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June 3, 2014 Board of Selectmen Minutes


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Donovan opened the meeting at 6:05pm.  In attendance were Selectmen Robert S. Donovan, Jr., James L. Doggett, Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary Winglass.  The meeting was audio taped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass,

Selectman Lawrence B. Foote was not present at the meeting.  Selectman Matthew A. Burrill arrived at approximately 7:20pm.

Donovan motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Performance Evaluations; (b) Police Dept Personnel Organization; (b) - Code Enforcement.  Second by Doggett, motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote.

Donovan motioned to close the nonpublic at 7:45pm.  Second by Burrill, motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote to keep all confidential.

Doggett motioned to give Welfare Agent Tina O’Rourke a two (2) step increase retroactive to April 1, 2014.  Second by Burrill, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated May 20, 2014
Doggett motioned to accept the Selectmen’s Public and Nonpublic Meeting minutes dated May 20, 2014 as written.  Second by Burrill, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Donovan tried to contact Selectman Foote via cell phone so he could participate in the meeting but the connection was not good.
  • Scheduled Business
  • Cont review of Tanker 4 estimate
Fire Chief Bill Ingalls was present to discuss an email he received from Office Manager Winglass, per the Boards request to get an estimate for Tanker 4 from David Bouchard at 78 South Main Street.  Ingalls responded that he does not feel it is in the best interest of the town to be doing business with Bouchard for he is not compliant with the towns building code.

Doggett responded that if he had known then he would not have made the motion and instead we need to pass it on to code enforcement.  

Ingalls added that he has an estimate for $680.40 from Mahoney & Sons to remove and replace both emergency brake chambers with a new Bendix Spring Brake.  Replace yoke and clevis kits on push rods and adjust rear brakes.  Troubleshoot and repair failed marker lights.  With this work completed he will be able to obtain an inspection sticker to then drive it to Lakes Region Fire Apparatus so we can proceed with obtaining a full inspection.

Burrill motioned to let the Fire Chief follow through on the quote with Mahoney and Sons in the amount of $680.40.  Second by Doggett, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Members of the Fire Department Re: MRI/Fire Chief process
Members of the Fire Department were present and Jeff Gersbach resident and Lieutenant of the Fire Department asked questions regarding the agreement with MRI for the hiring of a Part-Time Fire Chief.  Gersbach was given a copy of the agreement which helped explain the process.  MRI is advertising for the position and anyone has the option of applying for the position to include the members of the Newton Fire Department.  

Todd Owens wondered how we got to this process and what is wrong with the old process.  The Board talked about having a divided Fire Department for years and with this agreement will allow us to look at the largest pool of candidates.

  • Cont review of repairs on the Police Department cruiser
Police Chief Larry Streeter was present and informed the Board that the repairs have been done to the cruiser.  Streeter apologized for he sent the car and insurance quote to Quirk Chevrolet Dealer and never told them to fix it but that is what happened.  We have good GM parts on the cruiser now which maintains the warranty which ended up being the best option for the town.  Streeter apologized to the Board; the Board agreed that this was the best option for the town.

  • Cont review of proposed YMCA Swim Contract
Present were Annie Collyer and John Neveux of the Recreation Commission

The Board reviewed comments from Town Counsel regarding the revised contract from the YMCA.  Counsel stated that the contract does not address the issues raised in his April 28, 2014 letter to the Board of Selectmen.

A discussion ensued for we are running out of time, the lessons were planned to start the first week in July.

Burrill motioned to make one last effort to make the changes that we want with a deadline and if the YMCA does not get back to us or agree then we do not offer swim lessons this year.  Second by Doggett.  The Board discussed that we should require a response in writing by the next meeting.  No vote.

Burrill motioned to tell the YMCA we want it to read for them to carry their own insurance as we require any other contractor in town and if they say no then we move on.  If they are willing to make the changes then we can take one last look at the contract.  Second by Doggett.  Further discussion took place in that we need to make sure the YMCA has a copy of Town Counsels letter with the requirements as outlined regarding the insurance.  No vote.

Annie Collyer, Recreation Chairman received clarification from the Board on the insurance requirements.
Burrill motioned to send a letter to the YMCA that our Town Counsel has concerns with #6 (a) & ((b) and #7 and if they cannot get back to us in a week with the changes then we will have to cancel the program.  Send a copy of Town Counsel’s letter to the YMCA  Second by Doggett, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Doggett acknowledged the Recreation Commission for a good job at the Memorial Day Parade/Ceremony.  

Tree at Town Beach

Annie Collyer and John Neveux talked about a dead birch tree at the Town Beach which is a safety concern.  The Tree Warden has no time to assess the tree therefore they are asking the Board how to move forward.  Neveux added that the Tree Warden stated that it has to go out to bid.

Donovan motioned to have the Road Agent go down and assess the birch tree at the Town Beach.  Second by Burrill, motion passed with a unanimous vote.  

  • December 31, 2013 Independent Auditor’s Report
The audit report just came in and the Board was given a copy in their mailbox.  Town Administrator Wrigley will set a date for the auditor to meet with the Board in a public session.
  • Job Description for Transfer Station Attendant/Maintenance
This item has been longstanding and we need to make a decision on this recommended change.  After reviewing the list of job duties, the Board agreed that these items should be brought up during the evaluation period but not added as part of the job description.  Donovan will talk with Transfer Station Manager Tom Difalco this weekend.

  • Update on Employee Training
Donovan announced that he received a text from Foote today asking him to hold off on this item until the next meeting.  Winglass added that she wanted to give the Board an update on the training held last week.  Kevin Flanagan from LGC Risk Management came down for scheduled training on Thursday, May 22, 2014 from 8am to 11am to teach “Back Injury Prevention”, “Slips, Trips and Falls”, and “Summer Safety” to our employees that work outside.  The employees from the Transfer Station and Highway Department were present and it was a lively discussion with many questions and techniques learned.  One item of concern is the stools at the Transfer Station are in poor condition; Kevin went down to the Transfer Station after the training session to take a look at the stools and sent over his recommendation.  Kevin also stated that he is willing to complete a safety assessment of the Transfer Station and is willing to attend a Safety Committee meeting.

Winglass added that she is looking for some direction from the Board regarding employee training based upon the latest set of minutes from the Safety Committee.  A copy of the minutes was given to each Selectman for their review.

  • Discussion of proposed bids for Cleaning Service and Landscaping at Town Properties
Winglass addressed the Board that she is working on the bid specifications and realized that we need to include 8 Merrimac Road to the landscaping specs this year.  The specifications need to be updated therefore this item was tabled for now.

  • Letter of resignation from Town Custodian
The Board read a resignation letter from Town Custodian Leonard Beauvais who is moving to Maine at the end of this month.

Doggett motioned to accept the letter of resignation from Leonard Beauvais with regret.  Second by Burrill, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The Board reviewed and amended a help wanted advertisement for a Town Custodian which will be advertised in the Carriage Towne News, Cable, Website and on Craigslist.

The Board was given a copy of the Custodian’s job description in order to prepare for the interviews.

  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
Doggett motioned to approve the Payroll Manifest dated 5/31/14 for the pay period of May 11th - May 24th. Second by Burrill, motion passed with Melvin abstaining.

Doggett motioned to approve the Vendor Manifest dated May 30, 2014 in the amount of $37,889.77.  Second by Burrill, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Doggett motioned to approve the Vendor Manifest dated June 3, 2014 in the amount of $4,184.84.  Second by Burrill, motioned passed with a unanimous vote.

Doggett motioned to approve the Welfare Manifest in the amount of $863.14.  Second by Burrill, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Burrill motioned to accept the resignation letter from Kathy Nichola as a member of the Recreation Commission effective May 12, 2014.  Second by Doggett, motion passed with a unanimous vote.  Send a thank you letter from the Board of Selectmen.

Melvin motioned to accept the resignation from Richard Hendgen from the Police Department effective May 1, 2014.  Second by Doggett, motioned passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Adjourn
Donovan motioned to adjourn at 9:12pm.  Second by Burrill, motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary Winglass, Office Manager