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July 1, 2014 Board of Selectmen Minutes


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Donovan called the meeting to order at 6pm.  In attendance were Selectmen Robert S. Donovan, Jr., James L. Doggett, Matthew A. Burrill, Lawrence B. Foote, Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was audio and video taped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Donovan motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) - Transfer Station; (c) - Code Enforcement; (b) - Facilities Maintenance/Custodian.  Second by Doggett, motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote; Donovan aye, Doggett aye, Melvin aye, Foote aye, Burrill aye.

Donovan motioned to close the nonpublic at 6:57pm.  Second by Melvin, motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote; Donovan aye, Doggett - aye, Melvin aye, Foote aye, Burrill aye.  Doggett announced that the minutes will remain confidential except to announce that the Board accepted the resignation letter from Transfer Station Operator Richard Harris dated June 20, 2014.

Doggett moved to post an opening for a part time Transfer Station Attendant for the hours of Saturday 7am to 5pm and Sunday 8am to 4pm.  Second by Burrill, per the recommendation of Transfer Station Manager Tom Difalco.  Motion passed with Melvin abstaining.  

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated June 3, 2014
Donovan motioned to accept the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated June 3, 2014 as written.  Second by Foote, motion passed with Melvin abstaining as he had not read the minutes.

  • Scheduled Business
  • Review of  Year End 2013 Independent Auditor’s Report with Town Auditor Tammy Webb, CPA of Vachon, Clukay & Company
Auditor Tammy Webb, Director of Assurance Services for Vachon, Clukay and Company gave the Board an overview of the 2013 Year-end financial statements what they mean and the rules that govern them.  Ms. Webb pointed out that the 2013 audit report had its first clean report in the 20+ years she has been working for the town due to the efforts of the Town Administrator, Treasurer and Bookkeeper.  Donovan thanked Bookkeeper Rick Milner for all his hard work getting the books up to date.

  • Hiring of a new Code Enforcement Officer
The Board announced effective today, July 1, 2014 the hiring of Tina Cardoso for the position of Code Enforcement Officer at Grade XXIII/step 1, pending a background check.

  • Dennis Quintal Re: 8 Merrimac Road
Dennis Quintal of Civil Construction requested to meet with the Board regarding the rental office space that he now occupies at 8 Merrimac Road, above the Police Department.  Mr. Quintal has been renting this office space for 27 years, he lives in East Kingston.  

His current rental agreement in place with Chet Bearce expires in May 2015.  He is seeking to find out the plans of the Board for his office space.  If the town is planning to do something other than rent to him, then he will need to know the Board intent and timeline as soon as possible.    

The Board informed Mr. Quintal that they plan on extending the agreement and asked that he submit a letter of intent as a starting point.  The Board will then review the letter in a nonpublic session.

  • 2014 Road Paving Bids
Road Agent Mike Pivero was present and handed out a summary of the proposed 2014 road paving plan.  Funds are coming from the Highway Budget and Highway Block Grant Funding and the work to be performed is on Crane Crossing Road and Heath Street.  Pivero obtained three quotes and recommended hiring Brox.

Burrill motioned to accept the 2014 road paving plan. Second by Doggett and utilizing Brox Industries as the supplier.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The Board then discussed paving the area at the back of the Police Department.  Chief Streeter added that he received a verbal quote for $6,890 for 470 sq yards of pavement.  Pivero added that not knowing the specifics of the verbal quote makes it impossible to correlate the numbers.      

Doggett asked if the Road Agent would work with the Police Chief to coordinate the police department’s needs and the possible use of the Brox bid numbers.  Pivero responded that if the Board is telling them now to make this work happen for the most efficient and most economical for the town then they will make that happen.

Doggett moved to allow the Road Agent and the Police Chief to work together on the paving of the parking area for the most efficient and economical for the town.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Emergency Management Director Re: EMPG Grant Agreement
Emergency Management Director Larry Foote discussed the EMPG grant documentation, if approved, awards the town $2,500 to update the community’s Local Emergency Operations Plan (LEOP).  The town is required to maintain documentation of the 50% cost share required by this grant.

Doggett moved to sign and accept the EMPG Grant Agreement per the terms as presented.  Second by Donovan, motion passed with Melvin and Foote abstaining.  

  • Direction from the Board Re: Employee Training
Office Manager Winglass asked the Board for clarification on whether CPR/AED training is mandatory for all town employees.  The Board agreed that it is voluntary and if someone is not trained on the use of the apparatus then they do not touch it.

  • Rob Weller requests a Resident Sticker Exemption Re: Placement of the Sticker
Rob Weller of Bancroft Road was present to discuss his request for an exemption from the town’s policy on the location of the resident sticker.  Mr. Weller added that while his truck is in the shop he is now using his other vehicle.  By placing the resident sticker as required by town policy covers the VIN#.  The Board agreed to give Mr. Weller a seasonal resident sticker tag to use while his truck is in the shop.

  • J&D Recycling Services yearly contract
The Board reviewed a one year agreement between J&D Recycling Services and the Town of Newton for pickup and removal of refrigerators and freezers at no cost to the town.  The pickup and removal of air conditioning units; J&D Recycling will pay the town $0.05 per pound for air conditioning units only.

This is the town’s second year contracting with J&D Recycling Services at no cost to the town and with air conditioners the town is making money.  Prior to this contract the town paid $9 per unit to remove the Freon from these types of units.  The Board discussed revisiting the bulky fee schedule based upon the savings to the town.
Foote motioned to accept the contract with J&D Recycling Services for one year.  Second by Melvin, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Review of proposed 2015 & 2016 Cleaning Services for Town Buildings
The Board reviewed and approved the Invitation to Bid and Specifications for the 2015 & 2016 Cleaning Services for Town Buildings.

  • Elderly Units as of April 1, 2014
Doggett moved to adopt the 22 units as the remaining number of elderly units as of April 1, 2014.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Review revised Fire Chief job description
The Board reviewed proposed changes to the Fire Chief’s job description prepared by Municipal Resources Inc.  

Burrill motioned to merge MRI’s “Essential Duties and Responsibilities” with the Town of Newton Fire Chief job description bullets with the exception of taking the weight language out of the document.  Second by Doggett.  Melvin asked if the Fire Department had looked at this document.  Foote responded that he is abstaining from this whole process.  The weight language reflecting the one hundred pounds requirement is under “Physical Demands” not in a bullet. Once the job description is complete it can be released to any interested individuals in town.  Other editorial changes suggested from Burrill will be included.  Motion passed with Foote abstaining.

  • White Fences Escrow Account for Offsite Improvements
The Board reviewed a memo from Town Administrator Nancy Wrigley requesting the Board to release the remainder of an escrow account established by Ned Nichols of White Fences Development Corp for offsite improvements to Smith Corner Road and Peaslee Crossing Road.

Doggett motioned to release the remaining funds to the depositor.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
  • Doggett moved to approve the Payroll Manifest for the period of 6/15 to 6/28.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.
  • Doggett moved to approve Tax Abatement for Map 005-5-11 in the amount of $136.07.  Second by Matt, motion passed with a unanimous vote.
  • Doggett moved to sign the letter releasing funds to the Cable Revolving Account.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.
  • Doggett moved to adopt the revised PTO form as presented by the Town Administrator dated today.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.
  • Doggett moved to pay the Vendor Manifest in the amount of $911.18. Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.
  • Doggett moved to pay the Vendor Manifest in the amount of $1,441,008.92.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Town Operations

The Board handed out and discussed a flowchart showing the hierarchy/chain of command at the Town Hall.  Office Manager Winglass asked how this affects her job duties.  Donovan stated that Winglass now works for the Town Administrator; Foote added that if there are any conflicts then Winglass can meet with the Selectmen.  Doggett wanted to adopt the flowchart; Burrill replied that the flowchart is a work in progress.  

Foote motioned that the Town Administrator is responsible for all daily operations of all town employees.  Second by Doggett, motion passed with Melvin strongly disagreeing (opposed).

Doggett moved to send a memo to all department heads informing them of the change to the chain of command.  Second by Foote, motion passed with Melvin abstaining.

  • Adjourn
Donovan motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:18pm.  Second by Foote, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager