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July 2, 2013 Board of Selectmen Minutes


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Thayer called the meeting to order at 6:10pm.  In attendance were Chairman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Robert S. Donovan, Jr. and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The public meeting was videotaped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Chairman Thayer motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) - Assistance; (a) - Transfer Station & Police Department; (c) - Transfer Station; (e) - Pending Litigation; (c) - Tax Deeding.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote.

Chairman Thayer closed the nonpublic meeting at 7:10pm.  Per a unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances are no longer apply except to announce the following;

  • Unanimous vote to make Rick Harris a permanent part time Transfer Station Attendant effective June 30, 2013.  
  • Unanimous vote to accept a resignation from Thomas Dickey, Transfer Station Attendant effective June 10, 2013.  
  • Unanimous vote to approve a 2.5% merit increase to Grade V, step 3 to Richard Harris and to promote him to permanent part time status effective June 30, 2013.  
The public meeting resumed at 7:20pm

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
The Newton Police Chief and the Board of Selectmen presented a Citizen’s Appreciation Award to Carol J. Szot based upon her perception of suspicious activity in her neighborhood that ended in apprehending burglary suspects.  Everyone thanked Carol and her husband Paul for being the eyes and ears in the community and for taking the next step to help keep the citizen’s of Newton from harm.

  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Scheduled Business
  • Public Hearing to review a proposed amended Town Parks and Recreation Areas Ordinance
Chairman Thayer opened the public hearing at 7:32.

The Board explained that this ordinance has been updated with the help of many town departments such as Recreation Commission, Cemetery Trustees, Fire and Police Department.  The ordinance is to establish rules and regulations for all town parks, commons, conservation land and recreation areas pursuant to State Statutes.

The majority of the amendments are under the Town Beach area due to working closely with the Local Government Center this year and receiving guidance and direction.  Selectman Melvin asked about a reference to firearms.  Selectman Donovan responded that having a license to carry a concealed firearm is not under the Selectmen’s authority.

Selectman Donovan asked to change under Section 5-Town Properties (E) to read “Fires are permitted after receiving written approval from the Board of Selectmen and securing a permit from the Town Fire Warden or authorized deputies.”  

Chairman Thayer motioned to accept the amended Town Parks and Recreation Ordinance with the recommended changes by Selectman Donovan and leave the rest alone and if anything needs to be changed then Recreation can come back with revisions.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Chairman Thayer closed the public hearing 7:38pm.

  • Recreation Commission Re: Recommendation to hire (2) employees to work at the Town Beach and a letter to Whispering Pines Campground
Chairman Thayer motioned per the recommendation of the Recreation Commission to hire Reagan Finn as a Swim Aid, Labor Grade IV, Step 1, not to exceed 30 hours per week.  Reagan has been certified for CPR and First Aid.  She has been recommended by Swim Director Maia Drucker.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Selectman Melvin asked how many guards and aids we have working this summer; four (4) lifeguards plus the Director who is a lifeguard and six (6) Swim Aids.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.
Chairman Thayer motioned per the recommendation of the Recreation Commission to hire Jackson Morton as a lifeguard at Grade V, step 2 pending successful completion and certification for the position, not to exceed 30 hours per week.  Jackson will be taking the course in June for waterfront lifeguard certification.  The Commission is confident that Jackson will pass the test for certification and at this time would like to move forward with his hiring.  Recreation Secretary Diane Morin added that Jackson did pass his certification and we are now just waiting for the paperwork.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Chairman Thayer motioned per the recommendation of the Recreation Commission the hire of Emily Luker as a lifeguard at Grade V, step 1.  Her start date is June 26, 2013 with an ending date of September 7, 2013.  Emily has just completed her waterfront lifeguard training.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Whispering Pines Campground

Chairman Thayer read a letter recommended by the Recreation Commission requesting for the Board of Selectmen to send out as a reminder that as the summer season approaches to remind your campers that per Town Ordinance, the Town Beach and raft are reserved for use by Newton Residents Only.  Campers and visitors should remain in the beach areas provided by the campground.

Chairman Thayer motioned to sign and send the letter to Whispering Camp Grounds and to also send the same letter to any other campgrounds in town.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Letter from Sandra Estabrook, Conservation Commission Re: Trails
Selectman Melvin read letter from Sandra Estabrook explaining that the Trails Committee is a subcommittee of the Conservation Commission but feels that it is important to allow other committees or commissions to get involved.  Recreation Commission member Anne Collyer approached the Conservation Commission regarding cleaning up the trails in town and she has interested volunteers but feels we need to check the liability to the town.  Collyer discussed that she would encourage anyone who is interested in helping with the trails in town to get involved but needs some guidance from the Selectmen.  Collyer would like to have those who are interested in helping to clean the trails with rakes, gloves cleaning up the trails and to see if the shop at the High School could make some signs.  The discussion turned to using power tools to remove the larger pieces blocking the trails.  The Board discussed that this would not be appropriate for training is necessary and we would need to run it by the town’s insurance carrier.

Selectman Melvin suggested that Collyer should contact those that were on the Trails Committee to find out if they are interested in helping and if not then the Conservation Commission should start soliciting members for the Trails Committee.  Collyer asked why there has to be a Trails Committee, why not just give Recreation the responsibility to oversee cleaning them up and to keep in contact with the Selectmen and the Conservation Commission.  Office Manager Winglass added that due to the many trails in town impacted the need for a trails committee.  

Selectman Donovan added that he was at the very first trails committee meeting and if you want to get residents involved with the trails, open it back up to OHRV’s.  Ever since OHRV’s have been banned from the trails they have declined for they were maintained by those that used the trails.

Collyer will look into the option of changing the use of the trails but as of right now she is looking to clean up the trails.  The Recreation Commission has given Collyer the sole responsibility of overseeing the trails as a member of the Commission.

Recreation Commission member/secretary Diane Morin asked how to move forward without undermining the Conservation Commission.  Selectman Melvin responded that the Conservation Commission would need to dissolve the Trails Committee and recommend the Recreation Commission oversee the trails.  A discussion ensued regarding the Conservation Commission not having a quorum lately therefore if they do not meet how to move forward.  It was decided that the Recreation Commission will send a letter to the Conservation Commission regarding the need to dissolve the Trails Committee and if they do not meet then the Board of Selectmen will invite them to a meeting.  

  • Resignation letter from Sandra Estabrook, Chairman of Trails Committee
Selectman Donovan motioned to accept the resignation from Sandra Estabrook as the Chairman of the Trails Committee effective June 4, 2013.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.  The Board asked to send her a letter thanking her for her services.

  • Cont review of Permanent Part Time Vacation Schedule
Selectman Donovan has not had a chance to review the prepared revised schedule since he was not at the last meeting.  This change will also affect the town’s personnel policy which has been prepared for the Board to review by Town Administrator Wrigley.  Chairman Thayer added that his is the first time he has seen the changes and there are quite a few.  

Chairman Thayer motioned to table this discussion until July 16, 2013 to allow everyone a chance to review what has been prepared by Town Administrator Wrigley.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.  

Town Clerk/Tax Collector Cheryl Saunders will be on vacation on July 16th and asked for the Selectmen to hold off until she can be present.
  • Cont review of proposal from J&D Recycling Services
Office Manager Winglass worked with J&D Recycling Services to prepare a one year contract and received a certificate of insurance.

Selectman Melvin explained that his one year contract is different than the first proposal submitted from J&D for they will now pickup and remove air conditions and pay 5 cents per pound.  Their first proposal was to take the units away for free.  The proposal includes the removal of refrigerators and freezers for free.  Melvin explained that currently the town pays $9 per unit to remove the Freon and the town scraps the remainder of the unit.  Office Manager Winglass questioned if this vendor knows that we stop accepting units after the first snow storm until the spring due to storage.  The Board discussed that they will check with Interim Transfer Station Manager Tom Difalco.

Selectman Donovan motioned to accept J&D Recycling Services to pick up the refrigerators, freezers and air conditioners at the Transfer Station.  Second by Chairman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.  Chairman Thayer signed the one year contract on behalf of the Board of Selectmen.

  • Cont review of Impact Fee Update
A discussion took place regarding the updated fee schedule as proposed by Bruce Mayberry.  The Board has some questions and decided to table this item until July 16th in order to speak with the Town Administrator.  

  • Cont review of security fence at Transfer Station
The Board read a memo from Town Administrator Wrigley stating that she spoke with DRA regarding the removal of the trees in preparation of installing the security fence.  The cost for removing the trees is allowed if there if money available after the bid for the fence was awarded.  

Office Manager Winglass will prepare the bid specification for the Board to review at their next meeting.  

  • Proposed new sign at the Town Hall
Selectman Melvin motioned that we approve a 1” TH PVC Doubled Sided white custom shape, 3-color with border and logo, size 48”x70” new sign at the Town Hall for a total of $855.00.  Second by Chairman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Town Wide Radio/Repeater System Test Analysis Results
The Board will review this item at the July 16th meeting with Police Chief Streeter.

  • Letter from the Town of South Hampton Re: Plan to merge Police Departments
Selectman Melvin read a letter from the Town of South Hampton stating they have decided to reconstitute their own police department due to numerous factors.  The idea of the Newton’s Police Department providing police coverage for South Hampton had considerable appeal however the choice to forgo the town’s own department proved difficult, more so than anticipated.

  • Review Selectmen’s Summer Meeting Schedule
The Board revised the Selectmen’s schedule for August to hold only one meeting on August 20, 2013 due to vacation schedules.

  • Contract for #2 Fuel Oil for 2013/2014 Heating Season
Office Manager Winglass asked the Board if they require the town to go out to bid this year to contract for #2 fuel oil.  The Board agreed to go out to bid this year.  

  • Announcements
  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
  • Selectman Donovan motioned to send a letter to all department heads stating that they must follow town policy before any purchases or they will not be paid.  Second by Chairman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.
  • The Board signed the Vendor Manifest in the amount of $68,974.62 dated July 2, 2013
  • The Board signed the Payroll Manifest for the pay period of June 2nd through June 29th.  
  • The Board discussed the need to talk to a department head regarding two employee payroll hours at their next meeting in a nonpublic session.  
  • The Board signed paperwork as presented by the Town Auditors.
  • The Board signed a Timber Tax Levy in the amount of $486.35 Map & Lot 10-10-40, 40-3, 40-4, 9-3-24
  • The Board signed a Notice of Abatement Refund in the amount of $739.15 for Map 4-5-10-6
  • The Board signed requisition #2409 to hold (2) two movie nights at Greenie Park this summer.  The cost is the rental of the equipment to be paid from the special programs line item.
  • The Board signed requisition #2407 to hold a senior road trip on October 9th.  Trip includes round trip transportation, ride on the Hobo RR and dinner at Hart’s Turkey Farm.  The total is $2,556.00 to be paid from the warrant article for senior activities.
  • The Board signed requisition #2415 to purchase 25 Fisher Cats tickets at $11 each for a total of $275.00 to resell at cost to residents; to be paid from special program line item in the budget.
  • The Board signed requisition #2422 to purchase a 10,000 BTU portable air conditioner plus venting installation parts for approximately $400 from the Home Depot for the cable room.  The town’s custodian will install it with the guidance of the Chief Building Official Ron LeMere.
  • The Board did not sign a requisition from the Police Department for heat and air conditioning unit for the training room and armory in the amount of $5,525.00.  The Board asked to have Police Chief Streeter in on July 16th to review this purchase.
  • The Board signed the annual Rockingham Prosecution Contract.
  • The Board signed four vacation requests.
  • The Board approved for Deputy Treasurer Diane Morin to sign a check made out to her as a reimbursement approved by the Recreation Commission and the Board of Selectmen.
  • The Board did not sign requisition #2373 for repairs to engine 2 in the amount of $6,382.85.  The Board asked to have the Fire Chief in on July 16th to review this purchase/repair.
  • The Board did not sign requisition #2371 in the amount of $1,672.61 for protective clothing.  The Board would like to speak with the Fire Chief regarding the procedure for when firefighters come and go and how the gear is handled.
  • The Board signed a thank you note to John Meserve of Merrimack Savings Bank for the contribution to the town of two conference tables and to Donna Judge who moved from town and is no longer a member of the Cable Committee.
  • The Board signed requisition #2411 for the installation of electrical service at the Town Beach Shed in the amount of $1,059.00
  • The Board signed requisition #2412 for the shipping charges to return 300’ recreational racing line kit in the amount of $160.33 to Recreonics.
  • The Board signed requisition #2414 for 10 kickboards to be used to teach participants in the swim program in the amount of $78.81 from Recreonics.
  • The Board signed requisition #2410 for swimsuits, sweatshirts, t-shirts  for the swim aids and lifeguards in the amount of $795.98 from The Lifeguard Store.
  • The Board signed requisition #2413 for swim lesson supplies in the amount of $314.26
  • Selectman Melvin motioned to commit $2,500 to the MS4 Stormwater Management Attorney representing the Town of Newton.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.
  • Adjourn
Chairman Thayer adjourned the meeting at 9:42.

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager