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March 3, 2015 Board of Selectmen Minutes


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Vice Chairman Doggett called the meeting to order at 6:03pm.  In attendance were Selectmen James L. Doggett, Vice Chair, Matthew A. Burrill, Lawrence B. Foote, Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was audio and video taped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Chairman Robert S. Donovan, Jr. was not present at the meeting.

Melvin moved to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (b) - Fire Department; (c) - Planning Board; (b & c) Cleaning Contract for Town Buildings.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous roll call vote: Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Foote - aye, Melvin - aye.

Foote motioned to adjourn at 7:18pm.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous roll call vote: Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Foote - aye, Melvin - aye.  The minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except to announce the following:

  • to hire Britney Estabrook, Firefighter1 at a Grade X/Step 2 pending the physical and background check effective date as determined by the Town Administrator
  • to promote Jim Ryan to a Firefighter1/EMT to Grade XV, Step 4 effective date of March 1, 2015
  • to hire Tony Romanoski as the Facilities Maintenance/Custodian for the Town Hall, Police Station and Library at Grade XIV, Step 7 effective March 1, 2015

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes dated February 3, 2015 and February 17, 2015
Burrill moved to approve the February 3, 2015 Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes as amended.  Second by Foote, motion passed with Melvin opposed.

Burrill moved to approve the Selectmen’s Public meeting minutes dated February 17, 2015.  Second for discussion by Foote. Foote asked to redact a portion of the meeting minutes.  Burrill asked to wait on this so he can have more time to read the minutes.

Foote moved to hold off from accepting the February 17, 2015 Public Meeting minutes.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Foote moved to not distribute the Selectmen’s Public Meeting minutes until approved by the Board.  Second for discussion by Burrill.  By law they need to be made available but that does not mean they can have a copy.  Motion passed with Melvin opposed.

  • Selectmen’s Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated February 17, 2015
Burrill asked to table accepting the nonpublic meeting minutes dated February 17, 2015.
  • Scheduled Business
  • Letter from the Congressman Frank Guinta Re: Communication between Offices
Foote read a letter from Congressman Frank Guinta’s opening the lines of communication between the offices regarding recently sponsored legislation to repeal the “Cadillac Tax”.  Absent this repeal, health care costs will dramatically increase for municipalities, workers, and local taxpayers alike.  Guinta’s office would like to set up a time to speak about the potential tax impact the town will face in the event the Cadillac Tax is not repealed.  The Board asked Office Manager Winglass to contact Guinta’s Office to find out how long this discussion would take and their availability to meet.

  • Review Employee Evaluation: Employee Component Goals and Objectives
The Board reviewed an Employee Component Goals and Objectives Form currently utilized by Human Resources requiring employee participation in their yearly performance evaluation.  

Burrill talked about locating a similar form that could be used or a combination of the two together.  The Board also reviewed two proposed employee performance evaluation forms from the State of NH.  Therefore the Board will take this information under advisement and review this information as their homework.

  • Letter of Appreciation to the Newton Fire Department
Doggett read a letter from Plaistow Fire Chief John McArdle extending a sincere thank you for Newton’s timely assistance to recent structure fires in Plaistow.  

  • Letter of Appreciation to the Newton Highway Department
Foote read a letter from John Meserve, President & CEO of Merrimac Savings Bank complimenting Road Agent Mike Pivero and staff of the Highway Department.  With the unprecedented snow totals of the past month, they have worked diligently to maintain our roadways.

Burrill thanked both the Highway Department and the Fire Department.

  • 2015 Mileage Reimbursement Rate Change
Burrill read a letter from the State of NH Department of Labor regarding the Mileage Reimbursement Rate change effective January 1, 2015, the standard reimbursement rate for transportation will be 57.5 cents per mile.  

Foote motioned to accept the 2015 Mileage Reimbursement Rate of 57.5 cents per mile.  Second by Burrill, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Review quotes for Generator Service Contract
Office Manager Winglass informed the Board that two proposals came in for the service maintenance contract for the town owned generators.  Winglass still needs to check on references therefore this item was tabled to the next meeting.

Winglass then showed the Board an invoice from Power Products Systems in the amount of $484.20 to trouble shoot the Newton Junction Fire Station generator.  Doggett recommends paying mileage only; Winglass responded that her recommendation is to pay one hour plus mileage even though we disagreed with the diagnosis.

Foote moved to pay Power Products Systems, LLC a total of $246.20, one hour labor plus mileage for invoice number 0967378.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

  • Letter from Pastor Jim Malkemes Re: NJ Baptist Church Easter Sunrise Service
The Board reviewed a letter from Pastor James Malkemes requesting permission each year to hold an Easter Sunrise Service behind the new Police Station.  This location provides the perfect location to hold this half hour service which is open to anyone in the community.

Melvin moved to approve the Pastors request to hold a sunrise service each year behind the Police Station.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • NHMA On-Demand Training
A discussion took place with a new fee-for-service training option through NHMA in order for municipalities to get the training they need when they need it.  Office Manager Winglass brought this item to the table for she was tasked with setting up employee training for the “Right to Know Law” and the fee for this two hour presentation by legal staff is $475.  Winglass added that she feels this training should be mandatory for all employees for we deal with this law everyday and all need to be aware of how we are handling public documents.  The Board felt that mandating this training would not be possible until we outline this item with each employee in their goals and objectives under their yearly performance evaluation review.

The Board tabled this item until the Employee Component Goals and Objectives are addressed.

  • Announcements
  • Town Elections, Tuesday March 10, 2015 8AM to 8PM at the Newton Town Hall
  • Town Reports are available at the Town Hall and the Gale Library
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Town Administrator Wrigley asked the Selectmen to address hiring Barbara White as the recording secretary for the Fire Department Building Committee.  It was discussed that White was hired for this position for the last two years; first year it was paid out of the Planning Board budget and last year out of the Selectmen’s budget.  Wrigley is requesting this year to pay her wages out of the Selectmen’s budget under part-time Secretary.

Burrill moved to allow Barbara White at Grade XI/Step 6 to continue as the recording secretary for the Fire Station Building Committee effective March 9, 2015 with an expiration date of April 15, 2016.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote. **Amended May 5, 2015

Town Administrator Wrigley asked to speak on concerns with the increased expenditures for the first two months of the year with all the storms and suggested having a meeting with the Bookkeeper and Treasurer.  The meeting would address overall town expenditures and payments to the Sanborn Regional School District.  Based upon the pattern of tax payments coming in twice per year we can look at an expenditure plan.  The Board agreed to hold a meeting to review this item.

Selectman and Emergency Management Director Larry Foote talked about the need to move forward with the purchase of Fire House software for it expired.  The software is used to track calls and we need to renew this software at a cost of $2,000.  We currently have (8) critical calls that need reports and we cannot produce the reports for we do not have the software.  

The Fire Department does not have this item budgeted this year and Emergency Management is asking to pay for it out of the Emergency Operations Center Trust Fund.  Foote added that this software is used for the EOC and operations.

Burrill moved to approve no more than $2,000 from the Emergency Operations Center Trust Funds to purchase the required software as a requirement for the State of New Hampshire.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.

Foote moved to pay the Payroll Manifest dated 02/27/2015 for the pay period 2/8 - 2/21.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Foote moved to pay the Vendor Manifest dated 3/03/2015 in the amount of $1,026,167.46.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Foote moved to pay the Vendor Manifest dated 3/03/2015 in the amount of $4,555.57.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Foote moved to pay the Welfare Manifest dated 3/03/2015 in the amount of $975.00.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign an appointment for Police Sergeant Robert DiFlumeri effective June 17, 2014 as a housekeeping record for CALEA.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to Sign (9) appointments for the Fire Station Building Committee effective today with an expiration date of April 15, 2016: James G. Ryan, Dale G. Putnam, Dennis G. Moran, James F. Holland, James H. White, F. Joseph Lingel, John R. Alcaidinho, Michael A. Pivero and Trisha J. McCarthy. Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Adjourn
Foote motioned to adjourn at 8:35pm.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.