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May 21, 2013 Board of Selectmen Minutes


  • Call to Order, Roll Call Vote
Chairman Thayer called the meeting to order at 6:07pm.  In attendance were Chairman Raymond D. Thayer, Selectman Charles R. Melvin, Sr., Selectman Robert S. Donovan, Jr., Town Administrator Nancy J. Wrigley and Office Manager Mary B. Winglass.  The meeting was videotaped; minutes were transcribed and typed by Office Manager Winglass.

Chairman Thayer motioned to go into Nonpublic Session under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) - Tax Lien Property; (c) - Tax Deeding; (c) - Personnel Matters.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote.

Chairman Thayer motioned to close the nonpublic meeting at 7:07pm.  Per a unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply.

Chief Building Official Ron LeMere asked to meet with the Board in nonpublic regarding an urgent issue.

Chairman Thayer motioned to go back into nonpublic at 7:10pm under RSA 91-A:3 II (c) - Pending Claims.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous roll call vote.

Chairman Thayer motioned to close the nonpublic meeting at 7:30pm.  Per a unanimous roll call vote, the minutes of the meeting will remain confidential until in the opinion of the majority of the members the circumstances no longer apply.

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Introduction of Guests
  • Approval of Minutes (Review prior to meeting)
  • Scheduled Business
  • Seasonal Highway Worker
Road Agent Mike Pivero addressed the Board to request to rehire of Kyle Kozec as a Seasonal Highway Worker.  Pivero stated that Kyle worked last year for the Highway Department and would like to hire him again this year.

The Board gave the thumbs up for hiring Kyle Kozec at 12 to 15 hours per week working on regular maintenance to include trash pickup and site distance.  Kozec will be paid at Grade IV, step 2 with a hire start date of June 2, 2013.  

  • Business  Occupancy Inspection Fees and Hourly Rates
Chairman Thayer discussed that an issue was brought to the attention of the Board from a local company and the Board received a written complaint.  

Chief Building Official Ron LeMere talked about receiving an email to stop inspections until we have a meeting.  Selectman Melvin asked how the inspectors are getting paid to do this work with no funding attached to the regulation.  LeMere responded that the Business Application is done through the Code Enforcement budget which is how the process of applications is done and we are right on budget.

Selectman Melvin asked how an individual from the Fire Department is paid; LeMere responded that you would have to direct that question to the Fire Department.  
Larry Foote, Fire Inspector handed out information stating that inspections are mandated by the RSA’s.  Foote talked about the email that went out on May 1, 2013 requiring that no business occupancy inspections take place until the Selectmen are able to meet with the Fire Department and the Department of Building Safety.  Foote talked about the regulations with Federal Agencies and OSHA requiring that businesses must have MSDS sheets and if we are not doing inspections then we are not following the state and federal law.  Foote talked about the town facing possible liability issues due to violations.

Selectman Melvin added that his issue is that it seems that the legal businesses in town are being harassed.  Selectman Donovan added that he was told that these inspections were on a voluntary basis.  Foote responded that the information they are looking for is general information about the business.  They were not inspecting but gathering information for we need to start somewhere.  Selectman Donovan responded that the Board did receive a complaint from one of the businesses stating the inspector became very agitated with the personnel at a business site asking them to produce this completed form.  That is the reason why the Selectmen asked to hold off on business occupancy inspections until we find out what is going on.

Selectman Donovan addressed the fact that he was told that the forms would be mailed out and use a soft approach and if it did not work then we would go business to business.  Foote responded that the Fire Department is not going to wait for the forms to be mailed back as they are governed by RSA’s for inspections.

Selectman Donovan added that if it is a life safety then there is nothing the Selectmen can do about it but if it is a business occupancy inspection for the building department and code enforcement then we can address it.

Foote responded that life safety inspection is part of the fire code but it has never been enforced in town.  Foote added that he is working under the Fire Chief and every commercial business in town needs to be looked at under life safety.  Selectman Donovan added that we are talking about two separate issues; life safety and business occupancy permits.  The Selectmen did not ask for inspections to stop for life safety only business occupancy permits.

Selectman Melvin talked about the need to address the businesses not in compliance versus the ones that have been in business for 30 to 40 years and are inspected by the State of NH each year.  Foote responded that they are going to the legal businesses in town for they are unaware of the illegal businesses.

Chairman Thayer added that he feels that the Building Department and the Fire Department are working in good faith to make this work.  Selectman Donovan added that the idea was to sit down with Code Enforcement to address the business occupancy permits.  Foote responded that it was decided that Foote would visit the properties with Code Enforcement to reduce the number of visits by the town.  If the Board does not want it that way we can go our separate ways.

The Fire Department needs to continue their life safety inspections but the Board stopped the business occupancy permit inspections until they could determine what was being done.  Foote added that the Fire Department will be using the business occupancy form in order to obtain contact information etc.  Selectman Donovan reiterated that life safety does not fall under the Board of Selectmen but the business occupancy permit does and involves the Selectmen.

Chief Building Official Ron LeMere stated that there is a lot to life safety, the building code addresses life safety and the fire code addresses life safety.  LeMere read RSA 155:3 III (d) and stated that it sounds as like the Board is approving life safety but not the RSA for building safety.  There are many components in the building, plumbing, electrical, structural and the list goes on.  Life Safety includes components to keep the children in these buildings safe and to date after six months of working on business occupancies we have (15) businesses that we are working with and out of those we have (0) in compliance; that is what voluntary or soft approach is getting us.  The Board responded that they were unaware of the status; LeMere explained that what they were doing with the soft approach was not working so they went to the next step.  The first day that happens they were shut down; LeMere asked that the only thing he needs to know is whether we are going to continue the business occupancy business occupancy process that we put in place to comply with the law or are you directing him not too.  Selectman Donovan responded that last he knew we were still working under the soft approach.  

Selectman Donovan responded that the Board was unaware of the change, received a complaint and questioned the funding for this next step.  We find out there are employees out there knocking on doors and wondering how we are going to pay for it when there is no budget for it.  Selectman Donovan added that this meeting is to get answers to these questions not to attack one another.

LeMere responded that under Code Enforcement all Business Occupancy Forms and working with businesses are done through Code Enforcement.  The budget is right in line where we need to be and there have been no fees attached to the forms.  There will be no cost passed onto any business unless they are not complying.  Fire Inspections for life safety are paid through the Fire Department budget and we need to work together.

Chairman Thayer stated that he would like to see Code Enforcement move on with the 15 business they are working on and any new ones and to give copies to the Board to keep them update on their progress.  LeMere responded that he will give the Board a copy of a spreadsheet of the businesses that they are working on and would be willing to make it a monthly or quarterly report.  

LeMere added that what he is hearing is that the Selectmen need more information and we probably need to have better communication.  It is easy to just going through each day and forget as we move forward with our job and only get together when there is an issue.  Quarterly reports would help and approved permit information will help improve communications between the departments.

Chairman Thayer motioned that we lift the ban of May 1, 2013 to allow them to inspect everything covered under NH RSA’s and anything covered under Federal RSA’s.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Vote: Motioned passed with Selectman Melvin opposed.

Resident Trisha McCarthy gave input on when she was a Selectman they decided that Code Enforcement would come to the Selectmen with issues other than that not to let it out before it becomes an issue.

  • Inspection report on 19 South Main Street
Chairman Thayer added that only one party is present and the other party emailed stating that they were not available to attend tonight’s meeting.  Thayer added that the town is working on it and there is not a lot to be said tonight.  

Chief Building Official Ron LeMere address the issue pertaining to the complaint discussed earlier in nonpublic, under the Selectmen’s direction we are moving forward with findings and working with the owner of record and setting a date to meet within seven days and the notes are not for disclosure but we are actively working on the complaint.

Resident Stephen Surraci added that he is exceptionally disappointed and will seek legal advice against the town.  Trisha McCarthy added that the Conservation Commission discussed this at their last meeting and has scheduled a site walk at this property for potential wetlands violations.

LeMere added that the case is actively being investigated with a time frame on compliance.  Any information from residents will help the town to move forward and do what is necessary.  We are currently investigating and reviewing all facets and moving forward.  LeMere added that he met with the Selectmen this evening as part of the preliminary investigation.

James Doggett, Vice Chair of the Planning Board stated that the Planning Board has discussed this same issue and found concerns and sent a letter to the Board of Selectmen specifically requesting to issue a cease and desist order to prevent any further damage to wetlands and to come into compliance with a site plan and town ordinances.  

  • Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator Re: Computer password and budget expenditures
Bookkeeper/Payroll Administrator Rick Milner discussed that earlier this month the Selectmen directed him to give up his computer password to various entities and stated his preference to not give up this information due to having payroll and vendor information stored on the computer.  After he was directed by the Selectmen to do so but after some time the need for the password was not needed.  Milner added that he complied with the Selectmen’s directive and gave the password to the IT Consultant.  Shortly thereafter, Milner sent an email expressing how that may not be in the best interest of the town and the directive should be reconsidered by the Board.  Milner added that he has created a memo for the Board’s signature to have this directive in writing.  Milner added that to himself and everyone that he has spoken to about this subject it is a pretty serious situation for there are security reasons for having a password.  One is the security of the system and the information stored.  The other issue is that it shows who made the changes in the system for it is specific to the user.  If the password is allowed to be in various places with various people with potential access then when something irregular happens there is no way to track who did it.  The potential is for this information to be used and based upon internal controls it should be considered as we move forward.

Selectman Melvin stated that as a member of the Board of Selectmen he does not want Milner’s password but he does care about giving that information to the Town Administrator, Office Manager and the IT Consultant.  Milner responded that there is no reason for them to have it for the IT Consultant has their own way to gain access as the Administrator; neither should the Town Administrator and Office Manager have his password.  Selectman Melvin responded what happens if Milner is suddenly unable to come to work; Milner responded that the IT Consultant with administrative rights can reset the password.  Milner added that if those working on the issue had discussed with him prior to making a decision this could have been avoided.  So it is a matter of finding out the whys prior to just doing it.  Milner stated that he would be more than happy to speak with the IT Consultant to work through any issue.

Office Manager Winglass talked about working to resolve an issue with the Bookkeepers computer at the Town Hall when Milner was not in.  The IT Consultant asked Winglass for Milner’s password so he could see the printing problem that Milner was having.  Winglass went to ask Wrigley for the password and found Milner had just come into the office; Winglass asked Milner for his password and he responded that he was already logged into his computer and could see the IT Consultant working remotely on his computer.  Winglass added that she understands Milner’s reluctance to give out his password to the IT Consultant.  

After this incident Winglass spoke with the IT Consultant and asked him the best way to move forward with this issue surrounding passwords.  Winglass added that she is new to handling the IT at Town Hall as in the past it was overseen by the Town Administrator plus we have a new IT Consultant.  After speaking with our new consultant it was determined there is no need to have user passwords on file for if anything happened they could go in and reset the user login password.  Winglass added that she also worked with the consultant to put in place the option of allowing any employee to work directly with the town’s consultant, if they feel comfortable.  The IT Consultant does not want any passwords and if necessary in the future the employee would be told to reset their password.  Therefore there is no need to further discuss giving out passwords to the IT Consultant.

Milner talked about the need for internal control and by handing out his password does not allow for control over his computer which stores confidential personnel information.  Chairman Thayer asked who has your password.  Office Manager Winglass responded that it has been the policy of the town for all passwords to be held by the town’s IT Consultant and the Town Administrator but now that she is handling the IT contract for the Town Hall it was agreed to have the passwords stored in the vault in the Selectmen’s Office.  This has never been a problem ever in the town and should be looked at as far as internal control for having the passwords secured in the vault is not an internal control problem.

Milner asked Winglass why you need his password.  Winglass responded that it is her understanding that this policy of the town is in place as part of knowing the town’s computer equipment, software and passwords for access if necessary and is an internal control for those in charge.  Milner discounted Winglass’s responses for having his password on file for it is not a recommended practice by many that he has spoken too for the town has internal controls through the IT Consultants as they can reset any password.  Winglass responded that in all the years she has been with the town there has never been a problem so why does Milner anticipate a problem when the passwords are locked in the vault.  Milner responded there is potential access and by limiting the password to one person and if something does happen then it limits the potential problem.  

Town Administrator Wrigley added that in the past the IT Consultant worked directly with the Bookkeeper and passwords were held by the IT Consultant and the Town Administrator.  Wrigley added that what she is hearing tonight is that the IT Consultant does not want the passwords.  Wrigley added that Milner’s computer is one of the biggest concerns due to the personnel information stored and she understands that if someone logs in under his user id and password then he could be found guilty.  Selectman Melvin made it clear that both the Town Administrator and the Office Manager are very honest and reliable employees and feels they should have the passwords on file.

Road Agent Mike Pivero asked a logistical question, can you put in a second user and password for town administration access.  Pivero responded that as the owner of his business he can access all information.  Milner responded that once you are logged in then you can see everything on his computer.  Winglass asked if Milner has a separate login and password for ADP.  Milner responded that he did not say that he would not give up that information.

Selectman Donovan asked if we can get a second login and password to Milner’s computer so we can end this tonight.  A discussion took place regarding application login and passwords.  Milner responded that the only one is with ADP, no password for his DacEasy Accounting Software.  Milner added that there are already four logins on his computer so we can change some of the old logins.

Resident Jim Doggett discussed having an administrator to the computer systems.  Selectman Donovan stated that we agreed that every employee will maintain their own password as long as IT can reset the user login passwords.  

Winglass added that since she has nonpublic information on her computer and there is potential for other departments as well therefore we should check with all town employees to find if they have any concerns.  Since we currently have all passwords on file we should inform the employees to reset their password.  The town policy needs to be updated with no passwords to be given to the IT Consultant unless by the employee.  Winglass will work with IT to create a separate login to the Bookkeeper’s Computer for town administration.  We have policy that needs to be revised to show this change but again there has been no issue and to make it an issue today when there is no basis for concern is just that, creating an issue.

Town Administrator Wrigley added that we recently hired this new IT consultant firm and what do we know about them and now we are being asked to leave our computers on every Monday night.  No of us knew what was taking place; Office Manager Winglass took care of that but it is unchartered territory for we had our last IT Consultant for 26 years.  For application software a separate login and password will be set up so access can be obtained if necessary.  Winglass asked Milner if he would send an email with this information and asked her to include her in the email as well; Milner agreed.

Budget expenditures

Milner addressed expenditures that were not budgeted for and would like to keep the Board informed to make sure we are planning ahead.  The expenditures are for the new building at Merrimac Road, NEMO storm in the emergency management and highway budgets with some reimbursement from FEMA and the Transfer Station Security System.  They total around $60,000 with some reimbursement but we need to plan as we move forward.  Milner will have another quarterly report next month.

  • RMON Networks quotes for upgrades to include a server, firewalls and antivirus
Winglass explained to the Board that at the last meeting she gave the Board a recommendation from RMON to move forward with the purchase of a server, three firewalls and new antivirus and has come back with prices.  The options are for a three year lease for this equipment and the other is to purchase it all in one year.  For budgeting consistency, Winglass and Diane Morin recommend the three year lease option.  By going with the lease option gives us a 60 day “opt out” option which we would then pay the balance due on the equipment.  Winglass added that RMON is very good to work with and we like what they are doing, we have had a few hiccups as discussed tonight but that will happen with any change.  Right now we are paying on a contract for maintenance on equipment that the town does not physically own for the contract includes the maintenance on a server.  With this upgrade the Fire Station, Town Hall and Transfer Station will all be working off the server.  If the server goes down our contract would allow us to be back up and running in 24 hours.  We will have automatic backups as well which is some of the upgrades that was determined that the town needs when the contract was signed.  Chairman Thayer asked how we are going to pay for this upgrade.  

Town Administrator Wrigley added that this would be an unfunded purchase and is what Milner was talking about earlier in the meeting; it does not mean there is no funding but it was not anticipated.  Winglass responded that the lease option is a better option for an unfunded purchased not anticipated this year.

Winglass explained that our current contract for IT Services with RMON is for one year with a second year option.  RMON is willing to draw up an addendum to extend the contract for three years with the lease option and the 90 day “opt out” option.  Town Administrator Wrigley asked if the workstation in her office currently used as a server could be moved; Winglass will speak with RMON about changing the location.  The Board was unsure of what funding would be available for this purchase.  Winglass expressed her concern with backups not happening on a regular basis which is a concern that needs to be addressed sooner versus later.  

Winglass added that whether we purchase or lease the town would have to purchase a network switch and ups for the server which is a onetime purchase of $1,348.00.

The Board agreed to go with the three year lease recommended by Winglass and Morin.  Winglass will have RMON generate an updated contract and we can check on budgeting for this lease option; the Board agreed to review this option at our next meeting.  Town Administrator Wrigley asked if we can find out more about how the server will work for when we take the computers home to work on the weekends.  Winglass will check with RMON on options as far as the setup.    

  • Recreation Commission Re: Hiring for the 2013 Swim Program and update on holding a Martial Arts Instructional Program
The Board reviewed documentation for the hiring of the following individuals for the 2013 Swim Program.

Selectman Melvin motioned per the recommendation from the Recreation Commission the hiring of Emily Paullis as a Swim Aid, pending successful completion of First Aid certification at Grade IV, step 2.  Her start date is June 9, 2013 with an ending date of September 7, 2013.  Emily has her CPR certification and will be acquiring her First Aid certification before her start date.  The Commission interviewed Emily and was very impressed with her professionalism.  She has been recommended by the Swim Director Maia Drucker as well.  Second by Chairman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Town Administrator Wrigley suggested reducing the wording on the motion to hire to include the recommendation to hire pending any certifications with the grade and step, effective date and the hours.

Selectman Melvin motioned per the recommendation of the Recreation Commission to hire Sarah Paullis as a Swim Aid pending successful completion of her First Aid certification at Grade IV, step 2, not to exceed 30 hours a week with a start date of June 9, 2013 and ending date of September 7, 2013.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Melvin motioned to hire Marissa Morton as a Swim Aid pending successful completion of CPR and First Aid certification at Grade IV, step 1 not to exceed 30 hours per week with a start date of June 9, 2013 and ending date of September 7, 2013.  Second by Chairman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Selectman Melvin motioned to hire Caroline Babcock as a Swim Aid at Grade IV, step 1 not to exceed 30 hours a week with a start date of June 9, 2013 with an ending date of September 7, 2013 and she has all the necessary qualification for the position.  Second by Chairman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

Update on holding a Martial Arts Instructional Program

The Board reviewed a memo from Town Administrator Wrigley to find out any risk management concerns with holding karate classes this summer at the Town Hall hosted by the Recreation Commission.  Local Government responded that we would need a certificate of insurance naming the Town of Newton as additional insured and if someone gets hurt they would investigate to see if it was negligence on our part or if Ocasio’s is liable.  The Board responded that they agree with holding classes at Town Hall as long as Ocasio’s can produce a certification of insurance.

  • Cable Committee Re: Re-instatement of a Cable Operator
Chairman Thayer motioned to hire Tavish Forsyth for he is back from college and per the recommendation of the Cable Committee to reinstate Tavish as a Cable Operator for the summer at Grade IX, step 3 not to exceed 30 hours per week effective today.  Second by Selectman Melvin.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Official Website Re: History of Zoning Ordinance
Jim Doggett member of the Planning Board addressed the Board with an updated ordinance and policies to be put on the website and asked for the history to be removed for the old ordinances become obsolete.  Doggett explained that he has had to direct some to use the current ordinances and having the old and new on the website can be confusing and a potential liability.  Selectman Melvin responded that he would like it to stay under history to show change over the years.  

Office Manager Winglass who is the webmaster for the Town of Newton explained that currently there is a history link on the Planning Board page, clicking on this option then shows the 2010 and 2011 Zoning Ordinances.  Since the town is historical in nature with past agendas and minutes, town reports showing the changes as the town moves forward; having the zoning online falls under the same category.  

Doggett’s concern is having this information accessible for the average person will use the current zoning but some are using the old zoning for they like it better than the current.  Doggett added that when speaking with counsel he stated that it needs to be removed off the Planning Board page.  Doggett added that the Planning Board has the history of zoning in the office if anyone needs that information.  Selectman Melvin added that the Zoning Board of Adjustments uses this information for they often times are making decisions based upon the history of zoning.  

Doggett responded then we need to remove it from the Planning Board page for when they use an old document they get upset when the Planning Board responds no, that is not our current ordinance.

Doggett asked to move the history of zoning ordinance under a separate link on the Planning Board page.  Winglass agreed and stated that she spoke with the Chairman of the Planning Board this morning and agreed to the same option of moving it to its own link on the Planning Board page.

Planning Board Administrative Assistant Rick Milner added that this was discussed last year and the Planning Board was not allowed this option.  Milner added that a directive was not given but he tried to come down to communicate and tried to get these moved off the page.  That is when the history link was created and that is why they put it in writing this year.  Milner added that he feels that the Planning Board as an elected Board has the right to what is on their page for they deal with these issues every day.  Doggett responded that it seems reasonable to create a separate link for this history.  Winglass agreed for she does not feel that past zoning ordinances are “outdated” documents but instead shows the history of the town’s zoning.

Winglass stated that she has been overseeing the website since it started in 2005 and never had anyone come back to say that she did not work with the department and apologized for any misconception for that was never the intention.  Last year it was discussed and that is when the history link was added to the Planning Boards page.  Winglass questioned the benefit of taking the information off the website versus putting a history link and that is how she remembers the discussion last year.

  • Planning Board recommendations for RPC Commissioner Appointments
Selectman Donovan motioned per the recommendation of the Planning Board to appoint Mary Allen and James Doggett as the Town of Newton’s representatives to the Rockingham Planning Commission for a four year term.  Second by Chairman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Transfer Station Re: Options for Recycling of Refrigerants
Melvin read a memo from acting Transfer Station Manager Tom Difalco stating that J&D Recycling will take all refrigerants for free.  All Clean & Green will recover all refrigerants from appliances for free leaving the town with the light iron.  J&D Recycling Services will come in and take the unit.  Right now residents pay to dispose of these types of appliances and right now we pay $9 to have a company come in to take out the refrigerants and then we junk the remainder of the unit as metal.  Selectman Melvin stated that technically we will save about $9 per unit by using J&D for they will remove the unit and take out the refrigerant for free.  Selectman Donovan added that we are better off with J&D for they take the whole unit and leave.  Winglass added that she spoke with Difalco and the town’s current vendor is good and works through NRRA and is state certified.  Since Freon is hazardous waste we need to be careful and make sure they are DES certified.  The Board talked about the possible liability by removing the refrigerants on site and what happens if they spill and then they bust up the unit and if any refrigerant remains then it could be spread over the site.  Selectman Melvin calculated that we receive about $0.35 per unit from the metal pile and due to the liability issue the Board was in agreement to move forward with J&D Recycling.

The Board asked Winglass to check with J&D Recycling Services for a certificate of insurance and a contract for the Board to sign showing no cost to the town for the removal of items and to get a copy of their state certification.  

  • Per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds from the State of NH Homeland Security and Emergency Management in the amount of $943.98 as a reimbursement for the purchase of a HP Laptop and Software for the Emergency Management Department.
Selectman Thayer motioned per RSA 31:95-b to accept and expend unanticipated funds from the State of NH Homeland Security and Emergency Management in the amount of $943.98 as a reimbursement for the purchase of a HP Laptop and Software for the Emergency Management Department.  Second by Selectman Donovan.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.

  • Update on 2 Amesbury Road
The closing for 2 Amesbury Road is this Friday and the Board signed the deed and a resolution allowing Selectman Charles Melvin to sign on behalf of the Board of Selectmen on Friday.  The deed was notarized by the Town Administrator.  

Email from a resident asking about the property and what can be done or built at that site.  The Board asked for Winglass to respond that this property is under the Village District zone and referred them to speak with the Planning Board regarding the use of the property.

  • 8 Merrimac Road Re: Committee - Future Expansion
Town Administrator discussed that this committee will study the future use of the property; Chet Bearce is willing to show them around the building.  Wrigley suggested that we look for residents with construction, engineering or tradesmen plus those that are just interested in this project.  Selectman Donovan is interested in being a member on the committee as well as Selectman Melvin.  Wrigley will work on a write up for the website.  

  • Review of Town Vehicle Policy
Selectman Donovan looked over the policy with just a couple of changes.  All the Selectmen were in agreement with the changes.

Selectman Melvin motioned to adopt the vehicle policy on May 21st by the Board of Selectmen with the amendments.  Second by Selectman Thayer.  Motion passed with a unanimous vote.  The Board signed the cover sheet, the effective date is today.  Wrigley will send the policy to all department heads tomorrow.  If anyone has questions have them put it in writing to the Board of Selectmen.

  • Announcements
Memorial Day Parade is on Monday, May 27, 2013 starting at 11am.

  • Other Business, Sign Manifests, Requisitions, Abatements, Tax Credits, Correspondence and Appointments
The Board signed the Vendor Manifest dated 5/17/13 in the amount of $474,431.13
The Board signed the Vendor Manifest dated 5/21/13 in the amount of $274.21
The Board signed the Payroll Manifest with a pay date of May 24, 2013.

The Board signed the following recommendations from Town Assessor Andrea Lewy.

  • The Board signed to approve a Veterans Credit and Elderly Exemption for Map 001-01-013
  • The Board signed to disapprove a Veterans Credit for Map 005-04-016  
  • The Board signed to approve a Veteran’s Credit for Map 004-06-3-1
  • The Board signed to approve a Disabled Exemption for Map 007-02-1-16
  • The Board signed to approve a Disabled Exemption for Map 007-03-002
  • The Board signed to disapprove a Veteran’s Credit for Map 008-3-11-22
  • The Board signed to approve a Veteran’s Credit for Map 008-3-11-37
  • The Board signed to approve a Veteran’s Credit for Map 008-3-11-47
  • The Board signed to approve a Veteran’s Credit for Map 008-3-11-55
  • The Board signed to disapprove a Veteran’s Credit and Elderly Exemption for Map 010-7-006 for they do not qualify for this year for they moved into town after the cutoff date
  • The Board signed requisition #2391 submitted by the Fire Department for $2,500.
  • The Board signed a Tax Abatement for Map 006-13-002 in the amount of $1,422.19 for tax year 2010; $3,565.04 for tax year 2011 and $971.01 for tax year 2012
  • The Board signed a Tax Abatement for Map 010-2-10-6 in the amount of $8,300 for tax year 2011
  • Selectman Melvin talked about how there is no Selectmen Liaison to the Planning Board and he would like to fill this position for the potential conflict is no longer an issue.  The Board agreed for Selectman Melvin to be the Liaison to the Planning Board.
  • Town Administrator Wrigley informed the Board that she spoke with Bruce Mayberry regarding the update to the impact fee schedule.  Wrigley asked Mayberry to come in to explain his recommendation at a cost of approximately $400.  The Board agreed to meet with Mayberry but would like to review the report prior to the meeting.
  • Adjourn
Chairman Thayer adjourned the meeting at 11:05.

                                                Respectfully Submitted,

                                                Mary B. Winglass, Office Manager