:  Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Donovan - aye, Foote - aye.

Selectman Lisa L. Gonyer arrived at 6:05pm.

Office Manager Mary Winglass was present for the Deeding portion of the nonpublic meeting and the public meeting.

Selectman Burrill moved that the Board of Selectmen just came out of Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) – Fire Department; (c) - Deeding; (d) – Lease Agreements; (a) – Performance Evaluations and to keep all matters discussed confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the Board the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the following pay increases:  ~

  • to increase Lieutenant Richard Dupre to a Grade XVIII Step 4, effective June 5, 2016.  
  • to promote Scott Dole from a Probationary Firefighter to an Appointed Firefighter at a Grade XX Step 6, effective June 5, 2016.  
  • to increase Deputy Fire Chief Brian Sirois to a Grade XIX Step 10, effective June 5, 2016.  
  • to increase Captain Robert Zalenski to a Grade XXI Step 7, effective June 5, 2016.  
  • to increase Captain John Kane, Jr. to a Grade XX Step 7 as a Lieutenant step, effective June 5, 2016.
Selectman Gonyer added that the increases approved tonight were discussed prior to the salary freeze by the Board of Selectmen.  Selectman Burrill stated that increases are approved per the discretion of the Board of Selectmen.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated May 3, 2016 and May 10, 2016
Selectman Burrill moved to approve the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated May 3, 2016 and May 10, 2016 as written.  Second by Donovan.  Selectman Gonyer asked to table the acceptance on the minutes for she has one change but was not sure which set of minutes.  Selectman Burrill moved to table the motion, second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes dated May 12, 2016
Burrill moved to approve the Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes dated May 12, 2016.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Scheduled Business
  • Kingston Heritage Commission
Debra Powers, Chair, Kingston Heritage Commission/EKII steering committee, Electra Alessio, Peter Broderick, Kingston Selectman and Annie Collyer, member of the Sanborn Budget Committee.

Debra Powers gave an overview of the Community Design Charrette facilitated by Plan NH.  On June 3rd and 4th the Town of Kingston will look at how to plan for the community’s future called “Envision Kingston II”.  Newton residents are encouraged to attend as the Seminary property is the main focus of the event.~
On Friday, June 3rd and 4th, a team of Plan NH planners, designers and others will make themselves available to conduct a community planning and design charrette.  There will be two public listening sessions on Friday the 3rd – at 3pm and at 6:30pm at the Kingston Town Hall.
The Seminary Building belongs to both Kingston and Newton as part of the Sanborn School District and members of the Sanborn School Board are planning on attending as well.  Plan NH will compile the information from the general public and stakeholders and will put together recommendations.  

Selectman Lisa Gonyer will attend the June 3rd at 1pm meeting; Chairman Doggett will try to be there as well.

  • Hazard Mitigation Plan Update
Jane Hubbard of Hubbard Consulting, LLC presented a draft of the updated Hazard Mitigation Plan.  This is a final working draft in which Jane explained each chapter is written to record mitigation projects and to alleviate and reduce hazards.

Some additional updates were discussed as Jane explained the plan.  The plan is to have a final conditional approval to send to FEMA by the end of May.

  • Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds to the Newton Food Pantry in the amount of $348 from the First Congregational Church of Kingston
Selectman Gonyer moved per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds to the Newton Food Pantry in the amount of $348 from the First Congregational Church of Kingston.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

  • Memorial Day Grand Marshal & Parade Planning Update – Bob Faghan
Annie Collyer, Recreation Commission Secretary was present standing in for Bob Faghan.  The parade route will be the same as last year with a truck available to transport any Veteran who needs a ride.

Selectman Matt Burrill added that he has it on good authority that there will be free candy; Collyer added that this year they will be handing out free small flags and pinwheels as well.

Line-up is at 9:30am with step-off at 10am.  The ceremony will take place at approximately 11am and will last approximately 15-20 minutes.

Collyer presented requisition #2614 in the amount of $794.76 paid to FunFlicks for two movie nights held on June 3rd and 17th at 8 Merrimac Road.  Each movie night costs $397.38 per event and can be rescheduled if it rains.  

Mowing of the area needs to be addressed as well as having a possible mosquito spray.

Selectman Burrill moved to approve requisition #2614 in the amount of $794.76.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Grand Marshall is not named yet but the Board is sending out an invitation later this week.

  • Open bids for Computer Support and Managed Information Technology Services
The Board of Selectmen opened three (3) bids for Computer Support and Managed Information Technology Services from the following companies:

Avatar Computing, Inc.
Worcester, MA

First Choice Networks
Londonderry, NH

RMON Networks
Kingston, NH

The Board asked Office Manager Winglass to prepare a comparison report of the bids.   Winglass asked the Board if they were in agreement to continue with RMON Networks, month to month until a decision is made; the Board concurred.

  • Primex Membership Agreement
The Board signed a membership agreement with Primex and the Town of Newton for Property-Liability Insurance, Worker’s Compensation and Unemployment.  Office Manager Winglass informed the Board that with signing this agreement goes into effect on July 1, 2016 with no termination date.  Each year the town will receive a quote from Primex and a decision is made to either accept or look at another option.

Town Administrator Wrigley added that the Selectmen’s Office will be closed on Wednesday morning, March 24th in order for the staff to attend training at Primex.

  • Updated Payroll Timesheet
The Board reviewed an updated payroll timesheet from Payroll Administrator Kim Hughes.

Selectman Burrill moved to adopt the updated BiWeekly Employee Time Sheet.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Town Administrator announced that the pay date has changed to Thursdays instead of Fridays.

  • 2016 Ride To End Alzheimer's
Foote moved to sign the letter sent in by the Alzheimer’s Association whom is sponsoring the 20th annual Ride to End Alzheimer’s.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Emergency Management AED grant opportunity
Emergency Management Director Larry Foote informed the Board of an opportunity to receive a grant to replace the AED equipment in town so each department has the same type and manufacturer.  The Board agreed to move forward with applying for the grant.

  • Announcements
Selectman Burrill announced that the Board of Selectmen have accepted the retirement of Police Chief Lawrence Streeter effective June 1, 2016 who has been with the town for 14 years.  We are all very proud of the Police Department and the accomplishments over the years; Streeter will not allow the town to throw him a party but prefers to fade off into the sunset.  If you have a chance, please take the time to let him know how much he is appreciated.  

  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Selectman Foote moved to sign the vendor manifest dated 5/17/2016 in the amount of $55,755.79.  Second by Donovan with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Foote moved to sign the Payroll Manifest for the pay period of 05/01/2016 – 05/14/2016 with a pay date of 05/19/2016.  Second by Donovan with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Donovan moved to sign an appointment for Peter Mears as a member of the Conservation Commission with an expiration date of April 15, 2019.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Donovan moved to sign a letter for the receipt and disbursement of the Cable Franchise Fee for the first quarter 2016.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Burrill moved to sign a Welfare Manifest in the amount of $600.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Gonyer moved to sign the 2016 Tax Collector’s Warrant, Bill 1 of 2.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Donovan moved to go back into nonpublic at 8:45 pm under RSA 91-A: II (a) & (c) – HR Matters.  Selectman Foote second with a unanimous roll call vote:  Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Donovan - aye, Foote – aye, Gonyer - aye.

Selectman Burrill moved that the Board of Selectmen just came out of nonpublic session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) & (c) – HR Matters and to keep all matters discussed confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the Board the circumstances no longer apply.  Second by Selectman Donovan with a unanimous roll call vote: Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Donovan - aye, Foote – aye, Gonyer - aye.

  • Adjourn
Selectman Gonyer moved to close the meeting at 9:38 pm.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Selectmen’s Office Manager