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November 10, 2014 Board of Selectmen Minutes


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Donovan opened the meeting at 6pm.  In attendance were Selectmen Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Chairman, James L. Doggett, Vice Chairman, Matthew A. Burrill, Lawrence B. Foote, Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was audio taped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Donovan motioned to go into Nonpublic Session per RSA 91-A:3 II (c) - Code Enforcement; (a) - Police Department; (d) - Lease Agreement; (a) - Performance Evaluations and Employee Matters.  Second by Foote.  Unanimous roll call vote: Donovan - aye, Doggett - aye, Burrill - aye, Foote - aye, Melvin - aye.

Donovan moved to close nonpublic meeting at 7:29pm.  Second by Doggett with a unanimous roll call vote to keep all confidential except the Board’s decision to move Jeannette Clark, ZBA Secretary from Grade IX, step 9 to Grade IX, step 10 effective date of June 30, 2014.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated September 29, 2014, October 6, 2014, October 7, 2014, October 14, 2014, October 20, 2014 and October 21, 2014
Burrill moved to approve the Selectmen Public and Nonpublic meeting minutes dated September 29, 2014, October 6, 2014, October 7, 2014, October 14, 2014, October 20, 2014 and October 21, 2014.  Second by Doggett with a correction to the October 21, 2014 minutes to include the individual tax rate increase or decrease from the prior year.  Foote seconds the amendment to the minutes with a unanimous vote.

+   .15
+   .56
-   .09
+   .02
+   $.64

  • Scheduled Business
  • 2015 Budget Review: Elections, Registration and Vital Statistics, Tax Collector, Building Department, Recreation Commission, Transfer Station and Zoning Board of Appeals
Elections, Registrations and Vital Statistics Budget & Tax Collector Budget

After a brief discussion with Town Clerk/Tax Collector Mary Jo McCullough the Board approved the 2015 proposed budgets.

Melvin moved to approve the 2015 proposed Elections, Registrations and Vital Statistics budget in the amount of $77,525.00.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Melvin moved to approve the 2015 proposed Tax Collector’s Budget in the amount of $29,300.00.  Second by Doggett with a unanimous vote.

Building Department

Town Administrator Wrigley discussed an option of setting up a revolving fund allowing permit fees generated by this department will be deposited into and then used to reimburse the town for payroll.  A warrant article will need to be passed at Town Meeting to allow for this option.  Chief Building Official Ron LeMere was present to answer questions from the Selectmen.

Doggett moved to approve the 2015 proposed Building Department Budget in the amount of $81,452.00. Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Recreation Commission

Recreation Commission Chairman Annie Collyer was present to answer questions regarding the budget.  The 2015 proposed budget reduced by $12,500 which is due to moving numerous line items in to the General Government Building Budget.  This is being done with many budgets this year for line items such as electricity, copier contract, computer, chemical toilet, dumpster and grounds maintenance.

Collyer talked about receiving a donation of new security cameras for Greenie Park and the Town Beach.  The plan is come in with a cost effective plan for video surveillance at these locations.  After a discussion, the Board asked for Collyer to contact Office Manager Winglass for help moving forward with this project.

Doggett moved to accept the 2015 proposed Recreation Commission Budget in the amount of $20,030.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.


Transfer Station Manager Tom Difalco was present to answer any questions about his 2015 proposed budget which is a reduced budget from the previous year by $14,875.00.  A portion of the budget reduction is due to consolidating line items into the General Government Buildings Budget but the main item is a reduction in the salary line item.  Protective Clothing was discussed, Difalco was asked by the Board to make sure all employees are outfitted each year for safety reasons.

Doggett moved to approve the 2015 budget for the Transfer Station in the amount of $355,780.00.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Options were discussed for holding a Household Hazardous Waste Day in 2015 and the next Voucher System to start January 2016.

Zoning Board of Appeals

Doggett moved to approve the 2015 proposed ZBA budget in the amount of $6,174.00.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.

  • Recreation Commission Re: Donation of indoor water bubbler and a 14’ row boat and life vests
The Board tabled this item until the next meeting.

  • Cont review of Gale Village Road and Wilders Grove Road
Gale Village Road
Police Chief Lawrence Streeter gave a short explanation of the traffic investigation on Gale Village Road.  The maximum speed limits posted as the result of a study should be based primarily on the 85th percentile speed, when adequate speed samples can be secured.  The 85th percentile speed is a value that is used by many states and cities for establishing regulatory speed zones.

The first investigation was for two hours on a clear and dry day detailing (11) vehicles on a weekday from 2pm to 3pm.  The second day viewed 12 vehicles with the max speed of 22 miles per hour.  The overall investigation average speed per the 85% percentile is 22.87 miles per hour on this road.  Streeter offered to conduct further surveillance per the request of the Board but he does not see a problem on this road.
Donovan moved to recommend leaving the speed limit as is, 30 mph on Gale Village Road.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.  

The Board asked to share this information with the specific person as the Board’s explanation.  The study shows the average person is driving 22.87 per mile on this road.  We followed through with due diligence however if a person is speeding then feel free to contact the Police Department.

Wilders Grove Road

The Board discussed the options of writing an ordinance for parking on Wilders Grove Road for some areas are very narrow, on a curve and no parking in front of fire hydrants.  Options are to write an ordinance to post permanently which requires a Public Hearing; post a temporary seasonal restriction where the Selectmen vote on the issue annually and either highway or the police could put up temporary no parking signage.  Third option is to do nothing.

Burrill moved to do an event driven response to restrict parking on Wilders Grove Road.  Second by Donovan with a unanimous vote.

  • Building rules for rental property
The Board reviewed proposed building rules for 8 Merrimac Road.  The Board made some adjustments/revisions; Burrill will update the document.

Town Administrator Wrigley added that she received word from the owner of the oil company renting space from Chet Bearce at 8 Merrimac Road.  They are interested in purchasing the building from the town.

Doggett moved to send a letter to the oil company that at this time we are not anticipating renewing the lease once the town takes over the property.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.

  • Cont review of replacement generator at the Newton Junction Fire Station
Per the request of the Selectmen, Office Manager Winglass obtained details on the electrical quote at the Newton Junction Fire Station from Pat McCusker in the amount of $2,000.  Winglass also obtained a proposal from Eastern Propane for piping the new generator in the amount of $1,000.  This brings the total price for installation of the generator at the Newton Junction Fire Station for a total of $5,900 versus the sealed bid proposal of $9,800 received a couple months ago.

Foote moved to accept the bids to get the generator installed at the Newton Junction Fire Station for a total price of $5,900.  Second by Donovan with a unanimous vote.

  • Cont review of Anti-Bullying/Harassment Policy
The Safety Committee proposed this new policy and Town Counsel Sumner Kalman came back with some recommended changes; Burrill updated the policy for the Board’s review tonight.

Doggett moved to accept the Ant bullying/Harassment Policy. Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

  • Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $31.30 donated from the Newton Learning Center to the Newton Food Pantry
Foote motioned Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds in the amount of $31.30 donated from the Newton Learning Center to the Newton Food Pantry.  Second by Doggett with a unanimous vote.

  • Notice of NHMA Annual Dues and Meeting
The Board reviewed a letter from NHMA inviting the Board to attend their Annual Meeting and to inform the Board that the dues will be issued within the next two weeks.

  • Review Timeline for 2015 Town Meeting
The Board of Selectmen approved the dates as written on the 2015 Town Meeting Timeline.

  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Interim Fire Chief Bill Higgins was present to answer any questions from the Board regarding the following purchases;

  • Requisitions #2490 to purchase (1) blow hard Fan BH20PPV in the amount of $3,500 to be used when the department comes in contact with a house full of carbon monoxide.  This is a Massachusetts state bid price.
Doggett moved to sign and approve requisition #2490 for the purchase of the fan in the amount $3,500 from Industrial Protection Services.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.

  • Requisition #2486 to purchase (3) sets of replacement gear in the amount of $5,249.82 from Bergeron Protective Clothing.  Higgins informed the Board that all gear must be replaced by April next year therefore this purchase is a start but we will need to buy 12 more sets by next April.  
Doggett moved to approve requisition #2486 for replacement gear in the amount of $5,249.82.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

  • Requisition #2488 to purchase (1) set of replacement gear in the amount of $1,749.94 from Bergeron Protective Clothing.
Doggett moved to approve requisition #2488 for a jacket and pants from Bergeron Protective Clothing in the amount of $1,749.94.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to approve the Payroll Manifest dated 11/7 for the pay period 10/19 - 1101.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to approve the Vendor Manifest dated 10/30 in the amount of $15,111.37.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to approve the Vendor Manifest dated 11/10 in the amount of $400,356.00.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to approve the Vendor Manifest dated 11/06 in the amount of $39,617.01.  Second by Foote, motion passed with Melvin abstaining for there is a check on the manifest in his name for a travel reimbursement.

Doggett moved to approve the Welfare Manifest dated 10/31 in the amount of $625.00.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to accept the resignation from Brian Theirrien from the Recreation Commission effective October 16, 2014.  Second by Foote with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to appoint Stephen St. Cyr as a member of the Recreation Commission with an expiration date of April 15, 2018.  Second by Melvin with a unanimous vote.

Burrill moved to sign and appoint Michael Seekamp as a member of the Stewardship Committee with an expiration date of April 15, 2019.  Second by Doggett with a unanimous vote.

Melvin moved to approve requisition #2508 from the Cable Committee to purchase (4) rechargeable battery kits for the wireless microphones in the amount of $219.80 paid from the Cable Revolving Fund.  Second by Doggett with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to sign the requisition #2509 for the tablets as written.  Second by Foote.  Burrill asked that before we move forward with this purchase he would like to see an estimated cost i.e. a business case to include the full cost to print packets for a meeting and then calculated out for a year; it may be conducive to put an ad in the Carriage Towne News explaining the benefits of this purchase.  Doggett moved to table this item.  Second by Foote to table.  Unanimous.

Foote moved to approve a Veteran’s Credit approved for 2015 for Map 13-3-11-84 per the recommendation of the Town Assessor.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Melvin moved to approve the 2015 HealthTrust Benefit Renewal rates which have a 1/10th of an increase over the previous year.  Second by Doggett with a unanimous vote.

Doggett moved to approve a PTO request for a Town Employee.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

  • Adjourn
Donovan moved to close the public meeting at 9:27pm.  Second by Burrill with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager