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June 6, 2013 Board of Selectmen Minutes


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
  • Scheduled Business
  • Cont review of new Town Vehicle Policy
The Board met with members of the Fire Department and Emergency Management to review the new Town Vehicle Policy.

A lively discussion took place on the pros and cons with some requirements listed in the new policy already covered under Fire Department policy.  The Board discussed that they used other policies written by other cities and towns as a guideline with the intent for this to be a municipal policy.

Members of the Fire Department expressed their concerns with not responding to a call if they have a nonemployee in their vehicle.  The Board’s concern is if an accident occurs then the town would be responsible.  The response was that the town would not be responsible for they have insurance on their vehicles and this policy will cut down those who will be able to respond to a call.  The town will check with LGC and Attorney Kalman to find out if a vehicle heading to a call and something happens would the individuals insurance policy cover the accident.

A discussion took place with the policy inclusion that town vehicles cannot go out of state.  The Board agreed that the policy does not differentiate emergency from non-emergency business which was not the intent and needs to be re-written.

The mileage log was discussed for there is a concern from the Fire Department for you cannot log before a call and after a call it may be difficult to remember for you just dealt with a situation and you may not be in a place to remember and would most likely be missed.  Maybe something on a wider basis, log only for non-emergency use.

Chairman Thayer stated that he feels that we put the cart before the horse and should have met with the Fire Department before we wrote one word.  We need to sit down with the Fire Department for there are too many things and we trust every person out there and we have no credentials to say if it is right or wrong.  

The Fire Department personnel in attendance asked the Selectmen to allow the department to put together a subcommittee to prepare a revised policy.  Some items listed in the vehicle policy are already department policy.  The Board agreed to the suggestion of a subcommittee but asked to move quickly and to get back to the Selectmen in a week’s time.

Chairman Thayer motioned to rescind the Town Vehicle Policy adopted by the Board of Selectmen on May 21st and recorded with the Town Clerk effective immediately.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Melvin motioned that the Fire Chief can take his vehicle back for 24 hour use.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

The Board asked the Fire Department to keep them in the loop as they move forward with the subcommittee and let’s set a date to have another meeting.  

The Board stated that the new Fire Department Command Vehicle is to be used by the Fire Department only and should be used when conducting fire inspections.

  • Cont review of raft for the Town Beach
The Board signed requisition #2420 in the amount of $1,406 for anchors, moorings, chains, decking and installation for the new raft per the recommendation of the Recreation Commission.

The Board signed requisition #2419 in the amount of $3,000 for a 12x12 aluminum raft for the Town Beach per the recommendation of the Recreation Commission.

  • Notice of Intent To Cut Wood or Timber for Map 004-07 Lots 001 & 009
The Board signed the Intent to Cut per the recommendation of the State Officials who visited the site.

Town Administrator Wrigley asked the Board if they want to talk to Town Counsel before meeting with other town’s to better understand what is coming our way with the proposed changes to the MS4-NH Stormwater Permits.  A coalition has been proposed to the towns & cities affected by the proposal with no one committing yet for they are waiting to see how much this will cost.  Comments on the draft permits are now due on or before August 15, 2013.  The Board agreed to meet with Attorney Kalman to listen to what he has to say and to get a jump on the details.

  • Adjourn
Chairman Thayer adjourned the meeting at 7:24pm.

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager