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June 16, 2015 Board of Selectmen Minutes

Rev 2

  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Vice Chairman Doggett opened the public meeting at 6:00 pm.~ In attendance were Selectmen James L. Doggett, Matthew A. Burrill, Lawrence B. Foote and Lisa L. Gonyer, Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.~ The Non-Public Meeting Minutes were transcribed and typed by Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley.~ The public draft minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  Selectman Donovan was not in attendance but is available by speaker telephone, if needed.

Selectman Burrill moved to go into Nonpublic Session at 6:00 pm under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) - Police Department; (a) & (b) - Fire Department; (b) - Selectmen; (a) - Transfer Station; (d) - 8 Merrimac Road~ Second by Selectman Foote with a unanimous roll call vote: Doggett – aye; Burrill – aye, Foote - aye, Gonyer – aye.
Selectman Burrill moved to close the Non-Public Meeting at 7:42 pm.~ Second by Selectman Gonyer with a unanimous roll call vote to keep all matters confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the hiring of Sean Kane as a Probationary Firefighter at Grade X Step 1, effective when he passes his physical; the hiring of David Kenneally as a Probationary Firefighter at Grade X Step 2, effective when he passes his physical; to make Justin Winsper a permanent part-time employee for a maximum of 35 hours a week at the same Grade V Step 3 with a 6 month probationary period, effective 06/16/15; and acceptance of Bonnie Burnham’s Letter of Resignation from the Transfer Station effective June 1, 2015.~ Doggett – aye, Burrill – aye, Foote – aye, Gonyer – aye.
Vice Chairman Doggett called the public meeting back to order at 7:50pm.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated May 26, 2015 and June 2, 2015
Burrill moved to approve the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated May 26, 2015 and June 2, 2015 as written.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Scheduled Business
  • Recreation Commission: Recognition of (5) students from Sanborn Regional High School and Alumnus
The Recreation Commission recommends to the Board of Selectmen to sign certificates of appreciation to Sanborn Regional High School students for their assistance to the Recreation Commission as follows;

To Brandon Simpson for Greenie Park Environmental Science Study
To Tyler Perusse for Greenie Park Environmental Science Study
To Nic Angell for Greenie Park Environmental Science Study
To Tyler McGee for Town of Newton NH Trail Signage
To John Henry LeGault for Town of Newton NH Trail Signage
To John Henry LeGault for Greenie Park Environmental Science Study

Burrill moved to sign the certificates of appreciation to the students listed with a thank you from the Board of Selectmen.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Fire Department: Use of garage bays at 8 Merrimac Road and cont review of repairs at the Central Fire Station
Repairs at the Central Fire Station

Chief Alcaidinho updated the Board stating after the last meeting he contacted the Town Engineer and asked him to redo his proposal on the driveway; the Chief has not heard back from him yet.

Chief Alcaidinho talked to Ron Lemere, Chief Building Official in regards to the heating system and his recommendation is to put in a propane unit for it is more economical and energy efficient.

Buildings at 8 Merrimac Road

Chief Alcaidinho stated that he took a look at the building and he would recommend looking into the possibility of renovating that building for a Fire Station.  Jim Ryan, firefighter, licensed contractor and a member of the Fire Station Building Committee was asked for a rough price to turn the building into a fire station.  The building has the space but the town needs to check on the well water and septic system; if all is good then it could be a savings of well over one million by using this building versus building a new Fire Station.  This is not an official report or pricing but the start of putting together the documentation from the Newton Municipal Complex Committee (NMCC) and their findings.

Doggett stated that he is willing to work with the Chief for he was involved with NMCC and they had several architects look at the building.  Chief Alcaidinho talked about getting the Board’s feeling for coming up with a plan; the current building committee is interested in moving forward with a feasibility plan.  The Board was in agreement with researching a plan; Selectman Lisa Gonyer offered to fill the role as Selectman liaison on the Fire Station Building Committee.

Burrill moved to appoint Selectman Lisa Gonyer as a liaison to the Fire Station Building Committee.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Burrill asked the status of the lease agreement at 8 Merrimac Road with Chet Bearce for the two bays.  It was discussed that the Board needs to number the bays and measure the area for a description of the property for the agreement.  Doggett will measure the area and Burrill will update the lease agreement.  

Burrill moved to approve the lease agreement as written with Chester Bearce for the two bays at 8 Merrimac Road pending the insertion of the proper description of the square footage; the lease is for one year.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Letter from Newton Learning Center: Use of the Town Beach and Greenie Park
The Board received a request from Katy Aveni of the Newton Learning Center requesting special permission to use the town beach and Greenie Park for special trips with the children.  The Board agreed to allow this use by the Newton Learning Center whose children all of whom are residents of Newton.  Burrill added that approval will be give on a case by case basis.  

Burrill moved to approve Newton Learning Center with the proper paperwork filled out, the use of the Town Beach and Greenie Park for 2015.  Second by Foote.  This approval is conditional based upon a completed permit.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Approved community grant for the Emergency Management Equipment approved by the Dept of Safety’s Business Office in the amount of $11,053.00
Selectman Foote gave the Board a brief update on the approved grant of $11,053.00 which expires on 9/30/2015.  Foote is in the process of purchasing the items approved within the time frame limitation.  

  • Letter from Rockingham County Commissioners Forum
The Board received an invite to send one representative from the town to participate in a forum to discuss the 2015 budget and the issues that are relevant to the town.  The meeting is on July 16th at the Rockingham County Nursing Home, 117 North Road, Brentwood, NH starting at 6pm.

Burrill moved to send Selectman Foote as the Town Representative.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • Sign 2015 MS-232 Report of Appropriations Actually Voted
Gonyer motioned to sign the 2015 MS-232 Report of Appropriations Actually Voted.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Comstar Agreement
Town Administrator Wrigley stated that she reviewed the Comstar agreement (Ambulance Billing) which has a concern due to the financial impact.  The previous agreement was not renewed in 2014 which paid Comstar 10% of what they collected in fees.  The new agreement has a $500 one-time set up fee and a $250 per monthly fee in connection with the ambulance billing service.

Chief Alcaidinho stated that the reason for the change is due to the ambulance billing over the years has been low for ambulance transports.  Comstar was taking in no profit for billing services and monthly reports to the town.   Other companies were contacted and they were more costly.   The proposed six month agreement renews annually but due to the time of year this agreement will start July 1, 2015 through December 31, 2015.  Chief stated that he felt the revenue from ambulance transports would cover the yearly billing expense.

Burrill moved to sign this agreement with Comstar assuming the effective date of July 1, 2015 and ending December 31, 2015.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

  • 2014 Auditors Report
The Board decided to set a meeting in August with Town Auditor Tammy Webb to review the 2014 Year-end audit report.

  • Cont review of items for the District Area Board Meeting
The Board asked to include the following on the agenda for the District Area Board meeting.
PTO for Employees
Marketing for the recycling program
Upcoming events for cooperative interaction
Date of next meeting

  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Burrill moved to sign the Payroll Manifest dated 06/19/2015 for the pay period 5/31 - 6/13.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign the Vendor Manifest dated 06/12/2015 in the amount of $536,340.16.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign the Vendor Manifest dated 06/16/2015 in the amount of $2,034.59.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign the annual request from the Dept of Revenue Administration whether the Town will be utilizing the PA-28 Form in 2016.  The Town will not be using the PA-28 Form in 2016.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • The Board reviewed information on the Newton Substance Abuse Committee which is made up of members of the community.  Members will work cooperatively with the Town, School District, Police and Fire Department as a resource to assist residents in accessing treatment.  A discussion took place that this is a work in progress for the town does not have all the information in order to be a resource.  
Burrill moved to sign a letter to the Trustees of Trust Funds approving the withdrawal of $199.80 for the repairs to the Forestry Truck.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.

Gonyer moved to sign a thank you letter to Diane Morin for securing a donation of security cameras for Greenie Park and the Town Beach.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Gonyer moved to sign a thank you letter to Michael Pivero for his commitment and dedication to making the 2015 Memorial Day Parade a memorable event.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Gonyer moved to sign a thank you letter to the Recreation Commission for their time and efforts put into the 2015 Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Gonyer moved to sign an application for Permit to use the Town Beach from the Boy Scouts for a cookout on Thursday, June 18, 2015.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Foote moved to sign requisition #2604 from the Recreation Commission: Turn & re-grade beach sand in the amount of $1,385.00 from LaBrie Property Maintenance & Landscaping, LLC.  Need current Certificate of Insurance on file.  Payment is first half due upon acceptance of proposal; final payment upon completion.  Erosion is bad so it will just regrade and should be good for the next four to five years.  Second by Burrill with a date of July 29th to get this work done.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Foote moved to sign requisition #2605 from the Recreation Commission: Senior Trip Mount Washington Cruise, coach bus and snacks/water for a total amount of $2,275.00.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Foote moved to sign a Notice of Intent to Cut Wood or Timber, Map 11-10-4.  Second by Gonyer with a unanimous vote.
Doggett moved per the Town Assessor’s Recommendations to sign the following:
Approve a 2015 Disabled Exemption for Map 13-2-13; Approve a 2015 Elderly Exemption for Map 6-9-23; Approve a 2015 Elderly Exemption for Map 3-2-6; Approve a 2016 Veteran’s Credit for Map 8-3-11-56; Approve a 2015 Veteran’s Credit for Map 8-3-11-1.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Adjourn
Doggett moved to adjourn at 9:10pm.  Second by Gonyer with unanimous vote.