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December 16, 2014 Board of Selectmen Minutes
TIME: 5:30PM


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Donovan opened the meeting at 5:32pm.  In attendance were Selectmen Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Chairman, James L. Doggett, Vice Chair, Matthew A. Burrill, Lawrence B. Foote, Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The public meeting was videotaped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Donovan motioned to go into Nonpublic Meeting under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) - Employee Evaluations; (c)-Tax Deferral.  Second by Foote with a unanimous roll call vote: Donovan - aye, Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Foote - aye, Melvin - aye.  

Chairman Donovan moved to close the Nonpublic Session at 6:53pm.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous roll call vote to keep all matters confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply except for the Board’s decision to increase James Paone, Cable Operator from Grade IX, Step 3 to Grade IX, Step 5 effective 9/13/14; and Rick Milner, Planning Board Administrator from Grade XIII, Step 6 to Grade XIII, Step 8 effective 10/7/14.  Donovan - aye, Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Foote - aye, Melvin - aye.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated December 2, 2014
Burrill moved to accept the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated December 2, 2014 as written.  Second by Doggett with a unanimous vote.
  • Selectmen’s Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated November 10, 2014, November 18, 2014, November 20, 2014 and December 4, 2014
Burrill moved to accept the Selectmen’s Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated November 10, 2014, November 18, 2014, November 20, 2014 and December 4, 2014 to approve all as written .  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Scheduled Business
  • Budget Review: Tree Warden, Legal, Financial Administration, Executive, General Government Buildings, Fire Department, Police Department, Planning Board, Personnel Administration, Insurance, Lights, West Nile Virus
Other General Government Buildings

Care of Trees Budget

Chairman Donovan announced the 2015 Care of Tree budget is level funded in the amount of $4,000.

Doggett moved to place Care of Trees in the amount of $4,000 in the 2015 budget.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Police Department

Police Chief Larry Streeter was present to review his proposed 2015 budget which has changed this year for the insurance is now in the Personnel Administration budget for all departments.  Another change is to the Regional Prosecutor Program for starting in 2015 we now having a Full Time Officer taking over this role.  

Vehicle Lease was discussed when Selectman Melvin asked about the previously discussed reduction to offset the cost of the new Full Time Officer.  Streeter responded that the Board approved hiring a Full Time Officer to cover the work done by the Regional Prosecutor with a budget offset of approximately $20,000 from the prosecutor program line item.  Other offsets are to the Part Time Officer Salary line item which was accomplished with Streeter covering on-call shifts at night.  Another option reviewed at a previous meeting is to skip a year with purchasing a vehicle but after further review it is very risky to remove the funding for this program from the budget therefore Streeter requested to keep it in the budget for 2015.  

Foote moved to accept the 2015 Police Department Budget in the amount of $652,325.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.

Fire Department

Chairman Donovan announced the appointment of the new Fire Chief John Alcaidinho who is filling the vacancy created by the retirement of long-time Fire Chief William Ingalls.  Special thank you to Captain William Higgins, Captain Brian Sirois and Fire Fighter Robert Zalenski for serving as interim leadership and administrative roles during this transition.

Selectman Foote stepped down since he is a member of the Fire Department.

Chief Alcaidinho was present to discuss the 2015 proposed budget which has an increase of over $20,000 which is mainly due to the regulation to update the staffs protective clothing next year.  Selectman Doggett asked Chief Alcaidinho to review the 2014 budget to see if there is any funding at year-end that could be encumbered to purchase the necessary protective clothing.  The Board decided to table this discussion until December 23rd in order for the Chief to review this year’s budget rather than increase next year’s budget.

Fire Chief Alcaidinho gave his opinion based upon information given to him from the prior Fire Chief Bill Ingalls regarding Tanker 4.  Chief Alcaidinho stated that it is his opinion that this piece of apparatus should be taken out of service 100% and put on the surplus list to the Board of Selectmen.  The Chief and his staff are working on proposed warrant articles to be reviewed on the 23rd.

Legal Budget

Chairman Donovan stated that the proposed 2015 legal budget is the same as the prior year in the amount of $27,256 with only just over $10,000 in expenditures to date.  Town Administrator Wrigley added that she has includes an encumbrance request in the amount of $2,500 to pay for the Fire Chief search.  Wrigley stated that this budget is a catch all for departments that may end up requiring legal support and you never know when something could come up.  The town is currently part of a Superior Court case and you never know when and what is going to happen.

Foote moved to accept the 2015 Legal Budget in the amount of $27,256 for 2015.  Second by Doggett with a unanimous vote.

Personnel Administration

Town Administrator Wrigley explained that this budget includes FICA, Medicare, Health, Dental, Short Term Disability and NH Retirement which has an increase of $25,275 for a total sum of $297,554.  

Foote moved to accept the Personnel Administration Budget for 2015 in the amount of $297,554.  Second by Doggett with a unanimous vote.


Town Administrator Wrigley explained the increases and decreases to this budget for 2015.

Doggett moved to accept the 2015 Insurance Budget in the amount of $93,400.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.


The budget covers the cost of street and blinking lights.  Selectman Doggett discussed two street lights that are not working on Pond Street and who is he to call.  Town Administrator Wrigley responded that you can call her and if you can find a pole number that helps.

Foote moved to approve to the 2015 Lights Budget in the amount of $18,000.  Second by Donovan with a unanimous vote.

West Nile Virus

Town Administrator Wrigley stated that this is one of those budgets that are based upon need and we have been budgeting $35,000 for years.  

Foote moved to approve the 2015 West Nile Virus in the amount of $35,000.  Second by Doggett.  Motion passed except for Melvin who voted opposed.

General Government Buildings

Town Administrator Wrigley explained increases to this budget to include electricity and under water testing now includes funding to develop a Stormwater Management Plan MS4 as outlined by Town Engineer Mike Vignale.

Doggett moved to include in the 2015 budget for General Government Buildings in the amount of $185,820.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.


Town Administrator Wrigley stated that there are some changes to this budget with an overall increase of $3,960.00.

Doggett moved to include the 2015 Executive budget in the amount of $165,345.00.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Financial Administration

This budget has had many changes this year with consolidating line items from other budgets.  All IT services are being paid out of this budget except Library and the Police Department.  Burrill asked why we are not putting all our IT services under this budget for there may be a potential for a cost savings.  Police Chief Streeter talked about having two platforms that would need to be considered.   

Doggett moved to include the 2015 Financial Administration budget in the amount of $110,599.00.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Planning Board

Doggett talked about this budget which is level funded.

Foote moved to accept the 2015 Planning Board budget in the amount of $47,925.00.  Second by Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.  

  • Road Agent Re: Country Pond culvert
Town Administrator Wrigley explained that the town received a quote for this work from Town Engineer Mike Vignale, KV Partners LLC in the amount of $50,220.00.  This item will be addressed later in the meeting when we review the 2014 encumbered funds to take the funds from the bottom line of the overall 2014 operating budget, if available.

  • 2015 Plowing Season Policy
The only change to this policy is the additional requirement for contractors to complete an “Independent Contractor (Non-Employee) Work Agreement if they do not have a Workers Compensation Policy.  With no changes to the rates, the Board approved the proposed policy rates.

Doggett moved to adopt the 2015 Plowing Season Policy.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Cont review to install security cameras at Greenie Park and Town Beach
Annie Collyer, Chairman of the Recreation Commission explained that the Commission received four (4) quotes for the installation of security cameras at Greenie Park and the Town Beach.  After reviewing the quotes, two did not fit our needs and the other two were not quite “apples to apples” therefore the Recreation Commission did not make a final determination on which company to contract without the additional information.  Due to the timeframe, the Recreation Commission asked Collyer to get the additional information and request the Board of Selectmen make the final determination.  Selectman Burrill who is the liaison to the Recreation Commission informed the Board that a vote was taken at the last Recreation meeting to award the contract to Security Team but it ended in a tie vote.

Burrill moved to go with Security Team LLC for the installation of the cameras at the Town Beach and Greenie Park.  Second by Doggett.  Prices are as follows; Greenie Park $3,855 and the Town Beach is $2,960.  This work will done in the spring and Foote questioned that there will be no increases when the work is done in 2015.  Winglass added that Security Team is aware that this work will be done in the spring of 2015.  Police Chief Streeter worked with this company in the past therefore he was asked about his experience with this company.  Streeter responded that he feels it would be prudent to keep that same company as we use them at the Transfer Station and the Police Department.  Streeter had no concerns with the company.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The Board reviewed a quote from Eastern Seaboard Concrete Construction for the trenching and piping (160’) for the new security camera cable at Greenie Park in the amount of $2,700.00.

Doggett moved to accept the quote from Eastern Seaboard in the amount of $2,700.00.  Second by Burrill.  Discussion: Melvin feels we should get three quotes for this work.  Motion passed with Melvin opposed.

  • Cont review of Printing Contract for the 2014 Town Report
Office Manager Winglass informed the Board that she checked business references for the two lowest bids received for the printing of the 2014 Annual Town Report and all responses were good.  The Board discussed how many reports to print 600 or 900.  

Doggett moved to award the printing of the 2014 Annual Town Report to Hannaford & Dumas Corp for 600 books.  Second by Foote.  Discussion: Last year the Board printed 500 copies and they were gone by July.  With the elections here at Town Hall and the new 55+ community we have more of a need for printed copies.  The town will still put the Town Report on the website.  Donovan plans to hand out books again at Election time.  Burrill asked to consider preparing an excel spreadsheet on how many books go and when in order to measure the need.

Doggett accepted a friendly amendment for printing 900 copies in the amount $2,655.  Second by Foote.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Cont review of Cleaning Contract for Town Building
Office Manager Winglass informed the Board that she checked business references per the direction of the Board and all comments were very good.

Doggett moved to award the Cleaning Contract for Town Buildings to Richen Management, LLC in the amount of $15,790.00.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $350.00 from an anonymous donor to the Newton Food Pantry
Melvin moved per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $350.00 from an anonymous donor to the Newton Food Pantry.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Newton Municipal Complex Committee
Selectman Doggett spoke on behalf of the Newton Municipal Complex Committee to explain the work done over the past couple of months with determining the needs of each department, deficiencies they face at their location and developing a plan.

The Fire Department was determined to have the highest amount of deficiencies and the second is the library.  Lastly the Town Hall was surprising with proper renovation we would be able to house the entire Town hall from within this building with a different flow that would work better.  

The committee prepared a report for the Board and recommends including the report in the Master Plan and then giving it to the Planning Board.  The Planning Board can then consider an impact fee for future structure needs and to come up with a price tag.  Once the Planning Board has reviewed the report and includes it in the Capital Improvements Plan then the Selectmen can create a committee to start work on the Fire Department which is the first space that needs a long awaited change.  

Doggett moved to adopt the Newton Municipal Complex Committee report for inclusion in the Capital Improvement Plan.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved that we put together a Fire Station Building Committee to look at suggestions and a plan to move forward.  Second by Doggett.  Doggett questioned the timing with a new Fire Chief.  This will get the wheels turning now versus later.  Foote stated that he will give his copy of the report to Fire Chief Alchaidinho.

Burrill amended his motion to direct the Town Administrator to take this action and come back in February to give a recommendation on what the committee will look like.  Doggett second the amendment.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Doggett asked for the Board of Selectmen to send out thank you notes to the members.

  • Year-end Review of PTO, Encumbrances and Carry Forward
Police Department
Police Chief Streeter informed the Selectmen that the Police Department is asking to encumber funds per his request since funding is available due to being without a full time officer for six months and with some management adjustments on shifts to include the Chief covering some of the time to help offset the budget.  Streeter added that he will have approximately $75,000 at year end and asked to encumber $44,521.10 per the requisitions submitted from the department.  

Doggett moved to encumber for the Police Department the sum of $44,521.10 as listed on the documents dated December 16, 2014, if funds are available.  Second Foote with a unanimous vote.

Recreation Commission
Burrill moved to encumber funds for the Recreation Commission project from Security Team LLC for the installation of security cameras at the Town Beach at a price of $2,960; also Security Team LLC installation of the cameras at Greenie Park for $3,855 and trenching and piping from Eastern Seaboard in the amount of $2,700.  Second by Foote, if funds are available for a total of $9,515.00.  Motion passed with Melvin opposed for the motion had it all wrapped into one.

Highway Department
Doggett moved to approve the encumbrance of $50,220.00 for the Wilder’s Grove Culvert from the town’s bottom line provided funds are available.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.

Purchase of (5) Vulcan Excursion X Net-tablet @250 each plus set up fee for a total of $1,500.

Doggett moved to encumber $1,500 for RMON Networks provided there are funds available.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Purchase security checks and envelopes from Sage in the amount of $547.52

Doggett moved to encumber $547.52 assuming funds are available.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Paid to Municipal Resources Inc. (MRI) to complete the contract for hiring a new Fire Chief.

Doggett moved to complete the background check with MRI in the amount of $2,500.00, assuming the funds are available.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Carry Forward - 2014
Foote moved to Carry Forward Warrant Article #11 2013: Repair & Maintenance of Town Roads-Lapses 12/31/2018 funded by revenues from NH Highway Block Grant actual amount based on expenditures and reimbursements.  $88,485 with expended amount of $25,501.41 for a balance of $62,983.59.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.

Foote moved to Carry Forward Warrant Article #9 2014: Repair & Maintenance of Town Roads-Lapses 12/31/2019 funded by revenues from NH Highway Block Grant actual amount based on expenditures and reimbursements with a balance of $89,914.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.


Town Administrator Wrigley requested to apply any remaining 2014 PTO hours as of 12/31/14 to her banked PTO hours.  

Doggett so moved, second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Police Chief Streeter requested the PTO not used this year to be added to his banked PTO hours.

Doggett so moved, second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

  • Open Bids for Generator Preventative Maintenance
The Board opened four bids from the following companies

Powers Generator Service, Swanzey NH
Power Products Systems, LLC, Wakefield MA
Power Up Generator Service, Auburn NH
FM Generator, Canton, MA

The Board asked Office Manager Winglass to prepare a bid comparison for the December 23rd meeting.

  • 2015 Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule
Doggett moved to accept the 2015 Selectmen’s Meeting Schedule as presented.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Sargent Woods Performance Guarantee Reduction
The Board of Selectmen reviewed a request from the Planning Board recommending a reduction of the performance guarantee for the Sargent Woods project.
The account is held at the Merrimac Savings Bank listed under the Developer, Lewis Builders Development, Inc.  The account number is #324088 with a balance as of November 28, 2014 in the amount of $338,349.66.  On December 9, 2014 the Planning Board recommended a reduction in the amount of $161,382.00.

Doggett moved to release the amount of $161,382 connected to the Sargent Woods project.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Announcements
  • Hiring of a New Fire Chief
The Board of Selectmen is pleased to announce the appointment of John Alcaidinho as Chief of the Newton Fire Department. Chief Alcaidinho will be filling the vacancy created by the retirement of long-time Fire Chief William Ingalls.
Chief Alcaidinho was selected from a highly competitive pool of over 20 candidates following an in-depth and rigorous interview process. Chief Alcaidinho is a career Fire Fighter and Emergency Medical Technician with over 30 years of experience. Mr. Alcaidinho’s most recent position as Fire Chief was in the community of Dartmouth, Massachusetts. ~
The Board of Selectmen would also like to thank Chief Ingalls for his many years of service to our town and wish him the best in his retirement. The Board would also like to thank Captain William Higgins, Captain Brian Sirois and Fire Fighter Robert Zalenski for serving in interim leadership and administrative roles during this transition.

Please join us in welcoming Chief Alcaidinho and extend your full support to him in his new role.
  • Holiday Hours at Town Hall
Town Hall closing 2pm on Christmas Eve; New Years Eve closing at 4pm.
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Doggett moved to sign the Payroll Manifest dated 12/19/2014 for the pay period 11/30 - 12/13.  Second by Foote.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to sign the Vendor Manifest dated 12/16/2014 in the amount of $7,397.21.  Second by Foote.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to sign the Vendor Manifest dated 12/16/2014 in the amount of $97,599.68.  Second by Foote.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to sign a letter to David Marden Landscape Maintenance Inc.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to sign requisition #2370 from the Bookkeeper to purchase Office supplies in the amount of $539.97 from Staples.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Donovan moved to sign a new appointment for John Alcaidinho as Deputy Warden.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Adjourn
Burrill moved to adjourn at 9:19pm.  The Board added their best wishes this Holiday Season.  Doggett added that this Thursday night Sanborn Budget Committee meeting is at 7:30pm at Room 100 at the High School for setting the budget for next year.  If anyone is interested please come.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager