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December 21, 2015 Board of Selectmen Minutes
TIME: 5:30PM


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Doggett called the meeting to order at 5:39pm.  In attendance were Selectmen James L. Doggett, Chairman, Lawrence B. Foote, Lisa L. Gonyer, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The public meeting was audio taped; public minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.  Nonpublic minutes were transcribed and typed by Town Administrator Wrigley.

Foote motioned to open the meeting.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr. came in shortly after the meeting opened; Selectman Matthew A. Burrill arrived at approximate 5:50pm.

Continue review of the 2016 proposed Police Department Budget

Members of the Police Department were present; Police Chief Lawrence Streeter; Grace Greenwood, Office Manager; Officer Cory Drouin, Court Prosecutor; Sergeant Michael Jewett, Sergeant Robert DiFumeri and Officer Leanne Wancheck who is also the CALEA Manager.

Gonyer asked Police Chief Streeter if there were any revisions to his proposed budget.  Streeter replied that he sharpened his pencil as much as it could be and there are no recommended cuts.  Streeter did hand out an updated radio spreadsheet to help clarify the need in the department.

A discussion took place on proposed budgeted line item: facility in the amount of $4,000.  The Board decided to take this line item out of the Police Department budget to be placed in the General Government Buildings budget.

Radios were discussed and Chief Streeter explained that the Police radios are dual band radios and need to communicate with Massachusetts.  Streeter added that NH is mostly a Motorola state; most Fire Departments operate with Kenwood radios.   

Doggett stated that he sees the most savings in the vehicle lease; Streeter replied that the average cruiser has approximately 88,000 miles and we do an average of 100,000 miles each year.  Streeter explained that the town skipped last year on a vehicle lease therefore it is important that we keep the rotation in place and continue it next year.    

Vehicle maintenance, IT consult and support, equipment purchase line items were reviewed and discussed; overall the proposed budget increased by 2.5%.

Burrill moved to approve the proposed 2016 Police Department budget in the amount of $680,604 minus the $4,000 by removing the facility line item.  Second by Gonyer.  The total approved budget is $676,604.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Gonyer moved to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) – Employee Evaluations and (c) – Contract Negotiations at 6:20 pm.  Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous roll call vote:  Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Donovan - aye, Foote - aye, Gonyer - aye.

Ms. Wrigley left the meeting at 7:45 pm.

Selectman Gonyer moved to close the Non-Public Meeting at 8:26 pm.  Second by Selectman Burrill with a unanimous roll call vote to keep all matters confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply.  Doggett - aye, Burrill – aye, Donovan - aye, Foote - aye, Gonyer - aye.

Selectman Burrill moved to close the public meeting at 8:27 pm.  Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager