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December 15, 2015 Board of Selectmen Minutes


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Donovan opened the meeting at 6:00 pm.~ In attendance were Selectmen Robert S. Donovan, Jr., James L. Doggett, Vice Chairman, Matthew A. Burrill, Lawrence B. Foote, Lisa L. Gonyer and Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley. The Public Meeting was taped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.~ The Non-Public Minutes were transcribed and typed by Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.~
Selectman Burrill moved to go into Nonpublic Session at 6:00 pm under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) – EMD and FD; (c) – NH Retirement; (a) – Performance Evaluations; (c) – Contract Negotiations.~ Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous roll call vote:~ Donovan - aye, Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Foote - aye, Gonyer - aye.
Selectman Burrill moved to close the Non-Public Meeting at 7:10 pm.~ Second by Selectman Donovan with a unanimous roll call vote to keep all matters confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the hiring of Roger Hamel, Emergency Management at Grade XIV Step 1, effective 12/15/15; the hiring of Timothy Carey, Firefighter / EMT at Grade X Step 7, pending the background check and the~physical, effective 12/15/15; and a~ pay increase for Jack Kozec, Transfer Station Attendant from Grade IX Step 4 to Grade IX Step 5, effective 12/13/15. Donovan - aye; Doggett - aye, Burrill – aye, Foote - aye, Gonyer - aye.

Chairman Donovan announced that due his work schedule traveling to Boston everyday it is necessary to make the following change:  Donovan motioned to step down as Chairman and recommends James Doggett as Chairman and Matthew Burrill as Vice Chairman.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Chairman Doggett announced in public session the Board’s decisions made in nonpublic session as listed above.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
Chairman Doggett lead the assembly in the salute to the flag

  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated December 1, 2015
Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley requested a correction to the December 1, 2015 meeting minutes under the Cable Committee discussion regarding the cable franchise fee.  Wrigley stated that she could not find any specific wording therefore did not know if the consultant could be paid out of the cable revolving fund.

Burrill moved to approve the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes as amended for December 1, 2015.  Second by Gonyer, motion passed with Donovan abstaining.

  • Scheduled Business
  • Review 2016 Proposed Budgets and Warrant Articles: Conservation Commission,
Assessing Budget

This budget will be reviewed at the next Selectmen’s Meeting on December 29th.


Town Administrator Wrigley submitted a 2016 proposed insurance budget at level funded not knowing what will happen next year when the town goes out to bid.

Burrill moved to accept the proposed 2016 Insurance budget in the amount of $93,400.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.


Town Administrator Wrigley submitted a 2016 proposed legal budget at level funded in the amount of $27,256; Gonyer recommends reducing the budget to $27,000.

Burrill moved to accept the 2016 Legal Budget in the amount of $27,000.  Second by Donovan with a unanimous vote.


Town Administrator Wrigley submitted a 2016 proposed budget for $19,000; the Board reduced the budget to $18,000 in anticipation of lower rates in the coming year.
Burrill moved to accept the Lighting Budget in the amount of $18,000.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Pest Control

Town Administrator Wrigley submitted a 2016 proposed Pest Control Budget for mosquito treatment at level funded $35,000.

Burrill moved to accept the proposed 2016 Pest Control Budget in the amount of $35,000.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

8 Merrimac Road

Burrill moved to approve $88,575 for the 2016 bond payment for 8 Merrimac Road.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Fire Department

Fire Chief John Alcaidinho spoke on the 2016 proposed Fire Department budget after giving the Board an update on the repairs to the fire truck.  Some repairs have been made to engine 1 to rebuild the fire pump and replace all the necessary parts which has been done.  Additional repairs were done on the engine and the truck will be picked up tomorrow morning and work will be done to it in house to save on the cost.  In house repairs include changing out some of the lights which will be done at a much reduced rate.  The department has now adopted a new maintenance program for all the apparatus which falls under the NFPA which includes annual testing and servicing.

The total proposed increases for vehicle and equipment repairs and maintenance comes in at $22,000.  If the budget does not pass, then the town’s residents will have to grasp that the town’s apparatus does not meet NFPA standards; it has been several years with no maintenance program on the apparatus equipment and vehicles.

Salary line was discussed due to the over expending this year’s budget.  Chief Alcaidinho responded that on an average for the first time in many years, we have approximately 7 members for all our calls.  Call volume last year at this time was 284 and we are up to 330 year to date.  New this year is employee training so we have the majority attending training in-house. in-state and out-of-state which has made a difference in the salary for this year.  

Background checks were reviewed and the Chief will research this item to determine how this has been budgeted for in the past.

Chief discussed a proposed grant for SCBA’s (Self Contained Breathing Apparatus) which will require funding for a grant writer under the consultant line item and also budgeted is for the grant matching funds.
Uniform line item was discussed in that this year the department had some promotions and we are slowly outfitting the department but next year he does not anticipated the same volume.

Burrill discussed that we need the information on the background checks before we can move forward with accepting this budget.  Town Administrator Wrigley was unsure of which budget the background checks were paid from and would need to check with the town bookkeeper.

Burrill suggested a motion to accept the 2016 Fire Department budget as proposed but if we discover that background checks are not in another budget then the Chief can submit a new number to the Board and we will not need the Chief to come back for a budget review.

Burrill moved to accept the proposed Fire Department budget of $274,020.00 with the caveat that we want to make sure to include background check if it is not paid for by another department.  Second by Gonyer, motion passed with Foote abstaining.

Police Department

Members of the Police Department were present; Police Chief Lawrence Streeter; Grace Greenwood, Office Manager; Officer Cory Drouin, Court Prosecutor; Sergeant Michael Jewett, Sergeant Robert DiFumeri and Officer Leanne Wancheck who is also the CALEA Manager.

Chief Streeter asked how the Board would like to review the 2016 proposed budget, by each line item or just those that the members have questions on.  Chairman Doggett responded that the Board just received this budget late this afternoon and some of the Selectmen have not had a chance to review it.
Burrill talked about reviewing variances and the first one is the salary full time officers; Chief Streeter responded that the increase is for the full time officers proposed 2.5% merit increases and also budgeted is a 2.5% for part time officers and the office manager.  Streeter explained that 2.5% is due to the town’s matrix schedule which follows a 2.5% increment.  Officer Wancheck is also entitled to a three-year increase to First Class Patrol which is standard procedure established several years ago.  Furthermore, the part time salary budget is based upon the town’s personnel policy to cover for (7) full time officers PTO and holiday hours for the year.  The Animal Control Officer also has a 2.5% merit increase included in the 2016 budget.  

Radio line item has an increase of $9,754 and Chief Streeter handed out a spreadsheet showing a replacement schedule.  In 2016 funds have been budgeted to replace to Motorola Astro 3000 in cars 5 and 6.

Foote asked about having grant funds available for purchasing replacement radios.   Streeter responded that state funding is favorable to interoperability with Emergency Management; Selectman Foote who is also Emergency Management Director will check into any grant funding that may be available.

Chairman Doggett asked about line item equipment purchase for in 2015 the department only expended 1/3 of the budget; Doggett asked what falls under equipment purchase.  Chief Streeter replied the budget covers everything or anything that is equipment related.    

Uniforms is going up as costs have increased; this year the town needs to replace two bullet resistant vest for the industry standard has an expiration which has passed.

Chairman Doggett questioned the vehicle lease for he thought the town purchased the vehicles.  Chief Streeter responded that the average vehicle mileage is 88,000 and we skipped last year but need to continue next year with the replacement program in place.

Chief Streeter talked about officer retention was a problem with the department when he first came on board working for the town; training, equipment and salaries has led to retaining quality employees.  The town’s Police Department is now nationally accredited and the police department’s budget costs the average taxpayer approximately $380 per year.    

Doggett has some concerns with leasing versus purchasing vehicles.  Streeter talked about the lease program offers the option of spreading out the payments over several years versus purchasing the vehicle outright.  Streeter added that the town has a vehicle policy that states with any town business it is preferred to use a town vehicle therefore the department uses their vehicles to travel to training, court, lab, it is not heard of to have two or three details in one day and to have one broken down.   

Burrill asked about the new line item for internet service.  Streeter responded that the line item is for the department’s Verizon air card used for the signal from Rockingham dispatch, cellphone lines and data card.

Doggett announced that several members were saying that they just received the budget and would like some additional time review it.  Streeter added that the increase over last year’s budget is $24,247 over last year’s budget.  The Selectmen plan to review this budget again on December 29th.

Planning Board

Planning Board Chairman Roger Hamel was present to answer any questions on the proposed budget.

Gonyer inquired about the increase to the legal fees.  Hamel responded that the Planning Board over expended this line item this year and feel there is a need for flexibility for next year.  Doggett added that this year two cases from the Planning Board ended victorious for the town.

Gonyer questioned the need to budget $900 for office supplies when they only spent $44 this year and yet budgeting another $900 for next year.  Hamel replied that some of this year’s expenses has been deferred until next year.  Doggett added that land use law books and copies of maps usually go under this line item but the Board made a conscious effort to save this year for they were aware of what was happening with the over expenditure of the legal line item.

Donovan questioned advertising for $600 with no expenditures this year and yet budgeting another $600 for next year.  Hamel responded that the town recently advertised for the zoning amendments.

Donovan questioned equipment purchase and the need to budget $1,500 when they have spent only $445 this year.  Hamel responded that the purchase of filing cabinets is planned for next year.

Chairman Doggett who is also Vice Chairman of the Planning Board stated that he voted to level fund this budget for next year but he was in the minority.

Hamel went on to discuss the salary administration budget increase due to additional time needed to include updating the Master Plan.  Hamel pointed out that for the last three years the Planning Board budget was level funded and the three years prior to that it decreased.  This proposed budget is about the same as in 2009 therefore we have been very economical with the town funds.

Doggett explained that his recommendation to level fund this budget is due to not seeing the need for legal funds next year as proposed and the number of hours as proposed for administration; he is not big on budgeting for possibilities.  Burrill asked for an average of hours for administration over the past three years; Hamel responded that they have been over 20 but less than 25 hours.

Donovan shared his concern with remaining funds in the budget and requesting an increase in funding for 2016.  Hamel responded that there are additional expenditures coming in for this month.

The Board asked for the Planning Board to come back with a reduced budget more in line with level funded in the legal, salary, equipment purchase and advertising line items.  Burrill added that what he is hearing is that the proposed budget does not account for the year to date variance.  

Revised Highway Budget

Town Administrator Wrigley announced that she received clarification from the State Department of Revenue Administration that the permit fees are approved to go into the revolving account approved in March.  Therefore, the 2016 Highway Budget has been reduced by $500 budgeted for driveway permits; the other budget affected by this change is the building department which we will also address tonight.

Foote motioned to approve $350,820 as the revised 2016 Highway Budget.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Forest Fire

Burrill moved to accept the 2016 Forest Fire budget in the amount of $3,200.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Revised Building Department Budget

Donovan motioned to accept the amended 2016 Building Department budget in the amount of $21,052.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Cont. review of FD Truck Maintenance
Fire Chief Alcaidinho talked about implementing a truck maintenance program in the new year and every truck will have its own file and anytime something is done to it then the file is updated.

  • Fire Dept: Proposed 2016 contract with Emergency Education Consultants, LLC
Fire Chief Alcaidinho introduced a contract, a standard agreement with Emergency Education Consultants, LLC to completed EMS training for the Fire Department.  Funding is included in next year’s proposed budget but the Fire Chief does not have the authority to sign contracts therefore we need approval by the Board in order to move forward.

Burrill moved to sign the proposed 2016 contract with Emergency Education Consultants, LLC.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.  

  • Fire Station Building Committee Update
Present were Michael Pivero, Representative of the Fire Station Building Committee and Kelley Davis, Port One Architects.

Pivero gave the first formal presentation from the Fire Station Building Committee presenting the new proposed fire station.  Pivero thanked the committee members for in a short period of time they were able to pull this all together and we are ready to present the committee’s recommendation tonight.

Pivero explained that they have a cost for this station, bare bones based upon requirements needed, fire program, current codes and project that this would meet Newton’s needs for 40-50 years.  There are provisions for future expansion, if we missed something he would be shocked; but there are a few items that we do not have specific answers for and that includes a fire suppression system.  The cost came in at $1,498,000 just under 1.5 million and that is after reducing it as much as possible.  Pivero added that the committee will need the Town Administrator to work up a warrant article to put in for the town vote if the Board is in agreeance with the proposed plan.  Town Administrator Wrigley has worked on the bond numbers but we cannot define them yet for they may change in January.

Pivero added that there is one missing ingredient with this proposed fire station and recommends hiring a company to do a thorough evaluation of the exiting Central Fire Station.  We have bits and pieces on the deficiencies with the building with what might or should be done to the existing Central Fire Station.  Due diligence on the town’s part is necessary by having someone come in and do a hard analyzation of the structure and the cost to make it compliant.  There are many issues at this location such as the windows and heater but that does not make it compliant.  In addition to that we will know the sale price of the building if the plan is to sell the property and use the funds to offset the cost of the new station.

Pivero went on to discuss the fire vehicles and equipment and the need to store them inside to protect them from the weather.  The station that we have now requires the town to purchase custom vehicles in order to fit in the bays which is costly.

The committee will stand down until next year for when they will present the next phase, the educational portion.  Pivero added that even though he is not on the fire department he is working with them on this project for it is long overdue.  

Gonyer asked about the new proposed station in that it has six pass through bays.  Pivero confirmed this and then Gonyer asked if they will house all the department equipment/vehicles.  Pivero responded that he is under the impression that it will hold all current apparatus.  Fire Chief Alcaidinho added that the current fire station has five bays but all apparatus need to turn in their mirrors to enter/exit the bays.  To custom design an apparatus comes in at a cost of $25,000 to $40,000 extra, the town’s station has a width and height issue which requires the town to special order vehicles.

Burrill added that the committee was able in a short period of time to put this all together and now we are ready to present it to the voters.  Gonyer agreed with Pivero on the need to know the cost on why we have to update from our present structure.  Pivero responded that there are many deficiencies but we need an outside expert to come in to give a structural and mechanical evaluation and someone who knows the current codes of a fire station.  Pivero recommends an outside, third party to give the town an unbiased evaluation of the building.  

Burrill moved to allow the committee to get quotes from structural engineers to help with due diligence to get the information out to the voters.  Second by Foote, Gonyer added that will also include a current value, the cost to get it compliant and a value to assess the building.  

Burrill moved to allow the committee to get quotes for the compliance and value of the Central Fire Station to the Board.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Donovan questioned if the proposed fire station has a second floor.  Pivero explained that no it does not have a second floor but it has provisions for future expansion.  

Town Administrator Wrigley asked if we are looking to sell the current Central Fire Station to offset the cost of the new building; she needs this information to write the warrant article.  Doggett explained that it would be two separate warrant articles, if that is the decision of the Board.   

Pivero asked to confirm that the Board is in support of this proposed fire station warrant article; the Board responded that they do not vote to recommend until the public hearing but they are in agreement to continue as a committee and they have the full support of the Board of Selectmen.

  • Garages at 8 Merrimac Road
Road Agent Mike Pivero recommended that the Board of Selectmen number the doors of each of the (5) garages at 8 Merrimac Road and allocate the garages to the Police and Fire Departments so there is no jurisdictional problems with the garages.  

Burrill moved to ask any department head in the town that wants to use that space to submit a proposal to the Board of Selectmen for the area, bays and/or square footage.  Second by Gonyer.  Chief Alcaidinho asked if the Board has a problem on what is stored there now stays there until the space is defined.  The Board was in agreement that they are not evicting anyone.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • 2016 Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule
Donovan motioned to accept the 2016 Selectmen’s Meeting schedule.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds to the Newton Food Panty from the following:
  • $1,000 from North Shore Bank
  • $300 from an anonymous donor
  • $40 in memory of Janice Lynn
  • $160 from Mike Bower
Burrill moved per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds to the Newton Food Panty from the following: $1,000 from North Shore Bank, $300 from an anonymous donor, $40 in memory of Janice Lynn and $160 from Mike Bower.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • $6,404.21 for Newton’s allocation of funds received in FY 2015 to support participation and preparedness in the NH Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Seabrook Station
Town Administrator Wrigley explained that this funding offsets the expenditures for the NH Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Seabrook Station and by accepting these funds it will effectively increase the EMD State operating budget.  Wrigley worked with the town auditor for this budget is over expended and accepting the funds will adjust the budget accordingly.

Burrill moved to accept per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend the amount of $6,404.21 for Newton’s allocation of funds received in FY 2015 to support participation and preparedness in the NH Radiological Emergency Response Plan for Seabrook Station.  By accepting these funds, it will effectively increase the EMD State operating budget to allow for the additional expenditures.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
The Board reviewed a request from new resident David Skinner who is requesting a resident sticker for himself and his fiancé who both use a dealer plate.  Mr. Skinner was present and explained that he is the owner of a dealership in Plaistow and his vehicle will change often but the dealer plate will stay the same.  The Board discussed the need for a waiver for the resident will not be able to attach the resident sticker to the windshield per the town’s policy.

Gonyer motioned to issue a waiver for the resident sticker to be assigned to the dealer plate number 2126 A and B for David Skinner and fiancé and to waive the requirement to affix the sticker to the windshield.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Gonyer asked to make a motion:  due to anticipating an increase in taxes based upon what has been approve and what has come in front of the Board, Gonyer motioned to put a freeze on all personnel raises with any exceptions to come before the board for fiscal year 2016.  Second by Burrill.  Gonyer explained that an example would be if an employee is promoted, that would constitute an exception.  If anyone is looking for an exception on the freeze would need to come in front of the Board and explain the need and the reason for the exception.  Burrill added that this decision affects every employee in every department in the town and having it under other business, to be fair it should be published on an upcoming meeting agenda so anyone can come to give input.  Gonyer rescinded her motion and would request the Chairman put this on the next agenda for discussion.  Doggett added that he would like to add to the discussion that any and all pay raises need to be brought to the Board of Selectmen prior to the department head discussing it with the employee.  Burrill proposed this item to go on the January 5th agenda; the Board discussed that they would need a number on the proposed employee raises for each department.  The Board asked to put on the January 5th agenda, discussion of pay raises for 2016 and the Board will need to look at the budgets.  
The Board signed requisition #2516 from the Fire Department to replace the garage door opener in tank 5 bay in the amount of $900 from Newton Glass & Garage Door.   

  • Foote moved to sign the Payroll Manifest dated 12/18/2015 for the pay period 11/29 - 12/12.  Second by Donovan with a unanimous vote.
  • Foote moved to sign the Vendor Manifest dated 12/15/2015 in the amount of $1,123,752.26.  Second by Donovan with a unanimous vote.
  • Donovan moved to sign and approve a Veterans Tax Credit for PID# 13-3-11-111 for tax year 2016.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
  • Donovan moved to sign and approve a Veterans Tax Credit for PID#8-3-11-33.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
  • Donovan moved to sign and approve an Abatement for PID# 8-2-12-11 in the amount of $125.62.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
  • Burrill moved to sign and approve requisition #2615 from the Recreation Commission for 100 discounted tickets to N.E. Sports Park in Amesbury in the amount of $1,000.00.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.
  • Burrill moved to sign and approve requisition #2622 from the Transfer Station for printing 2016 vouchers in the amount of $1,212.37.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
Gonyer announced that a staff member from Kelly Ayotte office will visit the Town Hall on Wednesday, December 16th from 12pm to 1pm.  

  • Gonyer moved to sign a thank you letter to North Shore Bank for the donation to the Newton Food Pantry.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.
  • Gonyer moved to sign the State of NH Division of Forests and Lands Forest Fire Report/Bill in the amount of $1,624.00.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.
Selectman Foote recapped on the success of the Toys for Tots and picture with Santa at the Central Fire Station this past Sunday from 11am to 1pm; over a couple hundred people showed and was a big success for the first year.

Selectman Foote announced that this Sunday December 20th starting at 3pm is the Santa parade.

  • Adjourn
Burrill moved to adjourn at 9:55pm.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager