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April 19, 2016 Board of Selectmen Minutes
TIME: 6:00PM


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Doggett called the meeting to order at 6pm.  In attendance were Selectmen James L. Doggett, Chairman, Matthew A. Burrill, Vice Chairman, Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Lawrence B. Foote, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The nonpublic meeting minutes were prepared by both Office Manager Winglass and Town Administrator Wrigley.  The meeting was audio and video taped.  

Selectman Foote moved to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) – Tax Deeding; (a) & (c) – HR Matters; (c) – Complaint.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous roll call vote: Doggett – aye, Burrill – aye, Donovan – aye, Foote – aye.

Selectman Lisa L. Gonyer arrived at 6:10pm.

Chairman Doggett called the public meeting back to order at 7:47pm.

Selectman Burrill moved that the Board of Selectmen just came out of nonpublic session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) – Tax Deeding; (a) & (c) – HR Matters; (c) – Complaint and per a unanimous roll call vote to keep all matters discussed confidential until in the opinion of the Board the circumstances no longer apply.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes dated March 9, 2016
Selectman Gonyer moved to accept the Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes dated March 9, 2016 as written.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated March 15, 2016, March 29, 2016 and April 5, 2016
Selectman Gonyer moved to accept the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated March 15, 2016, March 29, 2016 and April 5, 2016 as written.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Scheduled Business
  • Kingston Heritage Commission
Debra Powers, Chair of the Kingston Heritage Commission was unable to attend tonight’s meeting due to a last minute conflict.  Chairman Doggett suggested for each member of the Board to review the materials and formulate your questions.  This item will be put on the next meeting agenda as long as the Kingston Heritage Commission is able to attend.  

  • Boston Post Cane
The Board of Selectmen reviewed the only request received for the holder of the Boston Post Cane for Winifred I. (Green) Bearce.  Winifred is 98 years old and has been a Newton resident for most of her life.

Selectman Burrill moved to award the Boston Post Cane to Winifred Bearce.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.  A certificate will be prepared to award to Winifred as the cane itself resides at the Town Hall.

Chairman Doggett informed the Board that he has designed a case for the Boston Post Cane as a way to display it at the Town Hall and it will take a little time to complete the project.  

The Board asked to prepare a letter to Winifred Bearce and her daughter Judith Denno letting them know that she was awarded the certificate and the Board will be in contact to visit and present the certificate.

  • Property Tax Interest Penalty Refund
The Board reviewed an email from Steven Rowe requesting a refund on the interest paid on the last bill due for the bill was not forwarded to their new address.  Because they never received the bill, an interest penalty was incurred.

Selectman Burrill moved to refund the interest payment for Connie Rowe due to an error in billing.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Update from Newton Baseball Re: Greenie Park
Selectman Burrill addressed an email from Newton Baseball Association that outlined a quite a bit of work that needs to be done at Greenie Park in preparation of the baseball season.  Volunteers from the Association cleaned the park and prepare the fields each year with many in attendance.  In the end they realized there was still quite a bit of work that needed to be done and they contacted the Selectmen’s Office for there was some concern with financing.  Burrill asked to have this item on the agenda for in an effort to show transparency to the residents for there are no funds to budget this year.  Burrill added that the voters quite firmly said this year they did not want to invest funding at Greenie Park and we are also in a default budget year.

Burrill suggested that if you value such things like Newton Baseball you can give a donation, check the website for more information.  May 7th is opening day and all are invited to this event.

An anonymous volunteer helped with some of the concerns at Greenie Park such as fixing the outfield fence, a protective netting that came down which separated two fields and repairs to the roof on the dugout.  Other items that will need to wait until the season is over is aerating and seeding the fields to level some of the frost heaves and sink holes.

The Board requested to send a thank you letter to Newton Baseball & Softball Association and to those that stepped up to help in their time of need.

  • Memorial Day Parade: Grand Marshall
The Board discussed coming up with ideas for this year’s Grand Marshall.  The Board will be looking for younger, active duty as well as older residents who would like to help by holding the position of Grand Marshall at the Memorial Day Ceremony held to honor men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military.

  • Review Insurance quotes
Office Manager Winglass prepared multiple spreadsheets to show the comparison of what the town is currently paying for insurance as well as the proposals from Foy Insurance and Primex.

Primex was the only quote that included all three insurances listed in the RFP; property-liability, worker’s compensation and unemployment compensation.  Primex quote included discounts for participating in a multi-program discount, education and training opportunities and the option of a January or July renewal to best accommodate the town’s budgetary needs.   

Selectman Gonyer moved to accept the quote from Primex for Property-Liability, Worker’s Compensation and Unemployment Compensation for one year as presented.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Burrill added that the next meeting with the surrounding towns he would like to add this item to the agenda.

  • Review first quarter 2016 Budget Expenditures
The Board reviewed the first quarter expenditures for 2016; the Board had no changes or concerns.

  • Announcements
  • Saturday, April 23rd – Newton Conservation Commission is celebrating Earth Day!
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Selectman Foote moved to sign the Vendor Manifest dated 4/19/2016 in the amount of $102,584.15.  Second by Donovan with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Foote moved to sign the Payroll Manifest for the pay period of 04/03/2016 – 04/16/2016 with a pay date of 04/22/2016.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Donovan moved to sign a Veteran’s Tax Credit denied for PID# 5-5-1-2 per the recommendation of Town Assessor Andrea Lewy.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Donovan moved to sign a 2015 Abatement refund for PID# 4-6-3-3 in the amount of $542.65 per the recommendation of Town Assessor Andrea Lewy.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Burrill moved to sign requisition #2518 from the Fire Department for one flood light at Station 1 only (Central Fire Station) in the amount of $350.00.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

The Board reviewed a quote on an extractor equipment for the Fire Department.  This item is on hold for now with and will look at an RFP in September/October.

The Board signed the cover page of the Personnel Policies and Procedures

Requisition #2533 from the Cable Committee for reimbursement of consultant services in the amount of $750.00

Selectman Gonyer moved to reimburse the cable budget in the amount of $750 to be paid from the Cable Revolving Fund.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Town Administrator Wrigley announced a town Safety Committee meeting will be held on Monday, 6pm at the Town Hall.

Town Administrator discussed reappointments and keeping up to date records.  

Selectman Gonyer suggested having committees update the Selectmen quarterly or bi-annually on what is taking place for the only time we see them is during budget time.  Selectman Burrill responded that the majority are volunteers and are not paid a cent for all their work but we need to stay on top of “housekeeping” issues.

  • Adjourn
Selectman Foote moved to adjourn at 8:42pm.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager