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August 18, 2015 Board of Selectmen Minutes
TIME: 6:00PM


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Doggett opened the meeting at 6:02 pm.  In attendance were Selectmen James L. Doggett, Vice Chairman, Matthew A. Burrill, Lisa L. Gonyer, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Selectmen’s Office Manager Mary B. Winglass. The Public Meeting was videotaped; draft minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The Non-Public Minutes were transcribed and typed by Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.
Selectmen Chairman Robert S. Donovan, Jr. and Lawrence B. Foote were not present due to personal reasons.  

Selectman Burrill moved to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) - Cable Operator, Transfer Station and Fire Department; (a) & (c) - Transfer Station;
(a) - Police Department; (a) - NH Retirement.  Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous roll call vote:  Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Gonyer - aye.

Selectman Burrill moved to close the Non-Public Meeting at 7:15 pm.  Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous roll call vote to keep all matters confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the hiring of Douglas Drury as a Cable Operator pending a background check, at Grade IX, Step 1, effective 08/18/15; the hiring of Shayne Shoopman, Transfer Station Laborer pending a background check, at Grade V, Step 1, effective 08/22/15; the hiring of Eric Bailey, Fire Department as a FF 1 & FF 2, pending a physical and a background check, at Grade X Step 4, effective 09/01/15; the hiring of Samuel Griffin, Fire Department, as an EMT, pending a physical and a background check, at Grade X Step 4, effective 09/01/15; the hiring of Robert Miller, Fire Department as a FF Recruit, pending a physical and a background check, at Grade X Step 1, effective 09/01/15; the hiring of Logan Biery, Fire Department, as a FF Recruit, pending a physical and a background check, at Grade X Step 1, effective 09/01/15.  Doggett - aye, Burrill – aye, Gonyer – aye.

At 7:24pm Selectman Doggett called the public session back to order.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated July 21, 2015 and July 28, 2015
Burrill moved to approve the Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes dated July 21, 2015.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to approve the Selectmen’s Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated July 21, 2015.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to approve the Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes dated July 28, 2015.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Scheduled Business
  • Procedural Defect Meeting per RSA 31:5-b
Doggett announced that the town received notice from the Department of Revenue Administration that their employee considers one of the warrants, the purchase of the new fire truck may have not been properly noticed due to the absence of a bond hearing.

Selectman Burrill explained that the town received a letter from an employee from the Department of Revenue Administration and feels we need a lot more information.  Basically they are asking to repair a defect in the process or claiming we have a defect in the process.  Town Counsel has been in contact therefore it is his recommendation to table this item until we can gather more information.

Burrill moved to table this item until we have additional information.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.  Burrill asked to work on this item with the Town Administration in order to put together an opinion letter to present to the town.

  • Fire Dept General Operating Guideline for Fireworks (Commercial Displays)
Doggett added that after speaking with the Fire Chief this evening, this document needs some additional work therefore we are tabling this item tonight.

  • Fire Dept: Building Repairs to 8 Merrimac Road and 35 South Main St
Fire Chief Alcaidinho spoke on the ongoing work meeting with a couple of contractors to do the repairs at the current Fire Station, 35 South Main Street versus utilizing the existing building at 8 Merrimac Road.  Chief Alcaidinho added that he hopes to have figures for the next Selectmen’s meeting

  • Employee Training
Selectmen’s Office Manager Winglass informed the Selectmen of a training schedule prepared for their review and approval.  Three dates have been set aside for Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy training by the Local Government Center LifeResources.  This is free training and they will specifically review three town policies during this training session.  Winglass recommends that we then hold an internal training session by town personnel on the Safety Policies, Fraud Policy, Computer and Social Media Policies and always good to review the Code of Ethics Ordinance.  This will allow the town to bring the employees up to date on our current policies, some which are in need of training.

The question is whether the Selectmen will mandate the training for all employees and how they will relay this information to elected officials encouraging them to attend as overseers to town departments and to minimize risk to the town.

Burrill added that what most companies are doing today is to have a list of their policies with an annual acknowledgement.  Each employee signs the acknowledgement stating that they read and understood the policies and if you have questions then to go see your Supervisor and/or Human Resources.

Policies will go out to the employees via email or a printed copy, if email is unavailable, in advance of the training session for their review.

Burrill moved to schedule the training with the Local Government Center for Anti-Bullying/Harassment & Discrimination.  Set up a second hour on the same day/night for a policy acknowledgement review and stick with the dates as presented by Office Manager Winglass of October 6th at the Central Fire Station at 7pm, October 7th at the Town Hall at 6pm and October 29th at the Town Hall at 9am.  This training should be mandated training for everyone who is an employee of the Town needs to complete this training unless they have a valid reason.  The valid reason would be up to the Board of Selectmen for these policies is all important and we need to make sure all have read them and understand them.  Second by Gonyer.  The Board asked to have a spreadsheet showing who attended the training once the dates have gone by; also to give the Board an update at each meeting on who has signed up for a training session.  This will allow the Selectmen to close the loop and pursue the employees that have not responded to complete the training for they are a risk to the town.  Elected officials are strongly encouraged to take a class for it is important that we do what we can so the town is not at risk.  
Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Office Manager Winglass asked about snacks/drinks at the training sessions.  The Board responded that we can look at this later and find out what the Local Government Center is planning on bringing, if anything.

  • Surplus Equipment
The Board reviewed a document from Office Manager Winglass with four categories of surplus property: misc computer/electronic equipment, misc office equipment, (1) 1998 500 gallon, double wall steel oil recycling tank and misc cable equipment.

Winglass suggests putting a notice on the website and in the Carriage Towne News.  Simply make piles, do not go through the time and expense of listing out each item, and let those that are interested to come view the items.  Winglass stated that she spoke with Chief Briggs who is doing the same thing, minimal details and if interested view the item in person.

The Board talked about making a simple list of the computer equipment i.e. (6) computer towers, (5) laptops etc.  Not an itemized list just a count and a couple of pictures of the items would be beneficial.  Doggett volunteered to take the pictures.

Burrill moved that the Board include the swim platform to the list of surplus items for sale as one of the items.  Second by Gonyer and passed with a unanimous vote.

The Board asked that once we have finalized the list to put it in the newspaper, craigslist and the town website.  Send out one last notice to department heads, we are moving forward in the next couple weeks and need to hear from any department heads that have any additional items to add to the list.

  • Review Budget Expenditures as of August 5, 2015
A discussion took place that the Board needs to keep and eye on the budget from this point forward.  Town Administrator talked about repairs to the roof, heating season and driveway at 35 South Main Street.  The Board will need the expenditure reports available to them when they meet with the Chief at the next meeting.

Burrill added that if any department head feels they are going over the budget this year they need to come in to inform the Board before it happens.  Burrill will start to create a memo for the Board to review at their next meeting.

The highway budget was discussed that this year was hit hard with the storms this past winter and we still have two potential months at the end of this year.  FEMA funds have been approved to reimburse the town giving the highway budget some relief but so far we have not received any check.  Doggett added that it may be due to the State budget not being approved yet this year.

  • Personal Time Off Policy Committee
So far we have three employees and two residents that have asked to join this committee.  Burrill talked about if we should balance the numbers, two residents, two employees, Town Administrator and one Selectman.  Due to the fact that there are only three members of the Board of Selectmen present tonight, this item was tabled until we have all five present.  

Burrill moved to do nothing, table this item until our next meeting.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Review quote for coded locks at town buildings
Waiting on a quote therefore this item was tabled until the next meeting.

  • Review purchase of fuel for the 2015-2016 heating season
The Board reviewed an Invitation to Bid for #2 fuel for town buildings.  The question is whether the Board will require sealed bids this year when we have been with the same vendor for years, they have been great to work with and done a great job servicing the boilers.

Burrill moved to contact a few vendors to ask for #2 fuel oil quotes for the upcoming heating season to see what we can get from them, most importantly from our current vendor per the invitation to bid as prepared, in supersession of our bid policy for sealed bids.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Proposed agenda for 9/21st District Meeting
Burrill stated that at the last District Meeting, Fremont offered to host the September meeting and since then we have not heard from them.  Burrill asked for Office Manager Winglass to reach out to Fremont to see if they are still going to host the meeting next month.  One agenda item from Newton is emergency preparedness and it was discussed to invite our key employees from each safety department, Police Chief, Fire Chief, EMD and Road Agent.  If this date is still good we need to confirm and ideally the others will do the same.  Doggett asked to change the title to a cooperative meeting versus a district meeting.

  • Sargent Woods Performance Guarantee Reduction
Doggett stated that the Planning Board approved at the August 11, 2015 meeting to recommend to the Board of Selectmen to grant a reduction to the performance guarantee for the Sargent Woods project in the amount of $82,566.00.

Gonyer moved to approve the reduction for the performance guarantee for the Sargent Woods project in the amount of $82,566.00.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

  • Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds to the Food Pantry in the amount of $15.32 from Plant Aid on behalf of the Newton Learning Center and $154.00 from the Newton Historical Society.  $5,000 from the Florence Boone Charitable Trust, Robert and Joanne Leverone, Trustees to the Town of Newton for enhancements to Greenie Park
Burrill moved to accept $5,000 from the Florence Boone Charitable Trust, Robert and Joanne Leverone Trustees to the Town of Newton for enhancements to Greenie Park go into the Recreation Revolving Fund with thanks and appreciation from the Town of Newton.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to accept funds to the Food Pantry in the amount of $15.32 from Planet Aid on behalf of the Newton Learning Center, with thanks.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to accept $154 from the Newton Historical Society to the Food Pantry, with thanks.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Town Administrator Wrigley recommends either the Board of Selectmen or Recreation to send a thank you letter to the Florence Boone Charitable Trust.  Burrill asked for Wrigley to send an email to Recreation informing them of this donation and to prepare a letter.

  • Resignation Retirement from Fire Dept Captain Jeffry Gersbach
Fire Chief Alcaidinho asked to clarify that Captain Gersbach is retiring not resigning from the Fire Department.  

Burrill moved to accept the retirement of Fire Department Jeffry Gersbach with regret and thank him for his years of service to the Town of Newton Fire Department.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Recreation Commission: Town Day and Movie Night
Burrill stated that he has a few requisitions to be approved for Town Day on October 3rd.  The plan is to start with a 5K Race in the morning and move onto a 1pm to 5pm with vendors and musical acts and different items for the kids.  Then between 5-6pm have a movie showing on the lawn followed by a fireworks display.  The movie night was originally scheduled for August 26th but after speaking with Dragon Mosquito they cautioned that August is not the best time of year to hold an outside event at dusk.

Burrill added that the challenge Recreation is facing is that they originally budgeted for Newton’s portion of Town Day anticipating a third year of the same model.  However the PTO chose not to host the 5K event this year therefore the town has taken on the whole event and the budgeted amount does not allow funding for all that is being proposed by the Recreation.  Recreation is looking for direction by the Selectmen on how to fund this event; the original budget is $3,000 for Town Day and with all proposed the cost is closer to $7,000.  The Recreation repair budget has available funds for volunteer work has been done by committee members with the only the material expense.
5K Road Race - Requisition #1933 in the amount of $813.15 to do a 5K Road Race to include timing, signs, registrations.  Recreation has been able to cut down the cost with volunteer organizations such as the Lions Club who has stepped forward with drinks and snacks.

Requisition #1879 is for the infrastructure to run a Town Day for a sound engineer, signs and two portapotties for a cost of $880.77.

Requisition #1937 is for entertainment for the children with Zoo Creatures and a Bouncy House - obstacle course in the amount of $805.00.

Requisition #1936 is somewhat of a sticker shock, trampolines and rock wall is the hot item for kids but the price is high at $2,150.  

Requisitions #1934 is for the fireworks display at a cost of $2,500.  Recreation contacted several vendors and heard back from only one.  This vendor is licensed and will help obtain approval from the State.

Burrill added that the minimum for this event, 5K Road Race, Infrastructure costs and entertainment for the children come in just over $2,400 which brings us in under the budget amount of $3,000 for this event.  If we move on with the trampoline, rock wall and fireworks adds close to $5,000 which can be covered in the overall Recreation budget.

Doggett talked about any incoming revenue should be deposited into the General Fund to offset the cost of this event.  Town Administrator Wrigley and Selectman Burrill explained that after speaking with the town’s auditor the best approach is to deposit any revenue received into the Recreation Revolving Fund.  If sponsors want to get involved then per the advice of the auditors they can pay the vendor directly for the equipment/food and keep the town out as the middle man.

Back to the requisitions: the Recreation has funds in their budget but would need to move funds around to cover the expenses listed above.  Burrill made the following motions for the Board to consider;

Burrill moved to approve requisition #1933 in the amount of $813.15.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign and approve requisition #1879 in the amount of $880.77 for the town day infrastructure.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to approve requisition #1937 for Town Day for entertainment for the children in the amount of $805.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to approve $2,500 from the Recreation budget repair line item to move to the Town Day budget line item for a Fireworks display in the amount of $2,500, requisition #1934.   Second by Gonyer.  Gonyer asked and Burrill responded that there is nothing additional that we can predict for repairs this year.  Burrill added that all repair items on the list to be done this year will be completed through volunteers which 75% has already been completed.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to approve $2,150 from the repair budget line item over to the town day line item in the Recreation budget for requisitions #1936 for the extreme combo trampolines and rock wall.  Attendants accompany this equipment. Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Historical Society requests permission for electrical installation to the barn at the Marshall House Museum
Bill Landry, President of Historical Society spoke on a request by the Historical Society for permission to install electricity into the barn at the Marshall House property.   The reason for the request is to use the building to repair and preserve historic artifacts.  The work will be done, to code, by licensed electricians.  Permits will be obtained from the Building Department; all labor and material costs for the electrical upgrade will be covered by the society.  Selectman Gonyer asked if the upgrade will be done in line with the historical nature of the building; Landry responded it is a very simple installation; the barn was built in 1975 therefore not a historical building; the installation will be what you expect to see in a barn.   

Gonyer motioned to endorse the electrical upgrade at the Marshall House Barn as presented by the Historical Society.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Burrill moved to sign the Payroll Manifest dated 07/31/2015 for the pay period 7/12 - 7/25.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign the Payroll Manifest dated 08/14/2015 for the pay period 7/26 - 8/08.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign the Vendor Manifest dated 08/04/2015 in the amount of $52,248.14.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign the Vendor Manifest dated 08/18/2015 in the amount of $841,813.48.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign a letter to Sanborn Regional School District detailing the 2015 Impact Fee payment of $21,693.01 to be applied toward the 2004 New High School Bond Payment.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign a letter to the Town Bookkeeper to prepare a check in the amount of $13,182.25 to go into the Cable Revolving Account from cable revenues received from the second quarter 2015.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Gonyer moved to sign an abatement to Mr. Augustine Medeiros of 25 Wenmarks Road in the amount of $246.65.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Gonyer moved to sign the Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber for 10 Chase Road, PID# 11-4-6.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Gonyer moved to sign the Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber for 11 Heath Street, PID# 10-1-1.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Gonyer moved to sign the MS-1 Extension Request Form until October 1, 2015.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Gonyer moved to sign a letter from Town Clerk/Tax Collector Mary-Jo McCullough requesting the Board of Selectmen issue a warrant (order) to the ACO/PD authorizing the issuance of civil forfeiture notices to the owners of the unlicensed dogs.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

  • Adjourn
Burrill moved to adjourn at 8:51pm.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager